
Rebirth 92: Never Be an Honest Person

Shen Qing, who has worked hard for half her life and was only evaluated by an honest person, returns to the 92 years when she was reckless, and there are opportunities to make money everywhere. Thinking about all the regrets in his previous life, looking at the green plum next door he missed in his previous life... He swore that he would never be an honest person again.

VivaAshford · Urbano
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32 Chs

Chapter 14 - The Supply and Marketing Agency Comes to the Door

Liu Xun, general manager of the city's supply and marketing agency, returned home after work and put down the briefcase in his hand, "Dad, today you went to the hospital to check your health, what did the doctor say?"

The old man who was standing on the balcony watering flowers turned around, "Back. The doctor said I'm a bit weak, nothing else major."

Liu Xun changed into slippers, "Dad, why don't you go to the Chinese hospital for two days and I'll find an old professor for you to regulate your body?"

Although it may cost a lot of money, he can take it back to the unit for reimbursement, just open his name on the bill.

The old man waved his hand, "No need to be so troublesome, just get me two bottles of wine from the unit."

Liu Xun froze for a moment, "Dad, you're not in good health, it's fine if you don't want to go to the hospital to recuperate, why are you still drinking?"

His father didn't smoke, but liked to drink, and it wasn't that he couldn't afford it, it was just that at this age, it was better to drink less.

"What I want is not ordinary wine, it's a strong wine that nourishes the body and prolongs life. That's a nourishing medicinal wine brewed by the palace imperial prescription prescribed by the national physician sage, which contains ginseng, deer antler, ganoderma lucidum and many other valuable herbs, isn't drinking this better than going to the hospital?"

Drinking wine can also nourish the body, how happy it is, he doesn't want to go to the hospital to drink those bitter and astringent medicinal soups.

Liu Xun froze for a moment, "Medicinal wine? Dad, where did you hear about this?"

The old man picked up the flyer from the coffee table, "Here, it's written here. Come back from work tomorrow and pick up a few more bottles, and give me a bottle for your Uncle Li and Uncle Zhao to try as well."

After his son became the general manager of the listed supply and marketing agency, the family has never spent money on food and clothing.

Isn't it reasonable to have some loss when products are transported and stored?

Strong wine?

Liu Xun always feel a little familiar, as if two days ago the purchasing office mentioned to him over here, said that a lot of customers are going to the supply and marketing center want to buy this strong wine.

Not to mention, after reading this flyer, he would like to try this strong wine.

There are actually so many valuable herbs, and not only can prolong life, but also can nourish Yang Qi, his age, indeed some times out of power.

Since the old man wants to drink it, then the supply house will purchase a little to try.

Looking at the phone number on it, isn't it from this city?

Then go and sign the purchase contract tomorrow morning, and it will appear on the shelves of the supply house in the afternoon.


Eastern Strong Liquor Distillery.

Shen Tianming looked at the Zhuang liquor that had been filled out and had almost filled up the already small warehouse.

Tomorrow during the daytime 10,000 bottles of strong wine could all be filled, but now there was still no order for a bottle.

He knew that his son had taken people to send out flyers, although he felt that the flyer advertisement seemed to be very attractive, but the effect in the end how, before seeing the results, no one can guarantee.

If these wines are not sold this month, not only those creditors will certainly come to block the door again, the family can only eat chaff next month.

"Dad, the production is going well, why are you still not happy? Worried about bad sales?" Shen Qing actually felt that the production efficiency of the winery was too low.

It was only 10,000 bottles of wine, but it actually hadn't been filled for two days and two nights.

The main reason was that the equipment was rather old, and a lot of it needed to be operated manually, so when he had the money in the future, he would replace it with a fully automated one, which would both improve efficiency and save on labor costs.

However, it is still more cost-effective to use manual labor, and do not have to pay social security, the wage is not high, and do not complain about the pain and fatigue.

In a few years it will not work, then you need to pay social security for workers, and workers' wages began to rise rapidly, how many large state-owned enterprises is dragged down by the workers' wages.

Shen Tian understood his son's glance, "You've been leading people to send out flyers for two days, but not a single person who called to order wine."

Also said that the supply and marketing agency will take the initiative to purchase, where is the person?

The son is still too young, thinking that reading a little more, will do business?

We have to find a way to borrow some more money, and tonight we will go to invite the leaders of the procurement office of the supply and marketing agency to have a meal and send some gifts.

With the purchase order from the supply and marketing agency, at least it will let those debtors know that they can afford to repay the debt and are willing to wait some days.

"Dad, don't worry, the people from the supply and marketing society won't come today, and they will come early tomorrow. When negotiating the price, you must remember that the price of our wine can't be lowered, if it's too cheap, who will believe that our wine can be nourishing?"

Ten dollars a bottle, Shen Qing also think it is the price of conscience, those who collect IQ tax health care products, the cost is even lower than their this, the price is several times more expensive.

