
Realms of Love (BL)

You can never know that at which point of your life you would be introduced to a reality that will change your whole prospect of life...This is exactly what happened to Elliot Eves. A minor accident on his birthday brought him to a Magical Realm where Mystical creatures, Elf sorcerers and Soul Manipulators are ready to kill him at every turn. Being the first 'Walker', one who could walk between different realms, in last five hundred years, his blood is extremely precious and rare for every sorcerer and creature in this realm, their dark intentions being unknown. What path will Elliot choose after he learns about the dark secrets of the earlier Walkers and how it led to their extinction?? What does the stars of fates have for him under the veil??? Yet, amongst all this fuss, there is something in his heart for a Sorcerer that he can't describe. The feeling he gets only by a glimpse of him makes his heart to pound leaps and bounds. Is this what people call Love..?? And if it is, does this pure and innocent Love stand any chance over the malice and selfishness of this world. Will the fate let these souls meet?? Read on to find out.... Sample (R18 scene): Elliot **if you want to let the storyline develop first, then feel free to skip this ( though I know, hardly anyone of you would, after reading the tag above )** I was sitting beside the lake my legs were dripped in the cold water ... dangling like light feathers. Under my palms I could sense the little twigs and buds laughing in joy. "This is the place we first met.. I can only wonder how my life would have turned out if I hadn't met you here....but I am sure wherever I would have been...without you I will always be incomplete.. "I said in reminisce. But the reply were only the whispers of the cool drifting breeze. I looked at him. He was just staring at me. In the depths of his grey eyes I could see my own reflection. His eyes were as pure as the moon itself. The glistening of those majestic eyes casted a spell on me and I felt myself being drawn in to them. He had really seductive look on his face. He gave me one of his blinding smile.... 'How could he look so sexy while he smiles' I thought to myself and flustered. He noticed it and moved closer to me to the point where I could literally smell his breath. It smelled of some sweet mint, though I can only guess if he had the mint on purpose or it was just a coincidence ... He got closer to my ears. His warm breath landing on my ears, gave me butterflies. "You know...I can't really hold this any longer." He whispered and I could feel my face heating up. I opened my mouth but before any words could escape from them, a pair of warm, tender lips landed on mine. For few seconds, my mind turned blank. Slowly he started moving his lips and I felt obliged to return the kiss. My heart was really going to bounce out. Soon, this soft peck turned into a heated, passionate kiss. I could feel his tongue circling around mine, his teeth slowly ravaging my lips. His kisses started moving downward , to my neck and then my collar bone. His hands slipped down my waist pulling me closer to his warm body. 'He is really serious this time' I thought. I was biting my lips to stop mourning but it had no avail because a soft mourn soon escaped me~aaahh!! He looked at me, his face red with excitement. He was looking at me like a predator looks at its prey. "I am going down..alright??"He declared and all could manage in that pleasure was, a subtle nod. His kisses moved down my neck through my bare chest all the way down to...... **Hehehe!!want more, continue...

Silent_Observer_8696 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Encounter (Zeo)

I was sitting at the dinning table in kitchen, tucking my fingers randomly on the polished, woodwork, waiting for Millia, my older sister, to provide me with my rewarding grilled meat as the dinner after all the hardworking I had done for her today.

"It's been such a long time since I lastly had grilled meat. I just can't wait any longer just let me have it raw..." I declared smelling the smoky, spicy aroma of the roasted meat. Millia had her back on my side but I knew she was smiling at my childish comment.

Soon she turned around. She wore a gentle smile on her face which complimented her undeniable beauty. She had long brown hair, hazel coloured eyes and a tanned skin tone. But my focus was not her beauty at the moment. My eyes were fixated on the plate of grilled meat she held in her right hand.

"Well, there is one thing you need to do after eating this." She said and I immediately frowned. "Hah..!! Haven't I delivered all your medicines the whole day? Now, what do you want from me? " I asked with a frustrated look. She raised her index finger.

"There is just one thing... Tonight is full moon, so the new 'Moon Bell' flowers will blossom. Please, just pick a few freshly blooming flowers...they are of great medicinal value." She explained. I gave her pout. "Please... My dear, little bro" She pleaded.

"I will give you some extra pieces. " She added while dancing her hands around the plate.

"Fine..!! " I agreed. And then she put the plate in front of me. "First eat... " She said. And I started devouring the meat like a hungry wolf. She chuckled at the sight but I didn't gave much thought to it.

After savouring the meat, I went out of our house. Though our house was not a very big one, it was not so small either. But the important thing was that I loved it. We had brick walls, small glassy windows and a small chimney. This was one of those cozy type houses you would see in fairy tale. Well, the elf realm was kind of fairy world for creatures like humans.

