
Rebirth as villain and heroine younger brother

Lucky is a boy who reincarnated in a different world can he survive in this world or does he failed to survive let's see that in this novel. In this novel there are many adventures and magical things so let's join Lucky in his journey

Lucky_Kumar_Singh_2252 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Increasing threat

Lucky pov -

Partner - Careful host. That PICHACHINI is behind you.

What will I do now ? GOD help me.

As I am thinking that I hear a voice.

PICHACHINI - You are a very different soul. You have two different types of soul. When I first come in this house, my soon to be slave said he lives with his three sons but I sence that there is one more adult male in this house except my soon to be slave and his butler.

PICHACHINI - You have one adult soul and one child soul. It's my first time seeing this type of thing. I am going to make Santosh my slave but I think I will change my mind. I am going to make you my slave. Sleep well slave because from next week you won't be able to sleep comfortably. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I almost got heart attack. What the hell ? How the hell this happen. FUCK



PARTNER - I think host we understimate her very much. I forget that even though KARAN PICHACHINI is the one of the lowest creatures. They still used to be gods.

Gods ?

Lucky - What do you mean by that partner ?

Partner - Oh I forget to tell you host. KARAN PICHACHINI IS A CURSED GOD. They got cursed because of their greed of power , hunger and sex.

Lucky - Explain it to me. Tell me full story.

Partner - Ok host.

Partner - KARAN PICHACHINI are one of the most beautiful females in the world before but they are very greedy for sex and power. They get power when they feed on human souls because human souls are purrier than many other creatures. But one day A KARAN PICHACHINI meet a saint name " RISHI ". HE is a very powerful person. And he is known for his will which is " To never touch any female ". One day he is meditating when that KARAN PICHACHINI see that person and she wants to eat his soul because of how powerful his soul is. Then she go to him and see his meditating. Seeing this she touches his private part.

One RISHI fell someone touching him he quickly open his eyes and see that one KARAN PICHACHINI touching his private part and see his "sperm" in her hand.

He is very angry because one his meditation get disturbed and other is that his will to " "never touch any female " break. He quickly get up and say

Rishi - Hey PICHACHINI you break my will. I curse you. You will fall down to the lowest universe and never able to get out from there and they beauty you PICHACHINIES are so proud will disappear and you all become the most ugliest creatures in the whole universe.

Hearing this that PICHACHINI get scared and started to ask for forgiveness

PICHACHINI - Please have mercy on this lowly creature. Please have mercy. Don't take my beauty and send me to lowest universe.

After asking for forgiveness for hours RISHI fell bad for her and her whole face who he cursed than he say

Rishi - I can't take my curse back but you can come to higher universe if someone summon you and you can live in higher universe by becoming slave of who summon you.

PICHACHINI - Thank you

But because PICHACHINIES are very greedy and arrogant creatures they can't accept to be become anyone's slave so they started to eat their summoners family soul and because they can't eat their summoner soul they capture their soul for 1000 years and make them their slave. And that's how they become an evil creature.

I nooded on my partner explanation then I ask something which I want to know

Lucky - You say other creatures. Are their other creatures other than humans

Partner - Yes host their are many creatures.

Lucky - You say lower universe. What do you mean by that.

Partner - Host you can see universe as a circle. Every higher universe will one day become lower universe and every lower universe one day become higher universe. Currently you are in the middle and slowly you are going towards lower universe.

I must know about those universes before I fight any supernatural creature.