
Rebirth as villain and heroine younger brother

Lucky is a boy who reincarnated in a different world can he survive in this world or does he failed to survive let's see that in this novel. In this novel there are many adventures and magical things so let's join Lucky in his journey

Lucky_Kumar_Singh_2252 · Urbano
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15 Chs

Evil sprit

Lucky pov -

It's been one week since I started going school and save Raj from his bullies after that Gopu lost his villain status and then he actually become a nice kid. He apologized to everyone he bully and started talking nicely to everyone.

Lucky - Partner why do you think so Gopu suddenly becomeing nice

Partner - I think it's because he lost his villain status. Status can really effect people's mentality.

Lucky - So that means a villain can be a nice person and a hero can be a bad person.

Partner - Yes host it's to because in Hero stories villain always be a bad person.

Hmm after that I go to my home. When I enter my house partner suddenly say to me shacky voice.

Partner - I feel a very negative energy coming from the house. It's a energy of a



Partner - It's a evil spirit/entity. It gives you money and power if you make her happy by doing her worship.

Lucky - Is it not a good thing ?

Partner - No host. It gives you money and power but it will have " sex " with you and make you weak and kill every single female near you. Then she will make you do a certain thing after that she will start to control you then she will take your soul and go to her world and make you her slave for 1000 years.

Lucky - What is that " certain thing " you tell ?

Partner - I don't know host every PICHACHINI has it's own thing. Some wants you to kill someone or some wants you to take others money by blackmelling them.

Lucky - So what should we do now ?

Partner - You have to start your spritual training very soon. You have to collect atleast 2000 points for buying basic sprit technique.

Lucky - But is basic technique enough for her. I mean from the way you describe her she sounds like a very powerful sprit.

Partner - Host she is the lowest and weakest evil sprit. So it's enough but you have to be quick host. Her energy is very weak now so we have atleast 1 week time to learn, find and defeat her.

Lucky - Find her. You say she is in this house.

Partner - Yes host. She is in this house but I don't know who summon her so we have to find the person who summon her.

Lucky - Ok. I will quickly call Aman,Harsh and Raj and make them talk to me as much as I can buy telling them to come to my house for playing.

Partner - Yes host. You must be quick.

After that I call them and invite them to my house then we play some games where we can talk as much as we can. And by invitating Raj. His status again decrease by 10% and by changing a little much story I gain some extra points.

In the blink of the eye one week passed and I invite Aman, Harsh and Raj regularly because of this I gather 1950 points and also with changing a little story every time.

Raj status also go down from 70% to 40% now. And I am happy for him but I must quickly gather 60 points more so that I can fight that PICHACHINI.

In house I see that Father who look down from sometimes suddenly started to become very happy. Partner says that look like my father is the one who summon PICHACHINI.

Santosh - Hey guys I. Very happy today let's take a vacation. We are very busy since Lucky recover. We also have to celebrate his recovery.

Mother - Not now baby. I am very busy because of other countries attacking us so I think after 3 weeks.

Alok/Priya - Yes dad we are also busy with our school work because in 6 months we have our boards exam ( A very important exam in India )

Lucky - Dad I also make some friends and I want to spend some time with them so please other time.

Santosh - You make some friends son " CONGRATULATIONS" I am very happy for you. Okay look like all of you are busy so we will go after some time and we also have to celebrate Diwali ( A festival in India )

So we can't leave house.

After that everybody eat dinner and go to bed when I am sleeping. I suddenly hear my partner voice.

Partner - Host be alert that evil sprit is coming near you.

I am shocked then I hear a voice.

PICHACHINI - Hello cute little human.

I am not even strong enough to fight her. What should I do now ?

Bhagwan ( God's name in Hindu ) please help me.