
Rebirth as villain and heroine younger brother

Lucky is a boy who reincarnated in a different world can he survive in this world or does he failed to survive let's see that in this novel. In this novel there are many adventures and magical things so let's join Lucky in his journey

Lucky_Kumar_Singh_2252 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


Lucky pov -

I come in my room and then ask my partner

Lucky - Partner how am I going to fight PICHACHINI

Partner - Host with the help of wind element you can use high speed so try to stay away from her as much as possible

Partner - Host they are weak to wax so pick some candles and if she capture you stab her in the back of her neck because that's her weak point.

Lucky - Ok

I want to continue talking when suddenly I hear a voice from my back

??? - Nice to meet you

I look back and see a very beautiful woman in Black saree ( Indian dress ) , she has dark hairs , has black eyes and long legs.

If I am not a child then I am sure I will surely get a reaction by seeing her

Partner - Host come back she is using her illution on you. Don't fall for it

By hearing system voice I come back to reality.

I look up to her again only to see her confused then a black gas covered her and after the black gas remove I see her original face. Her face is very scary. She has cut marks on her face , her nails are dark and big like a knife and she look extremely scary.

I look down on the floor only to see that I pee in my pants because of fear. Then she say

PICHACHINI - You sure are amazing. It's been 1000 years since some one get out from my illusion by himself. You should must be very tasty. I can't wait to eat it. Hahahahahaahha

3rd person pov -

PICHACHINI come close to Lucky but with the help of wind he quickly go to the other end of the room.

PICHACHINI got more confused and talk to herself.

PICHACHINI thoughts - Wind sprit power I think human forgets to weild supernatural powers. Unlit yesterday when I see him he don't have those powers. No I can't kill him untill I know how he get those powers.

Desided that she quickly go to him with a speed that can't get away from her and grab Lucky.

Then she stand him with her nails

Lucky - Arghhhhhhhh

Lucky scream and then PICHACHINI move her hand and Lucky continue to scream. Then she grow a third hand in her body and take Lucky blood and started to make a circle around herself and started to chant.

Suddenly Lucky partner call him

Partner - Host quickly stab her from the wax. She started the self summoning by using your blood if she successfully summon herself by using your blood then she will take your soul with herself and make you her slave for 1000 years.

Hearing this Lucky slowly take out the candle due to pain and with the help of wind power he make the candle sharp and then take out the candle to stab PICHACHINI.

PICHACHINI is too focused on chanting that she don't notice candle suddenly she open the eyes and scream

PICHACHINI - Arghhhhhhhhhhh

She felt the pain in the back of her neck and then look up to Lucky


Lucky don't say anything and PICHACHINI continue

PICHACHINI - I knew it you are not a ordinary boy. Now that I don't make you my slave I will destroy you.

Lucky use his power and quickly get behind the PICHACHINI and stab her again

PICHACHINI - Arghhhhhhhh you bastard mother fucker.

Lucky wants to stab her again but she kick Lucky on the left and go to the other side of the room and try to open the room but because of old man power she can't open it.

PICHACHINI - Argh why can't I open this room.

PICHACHINI thoughts - If I don't drink the medicine quickly I will die.

She started to kick and punch the door but the door don't open after some time she stop and see Lucky lying on the floor.

PICHACHINI - So you guys are fully prepared. But what do you think I lost.

PICHACHINI - No no no if I can't eat your soul or make you my slave then I will take you in my universe, " THE LOWEST AND SCARIEST UNIVERS " then I see how you will be able to save yourself.

Then she go to Lucky and grab him by his neck and go to his stomach and started to chant something and Lucky scream

Lucky - Arghhhhhhhhh

After few seconds She take out a blue like ball from his body and destroy it.

Then suddenly a black portal open on the floor and both PICHACHINI and Lucky disappeared in that and then the portal closed.