

It happened way too suddenly... a hand grabbed her wrist and Grace was pulled inside the apartment. The next thing she knew, her back was pressed against the now closed door and Rune was standing there in front of her, caging her against the door with his giant frame.

She should have fought back, broken free from him and taught him a lesson for his audacious actions, and yet, she found herself doing none of those. She just stood there, looking into his eyes that were once again filled with such an intensity that she felt a shiver running down her spine.

All of a sudden, she was reminded of the dream she had about him a while ago. The moment she recalled those memories, her gaze dropped to his lips and she found herself feeling another weird sensation that was building deep in her belly.

"Everything alright, Ms. Blackwood? You are looking slightly troubled." Rune asked as he inched his face closer, putting their mouths merely breaths away from one another's.