
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
294 Chs

The Call to Battle

A week after their day out in the city, a profound sense of anticipation filled the air at Elandria's Royal Academy. Teachers and students alike gathered in the grand hall, where a special announcement was to be made. On the elevated stage at the front stood the Principal, flanked by the heads of various departments and notable guests from the Draconian delegation.

The room hushed as the Principal, a figure of immense respect and authority, stepped forward and raised his hands for attention. His voice, imbued with both gravity and excitement, resonated throughout the hall.

"Esteemed students and faculty," he began, "the time has come once more for the Royal Tournament. As many of you know, this grand event occurs every three years, a celebration of skill and unity among the four great races of our world: Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs."

He continued, explaining the significance of the tournament, held this year in the very heart of Elandria. Organized by the Draconians—a race known for their immense power and wisdom—the tournament was a monumental event that drew attention from all corners of the continent.

"The prize for victory is substantial," the Principal declared. "For the winning nation, the Draconian God bestows a Blessing that will enhance the population and economic growth of that country for the next three years. For the victorious participants, a reward so great that it is revealed only to the winners."

He then announced the current chosen representatives for Elandria: the formidable third-year swordsman, Lyon; the brilliant second-year mage, Ksara; and the rising star, Amukelo. The hall erupted in applause and cheers, students excitedly discussing among themselves.

"For the remaining two positions," the Principal continued after the applause subsided, "A fair and fierce competition will be held. Kael first year second best student will face Ealric esteemed second-year swordsman, while Eliss first year best mage will challenge Tyra the top mage of the third year. They will be given seven days to prepare for this decisive battle."

Excitement surged through the room like a tidal wave. Students were already speculating on the outcomes, discussing strategies, and debating the strengths and weaknesses of each contender.

Eliss and Kael exchanged determined glances. They had trained relentlessly, and this was their chance to prove themselves on a grand stage, to represent their academy and their country. It was especially important to Elis's.

The Principal concluded the assembly with a call to action that resonated in the heart of every student in the hall: "Prepare yourselves, champions of Elandria. In two months' time, the world will be watching."

In a secluded part of the academy's vast training grounds, Eliss and Kael were engrossed in deep discussion. They meticulously analyzed the fighting styles of their upcoming opponents, going through every detail of past matches and strategizing their own approach.

Eliss, engrossed in a scroll describing her opponent's signature magical attacks, wore an expression of concentration. "She favors long-range elemental spells, mostly fire-based," she noted, "but she has a healing spell up her sleeve as well."

Kael, meanwhile, practiced a defensive stance with his sword. "He's an aggressive swordsman," Kael explained, "known for overpowering his opponents with brute strength."

As they continued to delve deeper into their strategies, Amukelo approached with a sly grin on his face, hands behind his back.

"I've got a surprise for both of you," Amukelo announced, causing them to look up curiously.

First, he turned to Eliss and handed her a delicately inscribed scroll. "This," he said warmly, "is a summoning spell called Phoenix Summon. The phoenix you summon will be a formidable ally, both in one-on-one and group fights. If it falls in battle, it will resurrect itself after five minutes, and its duration is one full hour."

Eliss's eyes widened in awe and gratitude as she gently took the scroll. "Amukelo... This is incredible! Thank you," she whispered, clearly moved by the thoughtful gift.

Turning to Kael, Amukelo handed over a second scroll, similarly intricate. "For you, Kael, this is Energy Pull. Use this skill to bring your enemy within your striking range and immobilize them during the pull. It will give you a decisive edge."

Kael was visibly surprised and grateful. "This is... I don't know what to say, Amukelo. This will be a game-changer for me. Thank you."

Seeing the sincerity in his friends' eyes, Amukelo's grin widened. "We're a team," he replied warmly. "We rise together."

He then shared his own acquisitions: "For myself, I got two skill scrolls. One is Protective Aura—a defensive skill to shield me from attacks. The second is the same as I gave to Kael, the Energy Pull. These scrolls are extremely rare and expensive, but they will be worth it."

Eliss stepped closer, looking earnestly at Amukelo. "You've spent so much for us," she said with a determination. "Now we have to win."

. . .

As the days counted down, each of them dedicated themselves to mastering their new skills and spells. Eliss, with a resolve as fiery as the phoenix she was learning to summon, pushed herself to the brink. For six days, she immersed herself completely in the intricate chant and gestures of the summoning spell, sleeping only twice during that time. The seventh day was reserved for rest; she slept deeply and almost uninterruptedly, knowing her body and mind needed to recover before the big fight.

Meanwhile, Kael, whose skills are much easier to learn then magic spells, mastered Energy Pull in just three days. He spent the remainder of his time sparring with Amukelo, sharpening his swordplay and honing his new skill to perfection. Amukelo, despite his own preparation needs, proved to be a patient and insightful training partner for Kael, guiding him through the intricacies of their shared technique.

As the last day of preparation drew to a close, Eliss, now awake and refreshed, stood by a window in her room, gazing out at the serene academy grounds bathed in the golden light of sunset.

"Six days for a spell," she murmured to herself, reflecting on the time she'd devoted to mastering the Phoenix Summon. "But it will be worth it. We've come so far together, and I won't let Amukelo down. I have to stand as victors on that stage."

Her words, spoken softly but with steely determination, seemed to linger in the air as a solemn vow.