
Chapter 358

Chapter 358 Exploded

  Carl Icahn couldn't help being stunned when he heard what Michael Milken said. He didn't know whether Milken said it unintentionally or meant it.

   For a while, Carl Icahn couldn't help being a little silent. Double-click is indeed not a "junk stock" company, at least it's much better than almost 90% of the Internet companies that sell dog meat today!

  But for so many years, the good companies that Carl Icahn has overtaken in America are not one or two companies. Carl Icahn doesn't care about one more company.

  But when Milken said this, Carl Icahn couldn't help asking, "Milken, did you hear something?"

   Milken shook his head and said with a smile, "I have been banned from Wall Street for many years, what news can I get?!"

  Hearing what Milken said, Carl Icahn snorted. The skinny camel is bigger than a horse. On the surface, Milken was banned from Wall Street, and now he is just the boss of a smart toy company and an education company.

But for so many years, Milken's contacts and relationships on Wall Street still exist. His means of raising money are still beyond the reach of others. How many companies use Milken to build bridges to raise funds from Wall Street, Milken Ken draws a handsome commission from it.

If there is no news about Milken, Carl Icahn will never believe it. Even Milken has more ways than Carl Icahn. After all, Carl Icahn is really not liked by Wall Street, and he has done so many short positions. The company is regarded as a thorn in the flesh by many people.

   But Milken has raised funds for many companies, and has a huge network of relationships on Wall Street and even on Capitol Hill.

Seeing Carl Icahn's expression, Milken pondered for a moment, "There is indeed some news. It is reported that before Bruno Song left New York, he met Kravis of the KKR Group, and there may be other people, but What was discussed, I have no way of knowing!"

Milken and Kravis are contemporaries. The name of the barbarian at the gate of Kravis Wall Street also owes part of the credit to Milken. He also raised funds for Kravis, but like Kravis, it belongs to them The era has passed.

After finishing speaking, Milken stopped talking. For the sake of his "old partner", it was not easy for him to reveal this news to Carl Icahn. If it were someone else, he would not have to pay a high price. For the "commission", I can't even see him face to face.

  Hearing that Song Yang met Kravis, Carl Icahn couldn't help but think for a moment. He was a little ready to move, and wanted to increase the urge to short the Double-click Company, but he pressed it again, and decided to wait and see what happened.

   "Double-click will never be delisted. I believe Song, Creamer is just a clown. If necessary, I will go to New York to deal with that Creamer myself!"

  In the coffee lounge of the ICQ office building, this is a place for programmers and engineers to drink coffee, snacks and smoke.

   Now ICQ and other Internet companies are rapidly improving their remuneration and benefits. The previous scene where Double-click was born in a garage and a dozen people from Yahoo crowded into a dilapidated office is no longer possible.

Internet companies that have already started, now offer employees salaries comparable to Wall Street, as well as various welfare facilities, such as coffee, snacks, employee meals, gyms, transportation subsidies, housing subsidies, etc., have all begun to prevail in Silicon Valley. The time is also secretly contested, this is one of the best times for Internet engineers!

  At this moment, in the lounge of the ICQ office building, many people are also gathered, and they are also discussing what happened to the "brother" company Double-click Company.

  Double-click is not the only one affected by the stock price, ICQ, America Telecom, etc. are also talking about it.

  Evan Spiegel, who came to the lounge, threw down his coffee after hearing the discussion of the crowd, stood up and said to the crowd.

   "I will take out a million dollars to buy the stock of Double-Click, I believe in Boss!"

All the people in the lounge stared blankly at Evan Spiegel. In the past six months, Evan Spiegel has been rapidly promoted within ICQ. They all know that Spiegel, Song Yang, and Gai Luo and the others had a good relationship, but it was beyond their imagination to really support Double-click with real money.

Evan Spiegel's family background is not bad. His parents are well-known lawyers. In the past six months, he has also received a high salary on ICQ's side, spending a million dollars. For Evan Spiegel Gale is nothing at all.

I have been hanging out with Gallo for a long time, and I hang out with him when I have nothing to do, and I go to the training ground of the Blackwater Company to shoot targets. It is inevitable that Evan Spiegel, who used to be bookish, now speaks with some gangsters .

  In the lounge, after cursing Creamer, Evan Spiegel came to Song Yang's office. He knew that Song Yang had been in the ICQ office building these days, and seemed to be planning something.

   "Boss, I can't let that Creamer continue like this. ICQ has also begun to be affected. Even our overseas partners have started to ask about it!"

  As soon as he entered Song Yang's office, Evan Spiegel yelled at Creamer directly, with a few dirty words from time to time, in a typical Gallo style.

Hearing that Evan Spiegel wanted to take out a million dollars to buy double-click stocks to express his support, Song Yang couldn't help but glance at Evan Spiegel, wondering if this guy is really so caring , It's still **** lucky, Kravis and Edison are almost ready, and it is expected to start today!

   "If you're going to buy Double-Click stock, you'd better act fast!"

  Evan Spiegel, who was scolding, suddenly raised his head when he heard this, his eyes widened, and his heart trembled suddenly, "Song, what do you mean..."

