
Rebellion of His Creations (SI)

Trash novel, don't read if you are easily triggered by my shitty writing. Anyway, the title is self explanatory and literally what this fic gonna be. World? -Youjo Senki -Fate Zero -Genshin -Honkai -Warhammer [Current] -Rwby Power? -OC and nerfed [The Gamer] system. Edited [21-04-21]: Mc become op but also didn't when compare to the last boss. Harem? -Dunno, my readers mostly dislike harem so no plan for now. Edited [02-02-23]: I never said there will be no harem. So... -We have Tanya Degurechaff and an OC character named Charlotte. Edited [21-04-23]: Artoria Lancer Alter and Venti(F) join the harem. OP MC? -I hope no and trying to avoid it. Smart MC? -I'm literally equipped with 1 brain cell and negative IQ. So an SI with idiot MC probably. What else I missed... Oh yeah, most important one infact. How about my other fics? -Honestly I wanna delete them all. But the effort I spend on them stopped me from doing it. Even myself find them to be a failure. Like for real, do ppl seriously even enjoy the shits I post anymore?

Daoist_KittyKat · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
119 Chs

Chapter 102: Making A Deal With Ozzy

(I said I post in 4 hours but I fell asleep. 😔🤣)

"Goddammit! The suspect escaped!" James raged for a moment when Ray escaped under his nose.

"But, we can conclude now that he is not a suspect anymore. He is indeed the culprit." The virtual call on the screen sounded.

An image caught during the brief encounter of Ray with a Beowolf by his side, sitting on the tall building, was shown on the screen.

"James. Now is not the time to worry about the culprit. We must first defend the city or it will fall." A worried and weary councilman said to remind James the bigger objective.

Then another person joined the virtual call. James instantly turned disdainful.

"What do you want, Ozpin."

"Please leave the arrest of the culprit to us, Beacon's staff. We will keep tabs on him within the city." Ozpin said with a regretful tone. "I will not ask for your forgiveness for my lapse of judgment. However, I ask for a chance to redeem myself."

James can see Ozpin is regretful of his mistake and when he thinks of it again. Ozpin does look genuinely terrified by the prospect that a God is causing this crisis. For him, God is a being he never took seriously. It's nothing but a fairytale. If there even is one, then Salem is the closest he considers as one.

In short, James Ironwood simply didn't understand why Ozpin was terrified to the extent he dropped everything and decided to give up.

He had been an ally for Ozpin in his group to fight against Salem. He knew Opzin for more than a decade that this isn't his normal self.

"I see." James exhaled and his face softened a little as he does not tolerate betrayal that lightly but he trusts Ozpin will explain his reason later. "I hope you have a very good reason for your 'lapse of judgment' then." James gives Ozpin a chance.

"I… I will." Ozpin hesitated but relented in the end because if a God is truly messing with the world, Salem is the least of his worries.

"I hope you will keep your words. Until then, I shall tolerate you." James will tolerate as he said but not forgiving until he hears the reason and he will make his decision then.

Meanwhile, the councilmen etc were kept in the dark about what James Ironwood and Ozpin was talking about. But from the sound of it, it's something big and juicy. The favorite of the upper class, it's gossip.


The Spec-Ops unit and few team of unnamed Huntsmen who signed off on a suicide mission, arrived in Glenn mountain, the heart of the crisis.

"Team leaders, please report your status." Winter asks through the communication device that was distributed to every participant.

All four teams except for the Specialists report that they landed without any issue.

"Good. As we had been briefed. The Grimms all emerge from the subterranean tunnels which we believe that whatever created the Grimm was down within the subway system."

"Every team will make their way to the subway station and we will regroup there." No one disagrees with the order as they make their way to the agreed location as fast as possible.

They make their way to the subway station while minimizing battle as much as possible.

Winter managed to get a close look at the Mutated Grimms and felt something extremely unsettling about their changes. She also noticed the difference between this Mutated Grimms and the earlier Mutated Grimms.

The earlier batch seems to be capable of corrupting the living and turning them into twisted and demented creatures which she and her task force had the unpleasant experience to fight against.