I was wandering towards the lake, holding a blue lantern in my hand. The lantern used few fireflies as it's light source. Though the moonlight was enough for the light, Millia had insisted me take it with me. But I wasn't thinking about the finding the Moon Bells at the moment. I only wished that Dad had been there with us at the dinner while we were enjoying the grilled meat. It was his favorite, but as a Magic Knight of the 'Table of Honour' his absence was pretty reasonable.

My Dad, though he's just my adoptive father, was a really loved man and was equally feared on the battlefield. He was the representative of the Terra Clan in the Elf King's personal ministry called the ---Table of Honour. You see, Terra Clan is the user of the Earth's elemental power. There are five other clans like the Aqua Clan with Water's elemental power, Ventus Clan with the wind element, Ignis Clan with the power of fire, Flora Clan with the Flower element and finally the Theus Clan with the thunder element. And any Elf belonging to the main branch of the clan was deemed to be a strong magic user. One point to be kept in mind is that being in a specific clan doesn't mean that your magic element will be the same as the clan's element. It might me any of the six or might be a completely different element. The element of a clan simply represents it's majority population and the element of its strongest warriors.My Dad, Ross, is the strongest Earth User after the Terra Clan's leader, so naturally he was the perfect choice for position of the representative of the clan. But this made him distant from his family. Though we do know that he love both me and Millia, it's just that it feels kind of empty without him.

Finally, my ears were creeped by sweet chimes. It were the Moon Bells. The purple flower bloomed in full moon only and made chiming sounds which gave it it's names---the Moon Bell. The way by which the flower produced sound was still unknown. I then made my way to the sound. Soon, I found a long vine of the Moon Bell plant curled around the thick stems of the pines. I picked the flowers which were in my reach and put them in bag, Millia had given me. I was just preparing to leave when I heard a few splash sound from the lake. It was as if someone was swimming.

"Swimming, at this hour? " I whispered to myself. It was really weird for someone to keep swimming at this time... If it was case of Aqua clan it would be different but we are in the Terra Clan. Maybe it was some Aqua user or maybe it was a Mystic Creature like a water serpent or an Aqua Horses or maybe it was just my imagination. But a mind's curiosity is never satisfied with mere assumptions, so through the tall grasses standing beside the lake, I searched for the swimmer.

Soon my eyes landed on a humanoid figure who was dragging another of his kind out of the water. Though the both looked like any other Elf, except for the unbelievably short heights, I still felt something wrong about them being an elf. Firstly, the figure turned towards the lake and to his companion. He started giving breath to his friend, I assume.' Probably, he had drowned.' I thought to myself. He kept trying to wake up his friend but all his tries were in vain because the latter didn't show any movement. Maybe, he was dead. I could hear the poor boy's sober cries and I can't explain why but it really made my heart ache. I felt a strange connection with that boy. 'Maybe I should help him.. 'I thought to myself and slowly started walking towards him.

I could see that the boy became alert, as soon as, he heard my steps. He got up and slowly ran towards me with all the strength he had with him. And as his figure got close to me I could make out his features more vividly

"S-s-sir, my friend is not breathing, can you please call an ambulance?? " He requested with puffing sound due to his breathlessness.

I stood there, devoid of any words, just startled at my discovery. The creature in front of me was a real HUMAN!!! He had small ears completely different from our pointy ones. He was three inches shorter then me and not to metion, how skinny he looked, yet his features were so stunning even in the dim moonlight. He had short brown hairs which were soaked in water at the moment, with trips of water melting down his strawberry shaped face. But what moved me the most were his big cat-like, light blue eyes which in itself hid a whole new world. It was as if I could be lost into them for the rest of eternity.

"A-r-re you really.. a Human? " I asked as I raised the blue lantern to me face. He looked at me with a bewildered look.

"Who are you? " He asked unable to find any other right question. I could not help but smile at his reasonable yet cute reaction. He was looking at me with his head tilted to one side, like an owl.

"My name is Zeo, I am an Elf and you are standing in the Terra Clan of the Elf Realm. " I declared but my explanation raised more question on his face.

But before he could ask any more question from me, his body gave up and he almost fell to the ground before I held him . I tucked him up in my arms. He was still breathing vigorously.

"Maybe you had done more work than me today.." I muttered to myself. He was shivering and shrunk to my chest.

"You're ...so warm... " He whispered in his sleep and for unknown reason it made my heart to flutter with excitement. I stared at his cute sleepy expression for while and then went to take up his friend, put him over my shoulder and went racing down to my house as fast as my heart was beating while holding the human in my arms.

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