
Rebirth as villain and heroine younger brother

Lucky is a boy who reincarnated in a different world can he survive in this world or does he failed to survive let's see that in this novel. In this novel there are many adventures and magical things so let's join Lucky in his journey

Lucky_Kumar_Singh_2252 · Urbano
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15 Chs

Problem solved

3rd person pov -

Santosh summon the PICHACHINI and ask her to solve his financial problems.

Santosh - Help me to earn infinite amount of money.

PICHACHINI - Sure I will help you to earn infinite amount of money. But everybody wants money what else do you want.

PICHACHINI is taking advantage of males weakness. She wants to seduce Santosh so that he will soon become her slave.

But Santosh remember the old man words.


Remembering this Santosh say

Santosh - I just want to earn money.

Hearing this PICHACHINI get angry and sad but she quickly recovers and say.

PICHACHINI - Why not but you have to invest 50 million in Tata shares and at 12:30 pm sell them tomommrow.

Santosh do what she says and quickly go to his office and call his manager.

Santosh - Hello. Yes it's me. Listen invest 50 million in Tata shares.

Tomorrow at 12:30 pm Santosh again call the manager and tell him to sell all the Tata shares. By selling them he got 350 millions.

With this money Santosh easily clear all his loans. When he got home he see PICHACHINI waiting for him.

PICHACHINI - My love now my summoning purpose is done. Now do you want me to go or do you want to make a contract.

Santosh remember the old man words. He says " WHEM YOUR PURPOSE IS DONE. SEND HER BACK "

Santosh is going to send her back but then he gets greedy and think

Santosh thought - Untill I don't forget my purpose and don't fall for her words. I will be safe and with her help I can get so much money.

Thinking that Santosh ask

Santosh - What type of contact is this ?

When PICHACHINI hear this she understands that she now has her summoner in her hand.

PICHACHINI - Just some of my simple whises and I will help you earn more money.

Santosh - What are your wishes ?


1) You will never tell me to go back.

2) You will not summon other sprits.

Just that and if you agree I will help you to earn so much money that you will becomes the wealthiest man on earth.

Santosh thought - Just that who wants to send a gold mine like you away.

Santosh - Ok I am ready.

Santosh don't know that this will be his worst desission in his life.

PICHACHINI thought - Got you

PICHACHINI - Ok. I am pleased to become your partner. Are you married ?

Santosh - Yes. Why do you ask ?

PICHACHINI - No just getting to know you better.

PICHACHINI - Yum yum yum It's been a long time since I eat a child soul. I can't wait to control me.

Now now girl control you can't ruin the chance to eat child soul as well as getting a slave in 100 years.

Let's see what happen when Santosh make a contract with an evil sprit.