
Reappeared as a Villainess

In a bustling city, there lived two sisters, Malice and Melissa. They were inseparable, sharing secrets, dreams, and laughter. Malice, the older of the two, had always been protective of her younger sister, Melissa. Little did she know that this bond would soon be shattered by betrayal. Malice was engaged to the love of her life, Aaron. They were planning a beautiful wedding, and their future together seemed bright. Melissa had always been supportive, or so Malice believed, until one fateful evening when she discovered their affair. To hide their affair, the couple decides to Malice. Years later, Malice reappears in front of Melissa and Aaron. Malice retreated from her family and friends, focusing all her energy on a plan for revenge. One moonless night, as she was stalking the shadows near Aaron's office building, a mysterious man suddenly appeared before her. He was dressed in a sleek black suit, his eyes concealed by sunglasses, and an enigmatic aura surrounded him. "Looking for revenge, I see," he said in a low, smooth voice. Malice, startled and cautious, replied, "Who are you, and how do you know about my plans?" The man smiled mysteriously. "I'm someone who can help you achieve your revenge. I know everything about your situation, Malice, and I have the means to make Aaron pay for what he's done." From that moment on, the mysterious man became Malice's guide, teaching her the art of deception, infiltration, and sabotage. Together, they executed a series of meticulously planned schemes that exposed Aaron's wrongdoings and weakened his grip on the company. "The cover art is the work of another artist, not me."

YuLan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs


Melissa and Belle nod in agreement, their eyes locked in a steely gaze.

The photographer shouts (action), "And... go!"

As the shoot begins, they strike poses that are fierce and captivating, but there's an underlying tension in the air.

After a few shots, Lena and Oliver subtly exchange a glance, almost imperceptible to the photographer.

The photographer sternly, "Cut! Melissa, Belle, I said no smiling!"

Melissa and Belle quickly regain their composure, their faces returning to the cold, unyielding expressions.

The photographer resumes, "Alright, let's continue."

As the shoot progresses, Melissa and Belle continue to exchange glances, their eyes twinkling with amusement. They subtly mimic each other's poses, adding an element of playfulness to the shoot.

The photographer is increasingly frustrated, "Cut! What's going on here? This is not the mood I asked for!

Melissa and Belle finally break character, bursting into laughter. They exchange a high-five, completely ignoring the bewildered photographer.

Melissa grins, "Sorry, we just couldn't resist, could we?"

Belle laughs, "No, we couldn't. It was getting too serious in here."

The photographer stands there, utterly shocked by this unexpected turn of events.

The photographer stammers, "What... what just happened? You two are supposed to be rivals!"

Melissa smiles, "Well, we were just having a bit of fun, weren't we, Belle?"

Belle nods, "Absolutely, Melissa."

The photographer can't believe his eyes as Melissa and Belle continue to chat and laugh, their rivalry forgotten.

The photographer heavily sighs, "Fine, let's take a break. But when we come back, please, let's get back to the intensity I asked for."

As Melissa and Belle walk off set, still sharing laughs and friendly banter, the photographer shakes his head in disbelief.

Sometimes, even in the world of high fashion, genuine connections can form in the most unexpected places.


The high-end boutique exudes luxury and sophistication. Rows of designer dresses, shimmering accessories, and elegant mannequins display the latest fashion trends. Iva enters the boutique, clutching a garment bag in her hand.

A WELL-DRESSED SALES ASSISTANT (SA) approaches Iva with a warm smile.

The sales assistant greets Iva, "Welcome to La Mode Élégante. How may I assist you today?"

Iva replied smiling, "Thank you. I'd like to speak with the manager or the person in charge, please."

The sales assistant nods and gestures for Iva to follow her. They walk through the boutique, passing racks of designer clothing. They reach a private consultation area where Sophie (the 40s, poised, and impeccably dressed), the BOUTIQUE MANAGER, awaits.

Sophie extending her hands hugs Iva, "Hello, it's been a while. How can we help you today?"

Iva smiles, "Hi, Sophie. Actually, I have something special I'd like to show you."

Iva carefully unzips the garment bag, revealing a stunning, one-of-a-kind dress.

The dress is a masterpiece of design, featuring intricate lacework, sequins, and embroidery, all in a mesmerizing shade of midnight blue. It shimmers and catches the light, creating an ethereal effect.