
Chapter 477

Bill Gates is indeed not very popular in America, and he knows it himself, but when he leaves America, he is even slapped with cakes, probably even he himself did not think of it.

  The photo is blank and somewhat aggrieved, which is indeed what Bill Gates thought at the time.

After the photo was sent back to America, it immediately became the headlines on the front pages of major sections such as technology, finance, and finance. The people who eat melons and commentators basically gloated and did not criticize Bill Gates at all. What the person on the cake meant was that he was touting him as "Robinson, Prince of Thieves".

If there is a selection of the most unpopular rich man in America, then Bill Gates is estimated to be on the top of the list, even though in fact, compared to the old rich man, Bill Gates is quite good, Charity is also really doing things, but its reputation is still astonishingly bad. Now in America, it has a faint feeling of being synonymous with villains.

  In the middle of the lawn of the villa, when Jim Clark brought up the stalk between Bill Gates and the cake, there was a burst of laughter. Everyone knew that he was mocking Bill Gates, and there were opponents in Belgium.

   "So Jim, would you help Bill Gates if he sued that warrior?"

   Someone on the scene who didn't think it was a big deal, whether it was someone from Silicon Valley or a reporter who sneaked in, asked Jim Clark.

  Hearing this question, Jim Clark couldn't help but smile, "People always make mistakes. This is the price of growth. I think he is just too young!"

With a few fluffy words, Jim Clark will throw the person who threw the Bill Gates cake, given **** as "young and frivolous and ignorant", in short, Bill Gates and a young man who made some "mistakes" , what is there to care about?

   "Because of some relationship, Netscape had to form a team of the best lawyers in Silicon Valley. Similarly, if the young Belgian needs it, Netscape can provide him with legal assistance for free!"

Jim Clark said that he wished that Bill Gates would sue the other party in a rage. If Bill Gates wanted to sue the other party, he would definitely win, but for Bill Gates, apart from In addition to attracting dissatisfaction and ridicule from the outside world, he didn't get any benefits.

What's more, if Netscape wants to do something, it can take the opportunity to launch a public opinion offensive. This is like a rich man who wants to sue a beggar. Pity the beggar!

   Song Yang listened to Jim Clark and the rest of the scene, and Bill Gates' joking words, just listened, but did not express anything.

  Bill Gates is not made of mud, as long as his brain is not burned out by anger, he will definitely not sue that person, no matter whether he is a bad person or not.

In fact, Bill Gates didn't sue the other party immediately after being covered in cakes, and he didn't even leave the meeting. Instead, he changed his clothes and attended the meeting as usual, which shows how Bill Gates' mentality is. up.

   If he didn't clean up the other party on the spot, Bill Gates, who calmed down, would not let his tongue slip and sue the other party. Even if the other party was exposed by the media, that person is a professional touch.

   Not only Bill Gates, that man also used cakes to cover the faces of many celebrities, but others are not as famous as Bill Gates, nor do they have such great influence.

   To those who throw cakes, doing these things is all about becoming famous and gaining attention. He even said in an interview with the media that he wanted to write all these experiences into a book and publish it...

   "This may be an opportunity for Bill Gates and Microsoft!"

  Song Yang said to Irene who was holding his arm, no matter what the person who threw the cake was thinking, Bill Gates is indeed the victim now. If Bill Gates gives up suing the other party, it may not really be able to restore part of the public opinion.

Even if it is a little more extreme, and Microsoft is directly included in this incident, and public opinion is raised to the outside world, Microsoft is just like Bill Gates' experience this time, being sued for anti-monopoly for no reason, just like It's like being bitten by a nerve!

  Listening to Song Yang's words, Irene's eyes showed shock. She didn't expect that she could still play like this, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that she could really do so.

It is estimated that no one will listen to those big truths, but this kind of thing, it is estimated that countless people who like to join in the fun will be affected, and it may not really make this wave of public opinion back. Like a big goose that was fooled by the hot sauce, after a burst of laughter from the melon eaters, a certain goose was crowned with a silly, white and sweet image. A wave of public relations has changed a lot of public opinion!

There is one thing that Song Yang hasn't said yet. The experience of Bill Gates this time may be of some help to him who is about to participate in the Capitol Hill Inquiry. Those members of Congress will never be like this time. , I should also make Bill Gates look bad, and I should give him some face.

  After the speech, Jim Clark greeted the crowd for a while, and then walked towards Song Yang with a plate of cold food.

  Jim Clark and Song Yang are also old acquaintances, and naturally there are not so many politeness between the two parties.

   "It was a wonderful speech. I heard that Netscape has an advantage in the American states and overseas markets. I believe that Netscape can get the most just trial of the federal law!"

  Song Yang said to Jim Clark who was eating a cold meal, and complimented Netscape.

  Jim Clark swallowed a plate of cold food in a few mouthfuls, drank another large glass of champagne, and said to Irene beside Song Yang, "I'm really sorry, I haven't eaten for a day."

Wiping his lips, Jim Clark was not as confident as he was in his speech just now, "This lawsuit has never really ended, and no one knows who will win. This is the Federation, and this is America. Anything is possible. occur!"

   It can be seen that Jim Clark actually has no idea how far the lawsuit will go. It seems that Netscape has the upper hand, and the outside world also supports them. The Federal Department of Justice is also on their side.

But Microsoft is really too powerful. How many congressmen on Capitol Hill support Microsoft? There are too many dollars that Microsoft can come up with. Sprinkle, sprinkle for the American states, it is really possible to buy victory with a dollar!

  Jim Clark invited Song Yang to a corner of the villa. Seeing this, Irene knew that Jim Clark was going to talk to Song Yang alone, so she stepped aside with a perceptive excuse and started talking with all the female guests present.