The phone on Song Yang's desk rang suddenly, and Song Yang pressed a red button. For the sake of stability and to prevent future troubles, Song Yang used a confidential protection phone to prevent being monitored. Some things can be done, but they cannot be said. , especially not being caught.

Song Yang had to guard against Edward Winslow's group, whether they would be ulterior motives and use special means. Winslow still has a lot of influence in the Federal Ministry of Justice, and Song Yang didn't want to say anything on the phone. Being monitored by someone, and then at a certain time, it suddenly became "evidence in court", or was exposed in the media...

Glancing at Evan Spiegel, Song Yang picked up the phone, and Kravis yelled excitedly, "Cramer and those lunatics, they double-clicked the short-selling rate of the company." , to achieve 87%!"

Such a short-selling rate is already a bit scary. It means that more than 87% of the 30 million outstanding shares of the double-click company, that is, 26 million shares, are shorted. Creamer and the hyenas on Wall Street think To close the position, you must buy 26 million shares of the double-click company before you can close the position, but the problem is that double-click, KKR Group, and Deutsche Bank Investment Bank will offer these tradable shares to Creamer and the others Close the position?

   "Now the double-click repurchased shares, plus the double-click shares purchased by KKR Group and Deutsche Bank Investment Bank, have exceeded 21 million shares, accounting for 70% of the outstanding shares!"

  Kravis took a deep breath, "The remaining 30% of the double-click company's outstanding shares are mostly in the hands of small and medium-sized investors and some institutions. It may be difficult to acquire all of them!"

Those who are still holding on now and unwilling to hand over their bargaining chips, except for the extremely low-cost Wall Street institutions, most of the rest are old leeks that have already lost money. Liga Great Lakes is immortal.

   "Song, now is the time!" Kravis's deep breathing voice could be clearly heard across the phone.

   After hearing this, Song Yang said to the phone, "Then, let's start!"

  In an unremarkable office building in New York, in order not to attract the attention of Wall Street colleagues, this time KKR Group and Deutsche Bank Investment Bank did not put the location on Wall Street, but chose a New York office building as their base.

  At this moment, in the first floor of the office building, a group of the best trading traders from KKR Group and Deutsche Bank Investment Bank have gathered here, sitting in front of the computer, constantly staring at the Nasdaq that is about to open.

Kravis, who finished the phone call, felt like he was dreaming back to the past, nodded to Edison who was sitting aside, then got up and said to the twenty or thirty traders on the office floor, "Start buying double-click stocks, regardless of everything The price, today I want to double-click the stock price, and it will be more than 30 dollars at the close!"

   Turning around, Kravis looked at Edison, "Is there any problem with Deutsche Bank?!"

Once it starts, starting from today, both sides will start to invest a large amount of US dollars into the market, plus leverage, who knows how many US dollars will flow into Double-click Company in a day, there must be sufficient ammunition, Deutsche Bank Investment Bank It acts as an ammunition depot.

Edison smiled contemptuously, looked at the double-click stock price on the big screen in front of him, and showed a bit of arrogance on his face, "As long as I can win this time, if necessary, I can get the authorization from the headquarters of Deutsche Bank to mobilize Deutsche Bank in America. funds!"

   Today's Nasdaq is extremely lively. All financial and financial media are also staring at the double-click stock price. The Yahoo Finance Channel, which was just established by Yahoo, is live broadcasting in real time.

  As soon as the Nasdaq opened, the double-click started the free fall again, and saw that it was heading for a price of less than $4, and it fell directly.

  Seeing this scene, countless investors in Nasdaq felt that, as Creamer said, the stock price of double-clicking today might fall below one dollar!

Even some old leeks who bought double-click stocks and wanted to turn a Harley into a Porsche were a little desperate when they saw this scene, and began to wonder if they were going to liquidate their positions, fearing that if they didn't sell them, the roots of the leeks would be cut .

   Even the media began to prepare for today's headline. After all, double-clicking couldn't stop Creamer's air strike.

   But when the outside world is discussing whether Double-click will lose to Cree default or will be delisted, the double-click stock price has become a bit abnormal.

  The experienced old leek found that when the stock price of double-click fell to $4, it seemed to stand still, and it would not go down. Seeing this scene, the old leek knew that double-click might start to protect the market.

   Creamer and Wall Street institutions obviously also saw this scene, and the empty orders suddenly began to fall like snowflakes. In just a few minutes, hundreds of millions of dollars in empty orders appeared.

  You can double-click the stock price, but it still doesn't move like a mountain. The price is abruptly at 4 dollars, and a straight line is drawn, which makes people wonder if there is a problem with the screen.

   And just over half an hour later, when the speed of empty orders slowed down, the stock price of the double-click began to slowly rise.

  From four dollars to five dollars, it was raised to nine dollars in the blink of an eye, officially recovering half of yesterday's lost ground.

   Then, under the attention of the entire Nasdaq, Wall Street, and countless financial media, double-clicking the stock price suddenly soared in a straight line, and the stock price broke through $20 in an instant...

  (end of this chapter)