
Rebirth as villain and heroine younger brother

Lucky is a boy who reincarnated in a different world can he survive in this world or does he failed to survive let's see that in this novel. In this novel there are many adventures and magical things so let's join Lucky in his journey

Lucky_Kumar_Singh_2252 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Making new friends

Lucky pov -

As I enter in my classroom I quickly see Aman and Harsh. So we are classmates that means getting points will be more easy.

When I am scanning my class to see if there is any hero, heroine and villain there I see three peoples

1st is a hero name Raj [ 70 % hero ]

2nd is a hero name Tanu [heroine]

3rd is a villain name Gopu [Villain]

So now we have a child protagonist I see that nobody is sitting near Raj so I go to him and ask

Lucky - Can I sit here ?

Raj - wwwWhat ! You want to sit with me ?

Lucky - Yes. Is there a problem ?

Raj - No please sit.

Lucky - Thank you. My name is Lucky. What is your name ?

Raj - My name is Raj

Then we continue to talk with each other untill teacher come.

Teacher - Ok class sit down. Today is the first time we meet so let's introduce ourself. Like this the class continue.

In the Lunch break Aman and Harsh come to me.

Aman - Hey Lucky do you want to eat with us ?

Lucky - Why not. Do you want to come with us Raj.

Raj - You sure ?

I am going to say it's okay untill I hear a voice.

??? - No he is coming with us.

I turn to see who it is and I see the villain Gopu.

Gopu - Raj do you bring what we ask for ?

Raj - Yes Gopu

I see that Raj is taking out his lunch going to give it to Gopu. I quickly stop him.

Lucky - Why are you giving him your Lunch.

Gopu - Because he has to.

Lucky - Raj is he bullying you ?

Gopu - What if I am ?

Lucky - Then I will complain it to the teacher.

Gopu - Are you a coward? If you want me to stop bullying him then fight me if you defeat me I will stop bullying him but if I win you also have to give me your Lunch.

Lucky - I am ready.

Raj - Lucky please no Gopu is very strong please stop.

Untill now the whole class is gathered around us.

Aman - Yeah Lucky stop you don't have to stand up for anyone.

Harsh - Yeah just stop.

But I don't pay them any mind and say to Gopu.

Lucky - You ready.

Gopu - Oh yes I am.

After saying that he come to me running but due to increase Agility for me he is very slow.

I easily doage his punch and then hit him in the stomach and then I hit him in the face and he kneel down infront of me.

Lucky - You lost. Now you should never bully anyone in the school. Is that clear.

Gopu - Yes

By defeating Gopu I quickly get notification from my partner.

[You defeat a lower class villain. You get 40 points. ]

[ You change the story a little. You get 100 points ]

[ Raj lost 10% of his Hero status. You get 100 points.]

[Your level increase you get 50 points ]

The third message get me confused.

Lucky - Hey partner why does Raj lose his status. I clearly helped him.

Partner - I think it's because he is a child protagonist. He will become protagonist when the original Raj die. I think bullying from Gopu is his 10% reason of death.

Lucky - So do I do a good job ?

Partner - Yes host you do a very good job. You just save someone's life even if it is a little bit.

Lucky - So that means Raj will become a normal person when he lose his Hero status.

Partner - Yes host. Same applied on Villains and heroine also.

Lucky - Ok

Raj - Lucky are you okay ? Thank you for helping me.

Raj voice break me from my thoughts.

Lucky - No problem. That's what friends do.

Suddenly I get a notification from my partner.

[Raj licking to you 50]

[Tanu licking to you 20 ]

Hearing this I think look like the heroine is interested in me.

Lucky - Now let's go to eat something I am very hungry.

I see Aman and Harsh talking to each other.

Lucky - You guys are comming

They quickly come to us. Then Harsh ask.

Harsh - I hear you have a weak body but you are strong.

Lucky - My family takes good care of me.

I said this continue to go to our class for having Lunch.

I think I should quickly know about this world.