   "Song, I want to say that when I first met you, you were still selling your double-click advertising system to Netscape with a letter of recommendation from Kevin Kelly!"

Jim Clark sighed and said to Song Yang, recalling the scene when the two met for the first time, looking at Song Yang in front of him, it was difficult for Jim Clark to connect with Song Yang when he first met, "I Remember when you..."

Song Yang also remembered the scene at that time. Jim Clark was in the Netscape office building, shouting at Wall Street investors and Netscape executives. At that time, Jim Clark became famous. He was the founder of SGI. Immediately sending the first Internet company in Silicon Valley to go public is really a sight to behold.

   At that time, Song Yang was just a fellow from Texas like Jim Clark, and for this reason, Jim Clark made an exception to meet Song Yang.

   "If at that time, Netscape agreed to Song You's plan and let the Netscape browser operate for free, there would be no such troubles now!"

Jim Clark drank another large glass of wine, and said with emotion that when they first met, Song Yang boldly proposed to let the Netscape browser operate for free to attract users, but was rejected by Netscape Yes, the result is now that Microsoft seized the opportunity to launch a free IE browser, and it was a crushing defeat!

Listening to Jim Clark's "heartfelt words", Song Yang shook his head and said, "Netscape is still the most important company in Silicon Valley and one of the most important companies on the Internet. All users need to enter the Internet world through Netscape. Netscape was the gateway to the Internet..."

  Jim Clark couldn't help laughing a few times when he heard this. A year ago, when he heard this, he knew it was touting Netscape, but when he heard it now, he felt a burst of irony.

In the latest Internet data survey conducted by a third-party data survey company, Netscape's market share has changed from a rivalry with Microsoft at the beginning of the year to less than 30%, that is, the browser market has been occupied by Microsoft IE Seventy percent.

This is still in America, and placed in the overseas market. Netscape's rhetoric when it went public, to go to sea and occupy overseas markets, has become a joke. In the browser market outside of America, only IE is known, but Netscape is not. .

   One of the most ridiculous industry jokes that Jim Clark heard this year is that some overseas Internet users complain that the IE browser is too difficult to use. It would be great if there are other browsers that can replace IE!

But laughing and laughing, Jim Clark couldn't laugh. I know that Netscape is the world's first browser, but it's only been so long, and some people have already forgotten about Netscape!

   "If this lawsuit is lost, I am afraid that in a few years, some people may forget about Netscape."

   Jim Clark said with a bit of self-mockery.

  "If Netscape loses, there will be a new Internet company that will become an opponent of Microsoft. For a beast, it will never have enough to eat until it is defeated by others and licks its wounds!"

   Jim Clark said to Song Yang meaningfully, and at this time he did not forget to provoke dissension, "I have seen everything that Alcatel mobile phones do. This is the best mobile phone I have ever used."

As he said that, Jim Clark took out an Alcatel P1 mobile phone and threatened that he was the most loyal user of Alcatel mobile phones, but when he changed the subject, Jim Clark said, "I heard that Microsoft is also launching its own WP Mobile phone operating system, Song, you have to be prepared, don't let the Symbian system repeat the mistakes of Netscape in the mobile phone industry!"

   It sounds like Jim Clark is speaking from the bottom of his heart, but inside and outside the words, he is all encouraging Song Yang to fight with Microsoft. It is better not to act first now, and Microsoft will take the lead in the future.

Jim Clark didn't expect Song Yang to respond to him. He just planted a thorn in Song Yang's place. He said this to countless people when he started his tour. SUN President McNealy , Yahoo's Yang Zhiyuan, AOL's Case and others are included. With so many Internet upstarts, there will always be someone who will challenge Microsoft, even if Netscape has fallen!

   Jim Clark talked a lot with Song Yang, and Song Yang could clearly feel that Jim Clark did have the mentality of "retirement", or he was preparing to quit Netscape.

"Song, if Netscape continues to face Microsoft's antitrust lawsuit, Netscape may face some difficulties, whether it is revenue, market share or other aspects. If it reaches... that point, Song, you will Won't support Netscape?"

Song Yang frowned, seeing Jim Clark looking at him, "Of course, without Netscape, there would be no double-click today, and there would be no everything I have now. If necessary, double-click can increase the influence on Netscape. Advertising, ICQ will also support Netscape..."

  Song Yang never denied Netscape's help to Double-Click. It was not for Netscape, and Song Yang's first pot of gold would not have been obtained. Song Yang never denied this point, and never evaded it.

   Jim Clark interrupted Song Yang, "Song, you know that's not what I meant."

   Staring into Song Yang's eyes, Jim Clark looked serious, "If we reach the final step, we may need reorganization or mergers to save Netscape, Song, will you make a move?"

  Jim Clark almost made his point clear, and asked Song Yang if he was interested in Netscape, and if Netscape would sell himself, would Song Yang make a move.

  Under the gaze of Jim Clark, Song Yang shook his head slowly, "I'm sorry Jim, whether it's double-click or ICQ, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do all of this. Netscape is too huge, but..."

   "If necessary, I can cooperate at that time, so that Netscape can complete the reorganization or merger at a price that suits its identity!"

Jim Clark, who was originally frowning, immediately showed a clear expression when he heard Song Yang's words. Song Yang was telling him that he couldn't afford Netscape, but when Netscape really wanted to sell himself, then he Can help raise the price.

   Just like whoever attacks Ping'an County, the 358th Regiment will definitely help. Song Yang is also here.

  Jim Clark heard the meaning of Song Yang's words, and smiled on his face. He liked Song Yang's attitude, and he was never soft when he stabbed a knife at a critical moment!