
New Disaster

[Time left until BLOOD RAIN: 10 Days]

Blood Rain?

Grace was clearly confused as there was no such thing as Blood Rain in the previous timeline. After the rain disaster, the world only witnessed the Shadow Rain and occasional acid rains, there was no such thing as a Blood Rain.

She immediately entered her space to find some information about this new rain. It was as if 2025 knew she would be coming because it was already awaiting her with the digital screen of the system opened in front of it.

"What is this Blood Rain?" She demanded the moment her gaze landed on 2025.

"It's an upcoming rain that will begin exactly at 3:13 PM ten days from now and will last for over an hour. The rain is going to look like blood and it's going to me more fatal than the Shadow Rain." The creature began revealing all the information that the system had been able to gather about the upcoming Blood Rain so far.