
Reaper of the Nine Worlds

A Lonely Cultivator a being forsaken by the Creator, a Broken Soul Without a Soul, a mortal without a Destiny, not bound by Fate or Karma. A perfect anomaly who cultivates body, soul, and mind to imperfection. With the power to transcend Samsara, distinguish the illusions of Reality, shatter space with a palm and reverse time with a glance. Yet, what's the point of wielding such power if you can’t protect your loved ones from a dictator, who hides within the darkness controlling the lives of trillions across the Omniverse? Or the inevitable fate that awaits you the moment you try to break free of the shackles placed upon you by Fate and Destiny? Forged to stop anyone and everyone from uncovering the truth and halting the gradually collapse of the Cosmos. So join us as we unravel the secrets of Rin’s enigmatic past and the truth behind his persist pursuit of freedom from Elizabeth. While traveling through the Cosmos like a Wanderer without a path.

CJE_Reaper · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
152 Chs

Lunch Break - Part 2

Sometime later…

"So, Rin what was that about?" Ethan asked the moment they left the classroom.

"I don't even know, dude but for now let's just get something to eat," Rin said as he did not want to talk about it.

"Hmm... interesting, well then what do y'all feel like eating?" Maze asked as she appeared from nowhere like a ghost and tagged along with them.

"How about that lunch special everyone's raving about?" Ethan suggested as he glanced at Rin and Maze.

"Now don't get me wrong Korean fried chicken is fire, but I'd prefer to get some sushi or better yet California Rolls?" Rin answered surprising both Ethan and Maze.

"Hmm, now don't get me wrong California Rolls are good, but when was the last time we had some good Korean fried chicken, Rin?" Maze asked.

"Dude, come on out of all the dishes you could try here… you seriously want some raw fish wrapped in seaweed, bro?!" Ethan added before Rin could even reply to Maze's question.

"Sad to say but he's got a point, Rin? Plus, it's two verse one so winner takes all, so stop trying to persuade us and accept that you've lost." Maze said as she grabbed Rin and dragged him toward the cafeteria before he could find a chance to free himself and slip away.

"Don't fight it… you know how she'll get, so just vibe out and enjoy the meal as this is probably going to be one of the few times. We will have a chance like this," Ethan whispered with a laugh, "Especially if we're going to be under that mad dictator's rule."

"You can say that again... fine then we'll order the Korean fried chicken special. But next time we must get California Rolls, no questions asked," Rin said as he gave up on trying to persuade them and just enjoyed the moment.

5 minutes later...

"Damn! This bitch packed, maybe we should get some California Rolls after all." Ethan exclaimed.

"Say one more word and watch how I embarrass you, Ethan," Maze said.

"Tsk, just because you defeated the 25th floor faster than me by 30 seconds, do you think you can just boss me around now, Maze? I bet if I were Rin, you would not..." muttered Ethan with resentment.

"Did you say something, Ethan?"

"Huh, w... w-what are you talking about, Maze?! Tsk, you must be hearing things, surely you could not be coming under the weather?" Ethan hurriedly said.

"Who are you calling sick, Ethan? Your whole family is sick, every one of those spinless bastards!"

"Whoa, Maze relax it isn't that serious; but come on as we got better things to do than to argue like some kids. For example, finding a line that was not filled with students," Rin said as he surveyed the scene looking for at least one line that was still serving today's special and was easily skippable.

"Tsk, maybe I did go a bit far but there's no way, I'm forgiving this conniving bastard. Unless he apologizes first and orders me an extra portion of food. Hmph!" Maze stated with a non-negotiable attitude as she felt that was the least, he could do for daring to call her sick.

"Tsk, fine then I'm sorry, Maze for calling you sick and talking shit about you."

"Not genuine enough, try again and say it a bit louder," Maze ordered as she held back her laughter.

"Sigh, I'm sorry Maze Kurama for calling you sick, when you don't look a day past 50 and skinner than a piece of sandpaper!" Ethan said as spoke a tad bit louder and winked at Maz, 'Tsk, like I'd fucking obey the words of a kid.'

Attracting the attention of everyone within the cafeteria.

"..." Maze.

Crack. Crack. Crack.

"Ethan Davis, if you don't apologize watch and see how I!!! OOOhhh, you better count your stars, Ethan, or else the moment I catch you slipping it is over!" Maze shouted with anger as a reddish energy began to leak from her body causing the glass windows around them to crack.

 Almost shattering in the process, luckily Rin intervened in time and stopped her.

"Maze... relax just take a couple of deep breaths and everything should be fine," Rin said as he tapped her shoulder and suppressed the raging energy within her that was about to burst.

'Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.' Maze repeated to herself until she finally calmed down and could think properly.

"Thank you, Rin but mark my words Ethan this isn't over!" Maze said before walking away and joining a line as Rin and Ethan went to find somewhere to sit.

"Sadly, it isn't but it'll take more than a threat to shut me up," Ethan replied not caring one bit about the retribution that will befall him in a few days.


"Sigh, why must each freshmen class be rowdier than the last?" A senior asked as they observed the commotion below.

"So, what you'd expect them to be the quiet and studious types, Alexander?"

"If it meant I could eat my lunch in peace then yes, but I can see your point, William."

"Honestly, it's better there loud and obnoxious as it gives us a chance to show them who's the boss," William said with a narcissistic smile as he glanced at the first-year students below like unruly pets that needed to be trained.

"Not really, but if that's what it takes to get knocked out again then by all means have fun, pal," Alexander stated as he remembered the last time William tried to do something like this.

"Dude, come on how was I supposed to know she was Niko's apprentice at the time? And a pretty strong combatant in her own right." William replied with annoyance.

"Your choice, man but do be warned," Alexander said as he got and left, throwing away whatever remained of his food in the process.


After waiting in line for an eternity, it was finally their turn to order food.

"So, could we please get three servings of Korean fried chicken, one classic, sweet and spicy, and soy garlic? Along with three Spirits and a serving of pickled radishes and some rice cakes." Maze ordered even though she originally planned not to get Ethan anything for his rude conduct earlier.

"Coming right up, miss! Would you like anything else besides that?" The lady at the counter asked just to make sure.

"No, but thank you," Maze replied.

A few minutes later…

"No problem and here's your food, miss! Hope you have a wonderful day and do remember to give us a five-star review, thank you." 

"Haha, I will, and hope you have a wonderful day as well," Maze said as it would be rude not to give them a five-star for such excellent customer service.