Dried up twisted husk of a former human, sneaking behind every corner of the street, hiding to ambush behind any door they tried to open or simply blending in with the dead only to sprung up when they least expect.

It leaves a deep scar on everyone that they become paranoid with eyes darting every corner to look out for ambushes, mangling or decapitating every corpse they encounter and many more as it continues to accumulate when they encounter new methods these husks are employing.

(Inspired by trauma and ptsd afflicted by playing soulsborne games.)

But the current one didn't. The Grimms and the husks fluids that they avoid like diseased blood actually didn't affect them at all. It made them relieved a bit but upon arriving in the subway station, the real nightmare began.

Maze-like tunnels, perpetually dark within these subterranean areas filled with cavities of unfinished construction and natural caverns. The emotions were like just finishing the hard mode only to find out it was easy all this time and directly thrown into real hard mode without any choice.

"Is everyone still fit to carry out our mission?" Winter asked everyone when they entered the subway station and managed to take a breather within this safe area that the Grimm and Husk were incapable of entering without passing through the security system at the entrance.

However, this was nothing more than a brief moment of respite before the real nightmare.

"Yes, Captain!" The Atlas Specialists still maintain their morale due to their military training that instills discipline even in such extreme conditions. But the Huntsmen teams already ragged and battered mentally.

She can see why General Ironwood always says that humans are a liability on the battlefield. Under such crippling stress, their performance plummeted. Even the Spec-Ops unit are exhibiting drop in performance despite their mental state is holding on.

After a short rest to patch themselves up and rummaging through the office for anything useful, everyone embarks into the subway system guided only by the map they get from accessing the office terminal.


The entire tunnel suddenly vibrates and tremble ominously as soon as they enter the tunnel.

(*Chuckles* I'm in danger.)

"What is that?!" Few Huntsmen panicked and jumped.

Before they could relax. Another temor shake the tunnel again and followed by an earth shattering roar that carry immense pressure and forced everyone except Winter to kneel down to the pressure similar to being affected by gravity glyph.


The earth shattering roar sounded like the declaration of the king, returning to claim its throne.

This time, another burst of energy washed through them and the energy felt very sinister. Whatever that roared just now suddenly exploded with sound of whimper and then disappeared entirely.

"Get ready to run." Winter uses her summoning glyph and summons a white Manticore.

The group didn't understand the reason but still ran along as the summon bulldozed the Grimms and Husks, opening a path for them to advance deeper quickly while everyone else would kill the stragglers that didn't get flatten by the aggressively charging Manticore.


"When is the next shipment! We are running out of ammunition to fire!"

"Fuck if I know Dave, go shout at the Atlesian guy over there."

Two people argue in the midst of a chaotic battle where people are getting more and more desperate as the battle drags on.

"Curse the Schnee! They are still thinking about profit in this battle for humanity's survival?!" The high ranked Atlesian military officer barked at the communication device and smashed it on the pavement. "That greedy bastard Jacques!"

"What is General Ironwood's order?" The officer snatched his subordinate's comms and continued the conversation after getting his anger out of his system.

"General Ironwood pressured the Atlas Council to get shipment of Dust ammunition to Vale no matter what when he caught wind of it and the shipment was half an hour behind schedule, sir."

The officer's face darkened as he broke the news to the Logistic group leader. The news was devastating to hear and the last container of ammunition had been distributed and would probably last another ten minutes.

"We are screwed." Both look equally helpless as they watch the Grimms still plenty despite half of its original number having been shaved off. The remaining Grimms are still in the tens of thousands.

Ozpin and Glynda, who had been searching for Ray yet couldn't find him at all, arrived at the defensive wall of the southern district.

The situation is dire. The moment Dust ammunition is fully expended, the effectiveness of the people fighting will drop by more than half. Forced to rely on melee combat which is incredibly risky.

"Should I use it…" Ozpin watched the people fighting desperately.

