
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In a world where magic intertwines with reality and ancient spirits cast dark shadows, a young warrior named Amukelo embarks on a journey fueled by love, revenge, and destiny. From the haunting death of his mother to the brutalities of the formidable Valarian, his path is strewn with challenges that test not just his swordsmanship but his very spirit. But every hero needs a companion. Enter Eliss, a gifted mage whose own past is intertwined with Amukelo's. Together, they traverse uncharted lands, confront formidable enemies, and forge an unbreakable bond. Their adventures lead them to face the deadliest of foes, Valarian, whose ambitions threaten to drown the world in darkness. Dive into a world of epic battles, undying legacies, and a love that transcends lifetimes. Experience a tale where legends never fade, and every sword slash tells a story.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
230 Chs

Mana Flow

As the intensity of the situation in the hall began to ebb, Amukelo and his friends stepped outside, finding a moment of respite amidst the burgeoning chaos of the city. The air outside was thick with urgency, the sounds of orders being shouted and warriors gathering their gear filling the atmosphere with a palpable sense of impending action. Amid this, they awaited Nakatashi's arrival, their minds still processing the events that had unfolded.

Nakatashi approached with a measured pace, his demeanor calm yet bearing an undercurrent of focused intent. He greeted Amukelo's friends courteously, acknowledging each with a nod and a brief word, before turning his full attention to Amukelo. "Do you remember the technique Yosue used in your fight?" he asked, his voice steady and probing.

Amukelo, recalling the most striking moment of their duel, nodded. "Yes, the one where his blade was followed by a trail of water-like mana," he responded, his mind replaying the visual of the energy that had seemed to flow like a river behind Yosue's sword.

"Very well," Nakatashi acknowledged with a hint of approval. He then posed a question that caught Amukelo slightly off guard, "Would you like to learn that technique?"

Amukelo's initial response was an enthusiastic "Yes." However, reality quickly tempered his excitement as he remembered their urgent mission and the limited time they had. Amukelo the said, with less enthusiastic tone, "I'd love to but our current situation doesn't allow me to spend time training. And after this mission, we will most likely have to head off."

Nakatashi continued, "That's exactly the reason why I am asking. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't even consider offering this, but given your potential, I believe you can grasp the basics quickly. I can provide you with guidance on how to continue refining the technique on your own, even without my direct supervision."

Amukelo, intrigued and somewhat humbled by the offer, asked, "Why are you willing to help me with this? It seems like a closely guarded secret."

Nakatashi nodded, his expression solemn. "You are correct; it is not a technique we share lightly. However, you have shown both remarkable strength and speed, and yet there is room for you to enhance your abilities further, to make your movements even more deadly. In the current situation, aiding the enemy of my enemy is a prudent choice."

He paused, then added with a depth of sincerity, "Moreover, you saved our Shogun. Such bravery and loyalty deserve recognition and reward."

The conversation moved into deeper waters as Nakatashi began to outline the basics of the technique. He explained the concept of mana flow and control, demonstrating the initial stances and movements that allowed Yosue to channel the energy so effectively. Amukelo listened intently, absorbing every detail, his body mimicking the motions as Nakatashi guided him through the steps.

"The key is in the synchronization of your breath with your movement," Nakatashi instructed, his voice a steady cadence. "Feel the mana as an extension of your own will, flowing through you like a stream becoming a river."

After discussing the basic principles of the technique that Yosue had used in their duel, Nakatashi sensed that Amukelo might already be familiar with some of the underlying concepts. His gaze intently fixed on Amukelo, he remarked, "These are just the foundational principles, which you likely already know." Amukelo, recognizing the truth in Nakatashi's words, could only nod in agreement.

"However," Nakatashi continued, "simply knowing these principles isn't enough to perform the style effectively. Consider this a starting point. Now, show me how you connect your blade with mana."

This request prompted Amukelo to introspect more deeply about his fighting technique than he usually did. Ordinarily, his movements were instinctive, almost second nature, but now he focused intently on each motion. He began by swinging his blades in his normal style, his movements fluid and practiced. Gradually, he started to infuse his strikes with mana, manipulating it consciously rather than relying on instinct. The mana gathered in his swords, building with each motion, until he unleashed it in a burst that resembled a mini explosion, enhancing his movement speed and the force of his strikes.

Nakatashi watched closely, his eyes never wavering from Amukelo's swords. The elder's expression remained unreadable, his years of training giving him the ability to maintain an impassive facade. As Amukelo's display came to a close, Nakatashi finally nodded, acknowledging the skill demonstrated before him.

"That is impressive mana manipulation," Nakatashi conceded, his tone carrying a hint of respect. "However, it is not as effective as it could be. Your method indeed possesses power, but consider this: you could significantly enhance the impact of every third or fourth attack. You perform these maneuvers without conscious thought, relying on momentum to cover the gaps in technique, which is why you probably never paid much attention to it."

Amukelo stood still for a moment, absorbing Nakatashi's critique. The accuracy of the observations struck him deeply—Nakatashi had only seen him perform once, yet he had pinpointed a critical aspect of his style that even Amukelo himself had not fully recognized. The realization that there was such room for refinement in his technique was both surprising and enlightening.

Nearby, Eliss and Erohan, who had been quietly observing the exchange, were equally impressed. Eliss's eyes were wide with a mix of astonishment and pride, seeing Amukelo's skill being acknowledged and dissected by such a seasoned warrior. Erohan showed his approval with a subtle nod, appreciating the depth of Nakatashi's martial wisdom and how it could further Amukelo's abilities.