
Realms Entwined: The Chronicles of Harmony and Magic;-

What if Harry falls through the veil? What if he meets his parents and discovers the truth? What if he meets the death and gets an offer of rebirth? What if he accepts it and gets reincarnated? Find out more in coming chapters The realm is my own , it's still the world of Mlp but with a twist. Harry/Oc

Moonlight_Familia · Outros
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The Elinor's Light Prophecy: Atra en'valen soval en'rena atra"

Ashira thalara, vyshtar'sol'she,

Fyran'sel anira, ta'nara'ka her'lor.

Inya'ris soliarai, ai thelumai'nara'sil,

Lira'val ishara Elinor's haran'sol


A mother's heart, a wizard's soul,

Together they stand, to reach their goal.

Through challenges vast, and perils unknown,

Elinor's love shall be Harry's own.


He felt a sudden rush of cold air, followed by a sensation of falling. He heard voices around him, whispering and laughing, but he couldn't make out what they were saying. He tried to scream, but no sound came out. He reached for his wand, but it was gone. He was alone, helpless, and terrified.

He wondered if this was what death felt like.

He wondered if he would ever see his friends again.

He wondered if Sirius was waiting for him on the other side.

He closed his eyes and waited for the end.

But it never came.

Instead, he felt a gentle touch on his shoulder, and a warm voice in his ear.

"Harry…Harry, wake up."

He opened his eyes and gasped.

He was in a bright white room that seemed to stretch endlessly, with no walls or doors to confine him. He was lying on a soft bed, covered with a silvery blanket. Next to him, holding his hand, was a woman he had only seen in pictures.

His mother.

"Mum?" he whispered, unable to believe his eyes.

She smiled and kissed his forehead, her eyes shining with joy. "You look so much like me, Harry," she said, "but you have your mother's eyes."

He felt tears streaming down his face. He threw his arms around her and hugged her tightly. He felt her heartbeat against his chest, and her breath on his neck. He felt her love and warmth filling him up.

He felt alive.

"I missed you so much," he sobbed. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Harry," she said, stroking his hair. "I missed you too."

They stayed like that for a long time, holding each other and crying. Harry felt a peace and happiness he had never felt before. He felt like he had finally come home.

Then, he heard another voice behind him.

"Hello, son."

He turned around and saw another familiar face.

His father.

"Dad?" he said, in awe.

His father nodded and smiled. He looked younger and happier than Harry had ever seen him. He had no scars or glasses, and his hair was neat and shiny. He wore a simple white robe that matched his mother's.

He walked over to the bed and hugged Harry as well. Harry felt another surge of emotion as he embraced his father. He felt his strength and courage flowing through him. He felt his pride and admiration for him.

He felt complete.

"I'm so proud of you, Harry," his father said, looking into his eyes. "You've grown up to be such a brave and noble young man."

"Thank you, Dad," Harry said, smiling through his tears. "You're my hero."

His father chuckled and ruffled his hair. "You're my hero too, son."

They hugged again, then sat down on the bed next to his mother. Harry felt their arms around him, supporting him and comforting him. He looked at their faces and saw their love and joy shining in their eyes.

He felt like he had everything he ever wanted.

But then he remembered something.

Something that made him feel a pang of guilt and sadness.

Something that made him ask a question he dreaded to ask.

"What about Sirius?" he said, lowering his voice. "Is he…is he here too?"

His parents exchanged a glance, then looked at him with sympathy and sorrow.

His mother sighed and shook her head. "No, Harry," she said softly. "He's not here."

Harry felt his heart sink. He felt a wave of grief wash over him. He felt like he had lost something precious again.

"But…but why?" he asked, confused and hurt. "He fell through the veil too. I saw him disappear. I heard him call my name."

His father put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it gently. "Harry," he said seriously. "There's something you need to know."

Harry looked at him with curiosity and fear.

His father took a deep breath and continued. "The veil is not a portal to the afterlife, Harry," he said slowly. "It's a trap."

Harry felt a chill run down his spine as he heard his father's words. He looked at him with confusion and fear.

"A trap?" he repeated, his voice trembling. "What do you mean, a trap?"

