
Rebirth (Her Ultimate Revenge)

Rosalyn was shocked when she heard that her best friend was pregnant for her mate, and she felt betrayed. As if that wasn't enough she was framed for poisoning her, and she was humiliated in front of the whole pack. Her father begged for them to spare her life but it fell on their deaf ears. Her mate killed her father for standing up for a traitor who wanted to kill the unborn child of their Alpha. Her best friend was the one who conspired against her and she was given a poisonous substance that would make her infertile. Her best friend succeeded in doing that by threatening the doctor to keep his mouth shut. It happened that the doctor knew she had consumed a lot of poison and that was why he was threatened. His best friend then approach her mate and he had sex with her. They have been having sex since when they got married and it has been a year since and now she was pregnant. She made it look like she doesn't want the child. She had always told her to not cum in her while telling him that she was on pills. Rosalyn was killed and then she was reborn and she still remembers what happened. She was born back at the age of 15 where she was given the chance to live again. What will she do to her mate and friend? Will she be able to save her parents? Will she succeed in letting out the plans of her best friend?

DaoistIdoiw2 · História
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

I'm pregnant


I woke up due to the sound of my alarm and I shut it off using my hands. I stretched my body and a yawn escaped my mouth. I used my hand to search for my mate Rosalyn. I sighed heavily when I couldn't find her beside me. I wore my flip-flops which were just beside the bed.

I did my morning exercises and I walked into the bathroom with sweats dripping down my body. I brush my teeth and have my bath. I walk out of the bathroom with a towel tied around my manly frame. I dried my body and applied lotion on my body. I wore my clothes and walked out of the room toward the dining room. I arrived shortly at the dining room where Rosalyn was sitting on a chair and was unaware of my presence. I took deep breaths as I savored the smell of the food. I must admit that her food is really good. I cleared my throat as I took a seat beside her and she jumped away from the chair, landing her butt on the floor. She was startled and looked up, causing me to growl.

I was angry the moment I saw her land on her butt. I couldn't believe this was the same person I made Luna of this pack.

"So pathetic, are you that scared? Hun," I said with a smirk plastered on my face and she bowed her head in shame.

She stood up from the floor with her cheek turning red due to the embarrassment. She lowered her head and she avoided my gaze. I let out a sinister scoff and she shivered in her seat.

"Good morning, Ethan" she greeted and I groaned angrily and I glared daggers at her.

" I don't need your damn greeting, keep it to yourself" I replied and finished off the food quickly. I drank some water and walked out of the dining room toward the direction of my office.

I'm Ethan Archibald, a 24 years old man. I'm the Alpha of The Bright Wood Pack. I was made the Luna of this pack at the age of 23. My father died in a war against a neighboring pack which was also our rival pack. I have made so much progress in making the pack flourish due to Rosalyn's effort. She had been of great help to this pack and me on the whole.

I hate to admit that she has made the pack flourish more since the time she became Luna of this pack. I had promised myself not to fall in love with her but as time goes on I have come to love her. I didn't show my love to her because I believed she bewitched me into loving her. I made her life a living hell because I always find every opportunity to frustrate her. She was made to believe I hate her and cannot fall in love with her. I would have made her know about my feelings for her but I didn't because she is an Omega. I hate Omega's just because they are branded weak but she has changed my way of viewing since I made her the Luna of this pack and my mate. I was terrified when I found out she cannot give birth.

The pack's doctor told us she was infertile. I was heartbroken because I have always wished to have my pup with her. I have seemed so fond of her with the little time we spent together. I took out my anger and depression on her that night but she never told anyone and she continues trying to be perfect.

Then I fell in love with Elena, her best friend who I have always had an eye for. I first thought it was lust but I was wrong because I later realized my feelings for her. I kept being friends with her and then we became such close friends that a day could go by without us seeing each other. Our friendship blossomed and I told her my feelings at that time I had figured out that it was love I have for her and not lust. She accepted my proposal and told me she has always loved me since the day she set her eyes on me, which was the day I saved her from some rogues but she couldn't tell me because of her friendship with rice Rosalyn and that she values their friendship. She told me that she would have to inform you about her feelings. I told her I wish to have the children my mate can't give me and she was happy.

I ignored the greetings of the pack members as I walked into my office. I looked at Rosalyn's office which was just beside mine. She was not in there yet. I forgot I left her at home today and I groaned with a frown on my face.

I sat on the chair and I started going through the files on my table. I rested my head on the chair and I looked at her office and there she was working her ass out trying to be perfect for me. I smirked as I looked at her with my gaze lingering on her forehead. Sweat was dripping down her body and she buried her face in the files she was reading.

The ringing tone of my phone jolted me out of my thoughts and I stared at the screen angrily with a scowl on my face but it soon changed immediately after I saw who was calling. It was Elena and I couldn't help but smile happily. I had been expecting her call since morning but I was happy.

