
Rebirth as a Shadow Raven

Long time ago Earth was invaded by otherworldly creatures - monsters. The human population was almost decimated and most succumbed to despair. Luckily with monsters came a foreign new Energy, 'Mana'. Humans started to awaken, gaining strength beyond belief and managing to push the monsters back, creating a continent for humans to reside in. Abandoned by his family, betrayed by his friends and killed by the monsters... It was a short yet painful life of Kai Steele, a person who was regarded as one of the weakest humans. However, for some unknown reason his conscience was sent back in time. " Why is it I who gets something so powerful, yet lame? " A new adventure of Kai, the Black Death begins!

Gurdon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs

The Goblin City

"This will take a while..."

Observing the massive city in the distance, Kai couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh. He expected to face a difficult challenge since this was an F Rank Dungeon, however, this was a bit too much.

From the real estate surrounded by the massive stone walls, he could roughly estimate that the goblin population was above 50,000.

Of course, not every single goblin had to be a fighter. Most likely, since it is a city, it has its own ecosystem where there are guards, merchants, normal citizens, blacksmiths, etc. If Kai had to guess, he'd say that there were around 10,000 soldiers living within the city.

Taking a seat on a nearby rock, he crossed his arms and began to think.

There was no way he was going to rush into such a fortress without any plan. It would simply be a suicide attempt.


However, Kai was unable to ponder for too long because, suddenly, a lonely trail of sparks arose from the city. Some kind of projectile soared high in the sky that was already getting dark.


The resounding boom echoed through the air, followed by a beautiful explosion of various colors spreading across the sky.

The fireworks display captured Kai's attention, drawing his gaze away from the daunting city. His eyes widened for a second.


For a second he was frozen in place. Kai knew that goblins were intelligent but he had never heard of them being able to craft fireworks.

Bang... Bang...

As the initial burst of colorful explosions painted the dusky sky, Kai found himself momentarily transfixed. His eyes widened, reflecting the kaleidoscope of vibrant hues that bloomed above the fortress city.

The fireworks danced and swirled, each detonation sending shimmering trails of light across the darkening heavens. Brilliant crimson flowers blossomed, only to be swiftly replaced by cascades of sapphire, emerald, and gold. The bursts seemed orchestrated, a symphony of light and sound that transformed the horizon into a canvas of ethereal beauty. Sparks flew in graceful arcs, trailing behind like comets streaking across the night sky. Some explosions resembled celestial stars momentarily taking residence amidst the darkness before fading into the ether.

The air was filled with the crackling and popping of fireworks, creating a symphony of sound that accompanied the visual spectacle. Whistles and bursts of light intertwined, casting an enchanting glow over the landscape.

Goblins were celebrating something.

"I should investigate..."

Muttering underneath his breath, Kai began to move.

The descent was deliberate, each step a cautious negotiation of the uneven terrain. The rocky path wound its way down the mountain.

The closer Kai crept to the sprawling fortress city, the more evident the signs of goblin activity became. Towering tree trunks, their once verdant majesty now hewn and felled, lay scattered like silent sentinels along the way. Their massive forms, remnants of a once-lush forest, now formed a barrier - a stark testimony to the goblins' intent to clear sightlines, to strip the landscape of cover, making attacks on the castle harder.

As he cautiously traversed, the occasional glimpse of animal skeletons lay strewn amidst the plains. Bones of creatures long passed, their remains bleached by time and exposure, bore witness to the ecosystem disrupted.

It seems that goblins hunt quite frequently in these areas.

The city loomed larger now, its massive stone walls rising like monolithic guardians, etched with the scars of time and conflict. Towers pierced the skyline, formidable structures that reached defiantly into the heavens. From this vantage point, the city seemed both majestic and ominous.

Approaching the closest wall, Kai made sure to stay in the shadows. Although the goblins were celebrating it didn't mean that there were no guards.

Luckily, nobody noticed as he pressed himself to the wall.

While keeping quiet Kai began to slowly move along the wall, inching closer to the massive gate he saw from the mountain top previously.


Soon, he noticed torches flickering in the distance, marking the entrance.

Of course, the massive gates were locked, the metal bars sturdy and unyielding. Kai peered through the iron lattice, trying to discern any movement beyond the gate. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approached, and he swiftly retreated into the safety of the shadows. As the footsteps drew nearer, Kai made out the unmistakable silhouette of a goblin guard—a rough and burly figure armed with a formidable-looking spear. The guard grumbled to himself in the guttural language of the goblins, his gaze scanning the surrounding area with a mix of vigilance and weariness.

Carefully biding his time, Kai waited until the guard's attention momentarily wandered, and then, with agile precision, he reached for the goblin through the metal bars.

At the last second the goblin noticed Kai but it was too late.


With a swift and powerful movement Kai twisted the goblin's neck, making its body crumble to the ground.

'No witnesses..."

Smirking to himself, Kai reached for the keys hung by the guard's hip and quietly unlocked the gates, slipping inside. He also quickly threw the goblin's small body into his Spatial Ring, so there would be no signs of him and began walking.

Bang... Bang...

Soon, he emerged into an open space within the city walls, the echoes of celebration growing louder. The colorful bursts of fireworks continued to illuminate the sky, casting an otherworldly glow over the bustling streets.

Goblins of various sizes and occupations roamed the cobblestone paths, their animated chatter filling the air. Merchants hawked their wares from makeshift stalls adorned with trinkets, weaponry, and exotic goods. The scent of roasted meat wafted from food carts while laughter and merriment echoed from nearby taverns.

Kai moved stealthily, melding into the shadows, observing the goblins' festivities with a mix of curiosity and caution. He made sure to keep to the edges, avoiding drawing undue attention to himself amidst the jubilation.

It was quite interesting to him.

How even monsters could have such civilizations.

If only these creatures wouldn't have destroyed the world in the vision raven had shown him, if only he wasn't killed by one of their kind in his past life, maybe he would feel some kind of empathy.

However, he didn't.

Kai didn't care whether they had feelings or not. He will kill the ones that stand in his way to kill the boss of this dungeon, presumably the ruler of this city, the king or a queen that resides in that castle.

Looking at the fortress standing in the middle of the city Kai smirked.

It was his first time hunting a king or a queen.