
Reappeared as a Villainess

In a bustling city, there lived two sisters, Malice and Melissa. They were inseparable, sharing secrets, dreams, and laughter. Malice, the older of the two, had always been protective of her younger sister, Melissa. Little did she know that this bond would soon be shattered by betrayal. Malice was engaged to the love of her life, Aaron. They were planning a beautiful wedding, and their future together seemed bright. Melissa had always been supportive, or so Malice believed, until one fateful evening when she discovered their affair. To hide their affair, the couple decides to Malice. Years later, Malice reappears in front of Melissa and Aaron. Malice retreated from her family and friends, focusing all her energy on a plan for revenge. One moonless night, as she was stalking the shadows near Aaron's office building, a mysterious man suddenly appeared before her. He was dressed in a sleek black suit, his eyes concealed by sunglasses, and an enigmatic aura surrounded him. "Looking for revenge, I see," he said in a low, smooth voice. Malice, startled and cautious, replied, "Who are you, and how do you know about my plans?" The man smiled mysteriously. "I'm someone who can help you achieve your revenge. I know everything about your situation, Malice, and I have the means to make Aaron pay for what he's done." From that moment on, the mysterious man became Malice's guide, teaching her the art of deception, infiltration, and sabotage. Together, they executed a series of meticulously planned schemes that exposed Aaron's wrongdoings and weakened his grip on the company. "The cover art is the work of another artist, not me."

YuLan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Middle Man

Leo and Malice were in a private meeting in Malice's office.

Leo looking at the files said, "Boss, there's something you should know about Calvin Cameron. He's been working with us secretly for years now."

Malice leans back in her seat, her sharp gaze fixed on Leo.

Malice raised an eyebrow, "Secretly? Explain, Leo."

Leo approaches Malice and places a thick file labeled "Calvin Cameron" in her hands. The file is marked with "CLASSIFIED" stamps.

Leo took a deep breath and said, "Calvin Cameron is an undercover agent, working deep with Mr. Samuel. He's been feeding us invaluable information for the past three years."

Malice opens the file, his fingers tracing over the documents, photographs, and reports.

Malice softly replies, "Three years, Leo. And we've kept this on our own ranks. Impressive."

Leo nodded in agreement, "We had to ensure his safety and maintain the integrity of our mission.

Malice looks up from the file, his eyes meeting Leo's.

Malice smirked, "I see why you've kept it quiet, Leo. Well done. Let's make sure he continues to be an asset."

Leo watches as Malice closes the file and leans forward, resting her elbows on the desk.

Leo adds, "There's more, boss. He's been getting closer to their upper echelons. He believes he might have access to some critical information soon."

Malice's expression turns more serious, contemplating the implications of this revelation.

Malice calculated, "We need to ensure Calvin's safety and extract every ounce of information he can provide. Arrange a meeting with him, discreetly."

Leo answers, "Already on it, Malice. I'll ensure everything runs smoothly."

Malice nods, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Malice cheered, "You've handled this well, Leo. Keep me informed of any developments. Calvin Cameron could be our key to victory."

As Leo exits the office, the weight of this secret alliance hangs in the air, the lines between loyalty and espionage becoming increasingly blurred.

Malice was murmuring, "But first, I need to meet with Mr. Oliver."



Malice had an important meeting with Oliver, a fellow director known for his influence in the industry. She stood in the opulent hotel lobby, nervously adjusting her suit. As she waited, the anticipation weighed on her.

Suddenly, Oliver strolled into the lobby, exuding confidence and charisma. He spotted Malice and made his way over, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Oliver smiles, "Malice, I presume?"

Malice extends her hand, "Yes, that's me. It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Oliver."

They shook hands, and Oliver couldn't help but be impressed by Malice's poise and impeccable manners.

Oliver is impressed, "Please, call me Oliver. I've heard great things about your work."

Malice's eyes lit up with gratitude.

Malice humbled, "Thank you, Oliver. Your reputation precedes you as well."

They took a seat in the lobby, and Oliver leaned in, genuinely interested in Malice's project.

Oliver engaged to ask, "So, tell me about your project, Malice. What can I do to help?"

Malice, heartened by Oliver's openness, began discussing her plan with passion and detail. As she spoke, Oliver listened intently, nodding at all the right moments and asking insightful questions.

Oliver enthusiastic, "I love your vision, Malice. It's refreshing to see someone so dedicated to their craft. I want to help you make this advertisement a reality."

Malice's face lit up with a mixture of relief and excitement.

Malice is grateful, "Oliver, that means the world to me. I couldn't have asked for a better ally."

As they continued their conversation, it became clear that their meeting was the start of a promising collaboration.

Oliver's decision to help Malice was not just about her talent but also a recognition of her excellent manner and dedication to her craft. Together, they made a deal to embark on a journey that would shape the future of fashion.