What he had left isn't much of his original power that he bestowed to others many times. However, he remembered his own words. What is the use of maintaining the balance and keeping Salem in check when there is a God wrecking stuff up left and right. His concern isn't Salem anymore. It's to keep humanity alive in this turbulent world.

"So, you finally have a change of heart, huh. I thought you were going to lead more of your sheeps to the wolves in the forest." A voice interrupted his thoughts and Glynda's focus on helping the Logistic group lifting supplies and wounded with her Telekinesis power.

Both turn to their back as they see the person they are chasing after, sitting leisurely with a Mutated Beowolf that had a surrendered look on face while laying on her paws.


"You gonna ask me if I'm a God?"

"I know that answer already." Ozpin shakily grip his sword, torn between fighting or surviving.

"Then, you want to ask why am I doing this?"

"Yes. What had we humans done to incur your wrath to deserve such punishment?" Ozpin's head hung low as he probably remembered the treachery the first humanity had done.

"Contrary to your assumption, I am not punishing you or humanity. This is merely a test to see if this world's humans are worth taking under my fold." Ray hummed as his senses could feel the Dragon Grimm had woken up and made its way here.

"Test? This is all merely a test…" Ozpin, who understands the worth of the statement, couldn't help but feel glad.

If humanity is taken under God's wing, not only does he not need to fear Salem again and her grand plan.

'No, don't get swayed easily. What if he is trying to do something bad to the people?' Ozpin remembered the sinister nature of Ray's power that he had seen up to now.

"Yes, this is merely a test and the real challenge is gonna arrive… Now."

Something big just impacted the earth that sent a small earthquake and followed by a roar of unbridled rage and hate that was hardwired into its species.

"Test?" Ozpin wondered how many will even survive this impossible 'test'. "How many will even be alive after your 'test'... Oh God." Ozpin muttered in a daze while he was looking at the Dragon Grimm and the panic it caused.

"Alive or not, it doesn't matter to me. If they pass, they will be blessed. If they don't then they will perish." Ray shrugged lazily while an invisible force surrounded both of them and time seemed to halt within the invisible forcefield.

'Of course, why would a God even bother with puny humans.' Ozpin finally realized the real situation humanity found themselves in.

It's either to win the favor of God and be rewarded or perish to the Grimms.

He didn't know if he should be depressed or happy. The solution to his age-long stalemate with Salem had been presented to him. In short, his prayer had been answered. But nothing is free and it always comes with a price when asking a favor from God. If he fails to prove humanity's worth to God, humanity will perish. It's a high risk high reward gamble that he initiated. Or so he thinks.

In truth, it was all really a coincidence on Ray's side. His arrival to this world was never planned by him and it happened on the go. Coincidence after another. If so, is this situation really still a coincidence? His arrival, his ability to stop Salem's insidious plan?

There is too much to digest for his brain but too little time to spare.

"Then, please bestow me with the power to pass your test." Ozpin snapped out of his daze and made his request to Ray.

The request made Ray open his lazy eyes and look at Opzin. The stare that pierced through him and made him feel like he was strip naked of all his secrets.

"Are you aware this is a test?" Ray spoke in a deep and low tone while his eyes became glower.

"Yes." Ozpin said without a hint of hesitation or fear.

"You are asking me." Ray points at himself before pointing at Ozpin "To help you. To cheat in my test?"


The serious face on Ray immediately disappeared and was replaced with an amused expression.

"Interesting. Interesting indeed." Ray laughed for a few seconds before he stopped and looked back at Ozpin.

"Ah, I never said you couldn't cheat on the test. Not to mention, it is quite boring to watch something that I already knew the conclusion to." Ray silently dissed his Precognition that seems to have easy time triggering in this world where the denizens are too weak to resist its effect unlike the last two worlds that have powerful beings that can suppress its involuntary activation.

"But nothing is free and I sure hope you can afford the price of my help."

"Of course, nothing is free and I'm aware of it." Ozpin said as he recalled the memory of Ozma and his countless incarnations. The righteous savior that is willing to give up his life countless times if it benefits humanity. A life of one for all humanity is a cheap price to pay.

