
Realms within us

Updates every Sunday!! (On Hiatus) A long time ago, when Earth cracked open and released a crazy amount of mana mixed with toxic waste, the mana moved around the planet, evolved the wrong creatures, and turned them into beasts in different shapes and sizes, bringing more trouble to humans to fix that mistake. But the worst was waiting for them. Gates appeared and brought with them the worst enemies, and with that, this world's saviors were called to awaken and take an action to protect their homeland! When past and present meet, and victims call for evolution, the realms within us will open! [ System 0 is turning in, please wait a moment... ] [ Uploading data... ] [ Finalizing...] [ Welcome readers to Realms within Us ] [ Put on your seatbelts and be ready, because our ride will be filled with obsta- ] "Shhhh" a dark grey creature with no eyes and its face almost hidden appeared from nowhere and hushed System 0, "beware of what's within you" its smile grew wider, and scarier, "because when you stare into the abyss, the abyss will stare back at you..." Those were the words of the strange creature before the Dark Mana master destroyed the planet Earth and recreated everything according to her rules. What happened afterward? And what awaits everyone?

kittykat_02 · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
86 Chs

81. Welcome to Calamity Part 2

[ Unlocked Secret Quest ]

[ Quest: Kill Arcadia

Duration: Unlimited

Prize: Leaving the dungeon

Penalty: Death ]

[ Lemme introduce myself again, I'm Arcadia, a werewolf. I used to be a human but because of their treatment towards me, I faced death, but my master came and saved me! And now I'm repaying her kindness by protecting her land and its borders, and you humans had passed the latter so I can't allow you to leave... Unscathed ]

Everyone stood on alert after receiving the quest, this one mean to do or die and it definitely won't be the latter, so they prepared a plan real quick, thanks to the training system, which was the only one to survive the dark explosion, warriors' troubles decreased but dealing with that new beast it had never seen before made it worried and even send an emergency message to Nature who was left shocked for a moment before she ran to search for Earth.

Back in the dungeon, everyone stood in front of the big beast and prepared to attack it after one of the trio gives the sign.

Mikey nodded his head and Chimalmat held her spear high before she screamed with all she got, "attack!!!"

Her roar reached kilometers away from the battlefield, reaching the castle's borders, the citizens heard the noise and looked around before they went back to their work. Inside the castle, a soldier rushed to a room where his king was in the middle of an important meeting.

"Humans!! Humans entered our lands!!"

"We know, she already sent one of her soldiers" the king looked back at the person in front of him and fixed his posture, "I sincerely apologize, Grand Sorcerer. Please keep going."

Bloody brown hair was blown by the wind playing hide and seek with the blackest eyes any creature could ever see, the king stared at them at trembled but calmed down when she spoke, "don't worry, I said all I want your highness. Now leave your land's safety in my hands and our deal will remain, forever."

"Thank you, Grand Sorcerer! Thank you! Oh, may all God's love and care fall upon you! Long live, the savior, Aisha!" Aisha smirked before standing up, walking out of the room, and thanking the king for his care.

The wall on her left side turned dark before Ophelia came out of it with two men on her lead, "master, there are a lot of things I need to discuss with you but first, the intruders from Earth are fighting Arcadia with all they got, there are a lot of casualties on their side, Arcadia is unharmed but at this rate, he might lose control." Ophelia finalized her report before she stood from her place and walked to the shadow before vanishing.

Aisha smirked and looked outside the window, "oh how sad, I feel bad for those warriors, they don't know who they're entertaining~" Her eyes were empty but there was a sign of sympathy for those fighting Arcadia.

"I guess it's ok if I go and play for a bit" she mumbled to herself.

Back in the battlefield, Mikey watched as everyone fall after the other, even his teammates weren't in any better state, things seemed to get out of their control for real this time and that scared them. What if they fail to return back to their homes and families? What will happen to their homeland after they're gone?

Through those waves of fear and horror, a hot blow of wind made them shiver and look around fearing another beast will come and help the big one but luckily it wasn't, it was a human. She was tall and seemed to be strong, she was beautiful with her black hair flying like a black bird.

"How about we behave now, hmm?" She smiled sweetly but her eyes were very scary, Arcadia trembled and went back to his small form before he ran back to the woods. Aisha pulled her hand up and rotated it counterclockwise with a low flash of lightning.

[ Secret Quest State,

Completed ]

"No way, it's completed?"

"How? We didn't scratch that thing!?"

"Shut up! We survived and that's all it matters!"

The warriors started arguing when Aisha pulled her hand up again and this time, she opened a gate, "instead of arguing about a silly matter like this, take this chance to escape before that dog comes back with backup. And I don't think any of you is in a state to fight one let alone more" she looked at the injured trio before she pulled out a huge spear compared to her size, "if you treasure your lives then leave, I'll deal with the rest"

Some were a bit hesitant to leave but after hearing howls coming from deep in the woods, they moved their trembling legs and walked through the gate, when they opened their eyes preparing for the worst, they found themselves in front of group of flashing cameras.

After they all moved back, Aisha hid her spear and walked inside the wood, she whistled and Arcadia came from between the bushes and ran to his owner's arms to hide and seek comfort.

"Shhh, it's ok, you did well Arcadia, you did well" she patted his back before she walked through a gate Ophelia had opened for her, "let's go back home, we have a lot to take care of before we welcome the Calamity"

Life is hard, so this novel will go on hiatus until one of my other novels' volumes is over!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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