
Rebirth as villain and heroine younger brother

Lucky is a boy who reincarnated in a different world can he survive in this world or does he failed to survive let's see that in this novel. In this novel there are many adventures and magical things so let's join Lucky in his journey

Lucky_Kumar_Singh_2252 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

New family

As I am continuing with my thoughts I hear a knock on my door and  when I see it is my mom well a new mom. she says

Anu - Son how are you feeling now ?

Lucky - I am now good mom sorry for worrying you now. I am feeling better now.

Anu  - you don't have to be sorry son as a family we will always worry about each other now rest.Your body need to get heal quickly. You remember  right that your birthday is coming soon and  you are going to start your school soon.

Lucky - yes mom.

Lucky - system can I see other peoples information too ?

System - your host you just have to say their name and you can see their information

Lucky - okay system show me my mother's information.

As I say this I see a green panel in front of my mother face.

Name - Anu Singh

Level - 20 

Strength -100

Agility -150

Charm -175

Stamina - 125

Ability - martial arts level 10 , piano level 15 cooking level 20 ,medical level 5

Occupation -army major

AS i see this I think damn my mother is strong and see also army officer wow I am so lucky to have a mother like her.

Anu - Son is there something on my face you are keep looking on me.

Dammit I think I stare her too much.

Lucky - nothing mom.

Anu -okay

My mother said this and get out of my room now I get some free time I look at my room again and now I can see that this is a very luxurious room and it is also very big.

Lucky -System how rich is my family ?

System - Host your family is 990th richest family in the whole India. And 10000th richest family in the world.

Lucky - okay

I get out of my bed and see a large mirror I think now I should look at my face as I started to go and look at my face in the mirror I see a very cute boy in front of me his hair is white and he has red eyes I think I get married from my mom and my white hair I think I should probably get it from my dad.

As I am seeing my newself in the mirror I here my door get opened and I see a middle aged man with white hair he is sweating from top to bottom as I see him I quickly realises he is my father well my new father he kept looking at me and then he says.

Santosh - Son I am so happy now you are fine do you know  how worried  I am please take care of your health from now on as he say this he quicklycome and kneel down and hug me very tightly and kept saying loving  words in my ear like he love me so much ,  I am his whole world thinks like this. 

After sometimes my father let me go now I look at him he is a very handsome man now I know where I  get my good looks from and then I quickly say to system show me my father's information.

Name  -Santosh Singh

Level - 31

Strength - 150

Agility - 180

Stamina - 190

Charm - 160

Ability martial arts level 15 ,business skill  level 20 ,piano level 30

occupation businessman

After sometime my father get out of my room also now I think about it I need to ask a very important question from system.

Lucky - system can you tell me how should I use my points.

System - Host you can use points to buy skills, to improve your skill level and to improve your stats.

Lucky - where can I buy skills?

System - Host you can buy skills from the system shop.

Lucky - why don't I see shop in my system then ?

System -host you need 100 points to unlock the system stop.

Okay now  I have to find hero and villains to get points now lucky get ready to fight in this new world.

Quickly night comes and my mother call everyone to get dinner  as I sit in the dining table I see two new members and I quickly know who they are the left one is my big brother Alok and the right one is my big sister Priya I said between middle of them.

Alok/Priya - Lucky now you can able to join us in dinner am so happy for you they say this in union.

They kept giving me foods and big brother also say let me feed you lucky and feed me from his hand. After sometime I say to system so me big brother Alok  and big sister Priya status.

Name - Alok Singh

Level - 04

Strength -.21

Agility - 16

Stamina - 30

Charm - 91

Ability - Martial arts level 01, Piano level 02

Status - Villain

Name - Priya Singh

Level - 04

Strength -19

Agility - 22

Stamina -28

Charm - 95

Ability - Martial arts level 01, Piano level 02

Status - Heroine

Both my big brother and sister are twins and they are 12 years old.

As I see their status I get to know that my sister is heroine and my brother is a villain. And I also get notification from the system.

[You talk with villain 4 times you get 4 points ]

[ You talk with heroine 3 times you get 3 points ]

Lucky - I ask system can you tell me which story is my big sister heroine and which story is my big brother villain ?

System - No host this world is a mixture of many stories so we can tell in which story is your sister is heroine and your brother is villain they can be hero and villain in many stories combined.

Lucky - Do fight each other because they are villain and Heroine ?

System - They can fight host I can't tell clearly.

I quickly make a decision I will never let them fight. I can't make my brother and sister fight this surely get along with each other.

Lucky -  Is there a way to stop them from fighting each other ?

System - yes host there is a card in system stop which will stop enimity between hero and villain which is natural you have to buy that card.

Okay now I also have to protect my family.