
Chapter 156

Chapter 156 Refers to a deer as a horse

  Double-click President and Whitman led the team to New York, and was welcomed by the media. When Whitman and Ryan stood together, many technology industry and Internet media asked them various questions.

  Although I was also curious why Song Yang, the founder, did not appear with Double-click, but Double-click still feels what it is like to be the darling of Wall Street today.

   "President Whitman, what do you think the market value of Double-click will be after going public?"

   "Double-click listing financing will be 50 million US dollars as rumored?!"

   "There are rumors that the relevant agencies of the American Trade Commission are investigating Double Click. What do Whitman and President Ryan think of this matter?"

   Surrounding Whitman and Ryan, a group of media asked various questions. With the double-click to start sprinting to the market, not only good news came, but also various accidents and uncertainties.

   There are rumors that an American agency is investigating Double-Click Company, and it has always followed. Questions about whether Internet advertisements are compliant, whether email advertisements have been abused, and whether Internet advertisements violate user privacy have always been shrouded in Double-Click Company.

In particular, the newly established agency under the Trade Commission to manage Internet advertising is even rumored to implement Internet advertising bills, e-mail advertising and other bills, which is always the Damocles hanging over the head Sword, because no one knows how these bills will affect the double-click company.

Facing such questions, Whitman always smiled, as if he had nothing to fear at all. Although the Internet Advertising Law has a huge impact on Double-Click, but don't forget that Double-Click is just a middleman, and the real advertising platforms are still big website.

   "DoubleClick also hopes that a real Internet advertising bill will emerge in America, that Internet advertising will be the mainstream in the future, and digital advertising will be the future of the advertising industry..."

Faced with these problems, Whitman talked about double-click advertising as the future of the advertising industry, with a look of double-click advertising representing justice. If the Trade Commission targets Double-click Company, it is targeting the American Internet industry. Right!

The on-site reporters who choked on these words were a little speechless. I didn't expect to double-click here to be so talkative. Right now is the critical period of the general election. If the Internet industry is hit, it is indeed a slap in the face of the general. medicine.

But why, everyone knows that Song Yang is close to Houston, Houston and Texas are firm elephant party sites, and Whitman himself is also a supporter of the elephant party. , Cracking down on the double-click company, just does not support the current leader of the donkey party. There is always a feeling of inexplicable absurdity. I don't know if the world is changing too fast, or they are too slow to respond...

  When Song Yang, Spivey, Gleick and others went to the investment bank headquarters of Deutsche Bank in New York, the telecommunications and traditional industries, which had just passed the telecommunications bill a few days ago, suddenly received shocking news.

  Song Yang put down the "Wall Street Journal" in his hand, and sighed, "These giants are so fast!"

  Like a volcano that has accumulated for decades and suddenly erupts, industries such as telecommunications, media, and film and television suddenly erupt with soaring magma.

Greg, Spivey, and Marcus saw the newspaper that Song Yang put down. It was impressively stated that Disney was in contact with the Metropolitan ABC Group. Disney suddenly approached ABC, and it was self-evident what it wanted to do.

Just squeezed away his good friend Katzenberg who used to fight side by side, and the emperor Eisner who took charge of Disney. He urgently needed a big move to stabilize his power. It coincided with the passage of the new telecommunications bill, and Disney started in the media industry ready to move.

  Disney is not only eyeing the ABC Group, but also the NBC and CBS Groups in the hands of General Electric. Disney is in contact with them. Its ambitions in the media industry are no longer concealed!

Not only in the media industry, but also in the telecom industry, there are all kinds of dazzling true and false news, which makes people feel frightened. Verizon, Southwestern Bell Group of America, WorldCom, MFS, MCI and other telecom giants are all involved. Among them, there are rumors of acquisitions and mergers that start at tens of billions of dollars at every turn. It seems that if you don't make a tens of billions of dollars in acquisitions, you are not qualified to enter this game.

These news are true or false, but it is really frightening to read, just like Song Yang is eyeing the chaotic vacuum period of this year's general election and the launch of the new telecommunications bill. These giant companies have been waiting for this opportunity for decades. Now Basically, it's like a herd of tigers entering the sheepfold. If you look at any industry in America, everything is green leeks, and you want to take a bite!

  Even if it was expected, the madness of these giant companies still made the scalps of the three of Greck tingle. Compared with these giant companies, American Telecom was a bit choked up.

   I don't know how these telecommunications giants are busy fighting. Looking back, I found that someone wanted to poach their corners.