From what Ozpin can see in his past incarnations, from what he can see in his current self, the suffering he experienced and the suffering he caused for the sake of safeguarding humanity from Salem and her madness.

If all it takes to put an end to this nightmare, once and for all is by pleasing an unknown God. Then, he will do everything it takes. He is tired. After countless incarnations and countless setbacks, even a saint will become a demon if placed in his shoe. Yet he persists but not without a toll to his mental state.

"What is it, the price of your help?" Ozpin made his decision and sold himself to the demon. "I will offer myself, my everything to your disposal. I will serve you whichever way you wish."

Ray fell silent as his face morphed to disgust.

"I would have considered it if you were a female. But, I am biologically required to decline it because I am straight." Ray replied to Ozpin's most earnest answer from the depth of his heart with indescribable disgust due to his misunderstanding.

"But, yes. The price I ask is for you to act as my proxy to manage this world and also the universe in the future. Something like my vassal."

"I accept." Ozpin ignored the previous remark and accepted the term offered by Ray without hesitation.

"Good. Then, I hope you enjoy my gift." Ray said before giving Ozpin his brand of Immortality, restoring his fragmented power before enhancing it beyond his original incarnation. Both are trivial to him to achieve but are incredibly valuable to Ozpin.

This gesture cannot be considered as taking a side and thus not breaking the agreement between him and Salem. He isn't taking side with Ozpin but simply just had a transaction and the neutrality hadn't been broken.

After a few satisfied nods, time resumed and Ozpin marched toward the wall with Glynda by his side that was eyeing me strangely.

Before he halted the time, Glynda was trying to use her Telekinesis power on Ray but was incapable of doing anything because Ray had stronger psychic power which easily resisted her own.


"Hehehe. This is just a bad dream. This is just a bad dream…" A Huntsman sitting in a corner hugging his legs in a fetal position and mumbles non stop.

Winter is in deep trouble. The Huntsmen teams and Spec-Ops unit she led into this pit of nightmarish hell had become mostly useless. The Huntsmen team were half wiped out. The remaining half had become traumatized and had a mental breakdown.

The Spec-Ops unit didn't fare much better too. While still mentally capable to continue, they are already showing signs of mental breakdown too. Not to mention everyone including herself are battered, lacking supplies and stuck in this small safe spot they could hide.

"Let's continue." Winter said after she had taken enough rest.

Everyone instantly becomes pale and looks at Winter. Their bodies shake involuntarily when they remember what is crawling or hiding in ambush out there, waiting for them.

"Captain…" One of the Spec-Ops looks at Winter and his expression is enough to convey his words. Not just him but everyone also has the same expression.

None of them want to leave this safe spot.

Her unit is already incapable of continuing the mission. Forcing them will definitely have adverse effects and even if they did continue the mission, they will be a huge liability with how the last battle went.

Some directly faint, few breakdown and cry to be freed from these nightmares. Everyone was affected by fear so much that it became crippling.

"Fine. I will continue the mission alone." Winter said and turned away instantly and left.

What's odd is only herself seems to be unaffected by fear that others experienced.

The enemies do have terrifying appearances and plus the Husks have a habit to sneak in the hidden corner, hiding amongst dead corpses on the floor or even sneakily follow them until everyone is exhausted from fighting and taking a rest before it goes out of hiding to attack everyone.

Without anyone to burden her again, Winter continues her tactic of using summon to bulldoze the enemies and get deeper into the tunnel system. She didn't need to waste her energy fighting these enemies and advancing very slowly.

She continued until she arrived in a large cavern filled with Dust. Incredible amount of Dust which she instantly knew from where these Dust come from. She remembers there's a lot of Husks in White Fang uniform the deeper she went.

Then at the center of the cavern is the spawning pool. Winter took out the explosive charge that she brought along. At first, she was worried if this explosive charge was going to be enough. But after seeing the Dust, it conveniently piled up like mountains surrounding the spawning pool.

She activates the countdown timer and drops the explosive charge before leaving immediately. The explosion would definitely cause the subway system to collapse. Better leave quickly before she and the others get buried alive by the explosion.