" Hello my beautiful angel," I said over the phone immediately after I picked up the call and I heard a giggle from the other side of the phone. My office was sound-proofed so I had no reason to fear that Rosalyn would hear. I had been fed up with our secret affair and told her to let her know of our affair, especially Rosalyn but she said it isn't time that she will tell me when the right time comes.

" Hello my handsome Alpha," she said over the phone and I rolled my eyes at how funny she is.

" How are you doing," I asked with a smile on my face.

"I'm fine." She said with a dramatic pause and I sighed immediately but I didn't interrupt.

" I want us to meet in the evening at our favorite spot, I have a surprise for you," she said happily and I smiled widely. This is the first time she will have a surprise for me but with her tone, it was good news.

"Okay, see you then. Take care, bye" I said.

"Bye," she replied.

"Why don't you disconnect the call," I asked and I could feel her rolling her eyes at me, making me giggle.

"Bye," she said with a laugh and disconnected the call.

A knock resounded on the door and I looked up only to meet the blue piercing eyes of Damon my Gamma and beside him was Samuel my beta. The door of my office was transparent so I was able to see them.

"Come in," I ordered and they came in.

" Good morning, Alpha" they both choruses in sync, and I almost laugh but I controlled myself.

"Good morning," I replied as I took another file for the table. They both sat down on the chair in front of me.

"Who gave you the permission to sit?" I asked but they ignored me, making me burn in anger.

" What brings you here?" I asked, looking unconcerned by their presence.

" We want to talk to you about our rival pack," Samuel said and I sat properly on the chair with my eyes on him. I was suddenly getting interested in their talk when he mentioned our pack's rival.

" What happened? " I questioned staring at him with wide eyes not allowing him to finish his sentence.

"I'm still coming to that" He replied and I stared at him as I tapped my hand on my table impatiently.

" Our rival pack seems to be making some moves which we haven't found out about yet," Damon said and I groaned angrily.

" They thought they could be the strongest pack in the United States. I will make sure they go down and our pack will be the strongest in the whole of this country. I will make sure of that" I said practically growling.

" Why did you bring incomplete information?" I asked, staring at them angrily and they stood up from their chairs abruptly.

"It was not my idea, it was Samuel's idea" Damon voices out already terrified.

"I just thought we should inform you about it, we would be on our way now" Samuel replied and he held Damon's clothes dragging him out of the office with him.

" Do you want to spoil my clothes?," Damon asked, stretching the heap of his clothes and I sighed heavily. Samuel closed the door behind me with a loud bang which made Rosalyn flinch. The sound produced by the door was loud but she was acting like a coward. She is a coward and how the hell did she think she can manage the position she was in. As Luna, she should have acted more mature and less terrified. It would have been better if it was Elena that was made the Luna of this pack.

My wolf growled at the thought of me making another wolf my mate and Luna. I would not have made her the Luna of this pack if not that I would not have been made the alpha of this pack. My dad always said my true mat would make me stronger than I should have been. It was all a lie because since I have made her the Luna of this pack and my mate nothing has changed.

My mind drifted to Elena and a smile broke on my face because we had been in an affair for so long and she has never bothered me to make her Luna of this pack, it would be better if I make her the Luna of this pack someday. She was the perfect vessel for Luna because most of the pack members seemed fond of her. I looked up and noticed it was time I and Elena agreed to meet. I left my office after locking the door. I looked at Rosalyn's office and noticed she was still working and not resting at all. If she thinks this will make me love her then she is joking because I have found the love of my life.

I walked into my house and changed into new clothes after having a hot shower. I walked into her room happily wanting to know the surprise she had for me. My whole body system was filled with anxiety and nervousness. I couldn't wait to hear her surprise.

There she was seated on the bed when I entered, she stood up and hugged me happily with smiles beaming from her face which got me wondering why she is this happy. She kissed my lip and I felt myself savoring the sweetness of her vanilla lips. Our tongues fought for dominance as we deepened the kiss and I fondled her butt making her moan and allowing me to explore her mouth. We pulled away from the kiss breathlessly.

"Good afternoon, Alpha" she greeted in a teasing manner with smiles beaming from her face that I feared her mouth would hurt her later.

"Good afternoon, my beautiful angel" I replied and she laughed as she covered her face.

"Guess what?" She said and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Why are you rolling your eyes, it's not like you are a girl," she said and I laughed. She is behaving childishly today and what could be the reason. I shrugged it off knowing she will tell me when it was time.

"Just tell me the surprise, you are making me more anxious," I said and she laughed.

" Here take," she said handing me an envelope which I collected from her. I opened the envelope and went through what was written inside but my anxiousness didn't make me read it carefully.

" I don't understand what is written in here" I replied and she laughed heartily.

" You should have read it carefully, anyways I'm pregnant," she said and I stared at her unable to process what she meant.

" I don't understand what you are saying, please can you repeat that " I stuttered and she stared at me in disbelief.

" I'm three weeks gone," she said again and I stared at her in shock. My whole body went limp. My mouth was open agape. I don't see this coming and I don't know how to react.