  Song Yang threw the newspaper aside, thinking that these giant companies are useless at all, and it is not what America Telecom needs to care about now.

   If you can't afford to provoke, you can afford to hide. At worst, American Telecom will take a detour. First win the New York telecom market, and you must survive first before you can make plans for others.

As for the future, if American Telecom can survive, it will open up a second battlefield. These giants are staring at the mainland of America. Then, counterattack the American local market.

As for the specifics, that is a matter for the future. What Song Yang has to do today is to deal with Deutsche Bank New York Investment Bank, especially Edison Mitchell, the boss of Deutsche Bank New York Investment Bank. This is not so easy to deal with figure.

   Edison, 43 years old, is in his golden age. Merrill Lynch, who had never been ambitious the year before, led a team of more than 50 people to Deutsche Bank as the head of Deutsche Bank America Investment Bank.

Being selected by Deutsche Bank, Edison is naturally not an unknown person. Although he is only over forty this year, he is still considered a "young man" at the age of investment banks, but Edison is already well-known and is a star investment on Wall Street. Home, just like the Boss Wang who set a small goal of 100 million dollars, Edison also said that if he is 40 years old and can't earn 100 million dollars worth of dollars, he is considered a loser.

  Edison did earn so much, but there is another sentence behind Datianchao, making money but spending life, I don't know how Edison understands it...

"I haven't met Edison, but I've heard a lot of rumors about him." Sitting in the car, Spivey told Song Yang about the person he will meet today, "He has been in the industry for 15 years and is very famous on Wall Street. , but the investment is too radical, Merrill Lynch is a little worried about Edison's investment style, and has never let him enter the ranks of executives!"

Spivey told Song Yang about Edison, a madman. After Merrill Lynch was not reused, Deutsche Bank opened up the American market, and the two sides hit it off. Edison brought his assistant and team , formed the team of Deutsche Bank New York Investment Bank.

   "Edison's personality is very strong, even very tough, but because of this, Deutsche Bank New York Investment Bank is developing very rapidly now!"

  Song Yang has some impressions of Edison. Just like America's status in the world at this time, there are many powerful figures and madmen in all walks of life.

Edison is only the second-in-command of Deutsche Bank Investment Bank, but for more than a year, the outside world only knows Edison, but not other executives of Deutsche Bank Investment Bank. Edison's style when tearing apart opponents by all means!

  The car arrived at the office building of Deutsche Bank New York Investment Bank. Like other investment banks on Wall Street, it was busy and the phone calls kept ringing. At this moment, the scale of Deutsche Bank Investment Bank is not the largest on Wall Street, but it is already small.

Edison often travels between London and New York, where Deutsche Bank's main investment banking market is located. In addition, he also takes time to report to the "bosses" of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, but after a while, Edison, who is in power, probably doesn't care about the people in the Frankfurt headquarters at all.

   Today came, and Song Yang didn't know if he could see this madman. In order not to cause trouble, Song Yang didn't report his family directly, but visited the executives of Deutsche Bank Investment Bank under the name of Spivey.

The female receptionist of the Deutsche Bank investment bank felt familiar to Song Yang. After all, that Hollywood-level face was there, but Song Yang didn't say anything. He just stood behind Spivey and Greg, with a small face The assistant's expression made the front desk look at Song Yang several times, and finally resisted not to speak.

"Sorry, you need to make an appointment to see Manager Addison. I can make an appointment for you, Director Anshu Jain, but whether Director Anshu has time to meet you guys, I'm not sure, they are too busy..." The front desk said to Spivey.

  Song Yang nodded towards Spivey, and the group was taken to a small reception room. Song Yang was not too anxious, and such things cannot be rushed.

Looking at the reception room in front of him and the layout outside, Song Yang saw that this Wall Street investment bank still had a bit of German style. Outside, he could see some serious-faced executives who obviously came from the German headquarters. , in stark contrast to the free-spirited American staff.

   Didn't wait too long. More than half an hour later, a hurried figure walked into the reception room. Before the person entered the reception room, the voice had already come out.

   "Mr. Spivey?"

   "I hope you'd better have something important to talk to me about. I have an important meeting to attend. Mr. Addison never likes latecomers..."

  A young man in his thirties hurried into the reception room. Anshu Jain, who entered the reception room, did not look at Spivey for the first time, but glanced at Song Yang.

  With doubts and shock, An Shu still had a somewhat uncertain tone, "Bruno Song?!"

  (end of this chapter)