

"Should … should we really be talking about this with him here?" Jean asked pointing to Zachery who is still looking at him with an almost faraway expression on his face, still in quite a bit of shock. 

"I don't think he is with us at the moment." Elijah chuckled, pointing at her younger brother. "But I agree, I don't think we should talk about such things with him in the room just yet." 

"Alright," Aseko said, holding his hands up in the air before getting to his feet and turning to Zachery. "I think you should leave." 

"Enzo!" Jean scolded while Elijah just chuckled at her brothers, not caring about anything that might be happening other than the fact that she can see them getting along very well. 

"What?" Aseko asks as Zachery slowly got to his feet like an obedient puppy, still having a far away look on his face. "Zachery is listening to me isn't he?"