
Reappeared as a Villainess

In a bustling city, there lived two sisters, Malice and Melissa. They were inseparable, sharing secrets, dreams, and laughter. Malice, the older of the two, had always been protective of her younger sister, Melissa. Little did she know that this bond would soon be shattered by betrayal. Malice was engaged to the love of her life, Aaron. They were planning a beautiful wedding, and their future together seemed bright. Melissa had always been supportive, or so Malice believed, until one fateful evening when she discovered their affair. To hide their affair, the couple decides to Malice. Years later, Malice reappears in front of Melissa and Aaron. Malice retreated from her family and friends, focusing all her energy on a plan for revenge. One moonless night, as she was stalking the shadows near Aaron's office building, a mysterious man suddenly appeared before her. He was dressed in a sleek black suit, his eyes concealed by sunglasses, and an enigmatic aura surrounded him. "Looking for revenge, I see," he said in a low, smooth voice. Malice, startled and cautious, replied, "Who are you, and how do you know about my plans?" The man smiled mysteriously. "I'm someone who can help you achieve your revenge. I know everything about your situation, Malice, and I have the means to make Aaron pay for what he's done." From that moment on, the mysterious man became Malice's guide, teaching her the art of deception, infiltration, and sabotage. Together, they executed a series of meticulously planned schemes that exposed Aaron's wrongdoings and weakened his grip on the company. "The cover art is the work of another artist, not me."

YuLan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs



The director Malice sits behind her expansive desk in her lavish corner office. Her email notification pings, drawing her attention to a message from CEO Ethan of the rival company. She opens it, intrigued by the proposal.

Malice reads Ethan's email carefully, her expression shifting from curiosity to contemplation. After a moment of thought, she begins to draft her response.

Subject: Re: Proposal for Future Collaboration

Dear Ethan,

I appreciate your email and the thoughtful proposal you've presented. Your willingness to explore collaboration is indeed intriguing.

In the spirit of fostering a new era of cooperation, I am open to the idea of a meeting to discuss the possibilities further. I believe there is potential synergy between our companies that could lead to remarkable outcomes.

Let's take this conversation to a higher level. I invite you to meet me at the luxurious [The Grand Royal Hotel] in the heart of the city. Its elegant ambiance and privacy will provide us with the perfect setting to have a productive discussion. Please let me know your availability, and I will ensure that everything is arranged to accommodate your schedule.

I look forward to our meeting and the potential for a prosperous collaboration.



DIRECTOR, [Malice's Company]

Malice sends the email, her decision to accept the proposal reflecting her strategic mindset. She believes this meeting could reshape the landscape of their respective companies, and she's determined to make it happen.

One of the luxurious hotels in the city that Malice could choose for her meeting with Ethan is "The Grand Royale Hotel." This five-star establishment is renowned for its opulent decor, impeccable service, and panoramic views of the city skyline.

Its elegant meeting rooms and sumptuous dining options make it a popular choice for high-profile business meetings and events. The Grand Royale Hotel is synonymous with luxury and sophistication, making it the perfect setting for their collaboration discussion.


The opulent meeting suite at The Grand Royale Hotel is bathed in soft, golden light, with floor-to-ceiling windows showcasing breathtaking views of the city. A long, polished mahogany table dominates the room, set impeccably for the meeting.

Ethan arrives first, dressed in a sharp suit, and he stands by the window, looking out over the city. Ethan's heart races with anticipation as he waits for Malice, his rival company's Director.

Moments later, Malice enters the room, exuding confidence and grace in her designer attire. The atmosphere grows palpably tense as they exchange polite smiles.

Ethan extending a hand says, "Malice, thank you for agreeing to meet. It's an honor to be here."

Malice nods, "Mr.Ethan. The pleasure is mine."

They both take their seats at opposite ends of the table, an air of formality lingering.

Ethan cleared his throat, " I must say, Malice, I've always admired your tenacity and the way you've driven your company to great heights."

Malice raises an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism in her eyes.

Malice is slightly guarded, "Flattery aside, Mr.Ethan, what is the true purpose of this meeting? You mentioned a collaboration, but I sense there's more to it."

Ethan takes a deep breath, knowing that what he's about to say could change everything.

Ethan nervously, "Ms.Malice, I won't beat around the bush. The reason I wanted to meet here, in this luxurious setting, is because...I want to propose a marriage,"

Malice's expression shifts from skepticism to curiosity, but she remains cautious.

Malice goaded, "And Who do you want to propose, Mr.Ethan? A truce?"