Shen Tianming was about to ask his son where he got his confidence, when he saw the factory's cashier quickly running over, full of excitement.

"Factory Director, Factory Director Shen, hurry back to the office, Xu Division from the Purchasing Department of the Municipal Supply and Marketing Organization is here and wants to buy our Strong Wine!"

The cashier was very excited, the factory's wine wasn't selling, and they were all worried that the factory would be yellow one day.

Now it's good, the city supply and marketing society to purchase, the amount must not be small, finally do not have to worry, at most the salary later.

Anyway, they are all retired and rehired, a little later to open does not delay the meal, as long as you can open the salary on the line.

Shen Tianming instantly turned his head to look at Shen Qing, really let this kid hit the nail on the head, the city supply and marketing agency took the initiative to purchase their strong wine.

Reading more is really useful, worthy of being his Shen Tianming's son!

Shen Tianming strides towards the office, and after entering, he enthusiastically stretches out his hands, "Xu Division, hello hello, I am Shen Tianming, the director of the Oriental Strong Liquor Distillery, and I used to work at the city distillery."

Xu Division stretched out a hand and shook Shen Tianming's hand briefly, "Plant Director Shen, our city supply and marketing cooperative in order to carry out the spirit of enriching product varieties from the top, coupled with the desire to support local enterprises, so we selected your winery, and intend to enter a batch of wine to try to see if it is good enough to sell."

"If it sells well, we'll have a long-term cooperation."

Shen Tianming was overjoyed, "Many thanks to the city supply and marketing agency, many thanks to Mr. Xu, that one has a cigarette."

Xu Division raised his hand to block: "No need, let's talk about the price. Sign the contract right after the deal is done, and load the truck today. Same as other families, the payment for goods quarterly settlement, the second quarter is almost over, you guys these with the third quarter together."

Ice City cigarettes also take out? How also have to red Pagoda Mountain to be able to do, this winery seems to be unable to get any oil water ah.

Shen Tianming look at each other do not smoke, they do not have the good sense to point, sit down smoothly: "Xu Department, we have a bottle of one catty of this strong wine, the wholesale price is a bottle of eight dollars, the retail price of a bottle of ten dollars, the supply and marketing society is ready to purchase how much?"

"Wholesale price how much?!" Xu Division looked surprised, "Your small winery produces wine, a one catty bottle costs eight dollars? Do you know that the city distillery's Beidahuang, the most expensive kind of wholesale price of a bottle is only four dollars two, the cheapest bottle of two dollars six."

"Mr. Xu, you can't compare it like that. Our this is a tonic wine, palace imperial formula, there are more than ten kinds of valuable herbs in it, the cost is high, this wholesale price already doesn't earn any money."

Shen Tianming thought that the cost of a bottle after blending was only a dollar or so, he was a little hot-faced.

But of course he also wanted to sell more money, so he first negotiated to try, and then lowered the wholesale price some more if it didn't work.

"One more thing, we want to give fifty percent deposit first, the final payment can be settled at the end of the month." Shen Tianming said stiffly.

The son said, the negotiation is to ask for the price in the sky and pay back the money on the ground, although it is not necessarily possible to make it if you raise it, but if you don't say it, you definitely don't have it.

If their family winery has no more money to turn around, production will have to stop.

Xu Division heard this condition and stood up at that time, "Plant Director Shen, our city supply and marketing agency procurement is regulated, it seems that you do not want your wine to appear on our shelves."

The payment for goods is settled monthly, and there is also a fifty percent deposit, the city distillery does not even have this condition!

Shen Tianming hurriedly pulled Xu Division, "Xu Division, we have this eight dollars wholesale price and ten dollars retail price, your profit margin can be higher than selling other wines."

"The deposit is fine if you think it's too much, a lower percentage is fine, but it definitely has to be settled at the end of the month."

As soon as Shen Qing heard his dad say this, he knew that his dad was in too much of a hurry to be taken by that Xu Division.

Xu Division sat back in his chair and crossed his legs, "The wholesale price is five dollars a bottle, it is not impossible to ask for a deposit, you can give ten percent, but it must be settled quarterly."

"And you this wine transportation will have loss, this you to bear, just five percent."

The general manager named him to purchase this strong wine, could he just pat himself on the back? This was nothing more than a means to negotiate the price.

If he negotiated well, he would be able to get credit and climb up the ladder.

Even if he doesn't get promoted, it doesn't matter, he has a lot of oil and water in this position.

Why does he personally come to talk about every procurement, it is because he firmly believes in one principle - more fish, more money.

Five dollars a bottle, Shen Tianming actually heart already want to agree, this profit margin has exceeded two hundred percent.

But the deposit is only ten percent, but also quarterly settlement, and even five percent of the loss, have to continue to talk ah.

Hey, son why go, just now that is to give me a wink it?

This kid to do what?