His father sighed and looked at him with pity and regret. "Harry," he said softly. "There's so much you don't know. So much we didn't know. So much that was hidden from us."

Harry felt a surge of curiosity and anger. He felt like he had been lied to and manipulated all his life. He felt like he deserved to know the truth.

"What are you talking about?" he demanded, his eyes flashing. "What was hidden from us? Who hid it from us?"

His mother put a hand on his arm and tried to calm him down. "Harry, please," she said gently. "It's not easy to explain. It's not easy to hear. But you have to understand that we love you, and we only want what's best for you."

Harry looked at her with doubt and suspicion. He felt like he couldn't trust anyone anymore.

"Then tell me," he said coldly. "Tell me everything."

His parents exchanged a glance, then nodded. They took a deep breath and began to tell him the story of his life.

They told him how they were part of a secret society of wizards and witches who fought against a dark lord named Voldemort, who wanted to rule the world with fear and violence.

They told him how they were betrayed by one of their friends, Peter Pettigrew, who sold them out to Voldemort and framed Sirius for their murder.

They told him how they were protected by an ancient magic that sacrificed their lives for his, and how Voldemort's curse rebounded on him, leaving him weakened and powerless.

They told him how he was taken by Albus Dumbledore, the leader of the Order of the Phoenix, a group of rebels who opposed Voldemort, and how he was placed with his aunt and uncle, who were supposed to treat him as their own son.

They told him how Dumbledore knew that Voldemort would return one day, and how he planned to use Harry as a weapon against him, without telling him the truth about his destiny.

They told him how Dumbledore manipulated Harry's life, making him suffer and struggle, while keeping him in the dark about his past and future.

They told him how Dumbledore used Harry's friends, such as Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, to spy on him and influence his decisions.they also Hermione didn't want to but was threatened by Dumbledore that he would kill her parents if she didn't obey him and as he said.

They told him how Dumbledore arranged Harry's marriage with Ginny Weasley, Ron's sister, to ensure that Harry would produce a powerful heir for the Order.

They told him how Dumbledore lied to Harry about Sirius' death, and how he actually sent Sirius through the veil to another world, where he hoped to find allies against Voldemort.

They told him how Dumbledore planned to sacrifice Harry in the final battle against Voldemort, by making him face a prophecy that said that only one of them could live while the other must die.

They told him how Dumbledore betrayed Harry's trust, love, and loyalty.

They told him everything.

Harry listened to their words with shock and horror. He felt his world shatter into pieces. He felt his heart break into fragments. He felt his soul burn with rage.

He couldn't believe what he heard. He couldn't accept what they said. He couldn't understand why they did it.

He looked at his parents with disbelief and despair.

"Is this true?" he asked, hoping for a different answer.

His parents nodded sadly and hugged him tightly.

"Yes, Harry," they said in unison. "It's true."

He felt numb and empty as he listened to his parents' story. He felt like he had lost everything he ever cared about. He felt like he had no purpose or meaning in his life.

He looked at his parents with sadness and despair.

"What now?" he asked, his voice hollow. "What do I do now?"

His parents hugged him and kissed him. They looked at him with love and hope.

"You live, Harry," his mother said softly. "You live and you love and you be happy."

"But how?" Harry asked, his eyes wet. "How can I be happy when everyone I loved is gone? How can I live when I have nothing to live for?"

His father smiled and wiped his tears. He looked at him with pride and confidence.

"You have us, Harry," he said firmly. "You have your family. You have your friends. You have your magic. You have yourself. You have so much to live for, Harry. So much to offer the world."

Harry shook his head and looked away. He felt like he had nothing to offer the world. He felt like he had nothing to live for.

He felt like he wanted to die.

As if sensing his thoughts, a cold and dark presence filled the room. A hooded figure appeared in front of them, holding a scythe in its hand.

It was Death.

Harry felt a shiver run down his spine as he saw the figure. He felt a mix of fear and curiosity.

He wondered if Death had come to take him away.

He wondered if he wanted to go with him.

Death begin to speak in its cold and calm voice.

"You have lived a hard and painful life, Harry Potter," it said. "You have faced many trials and tribulations. You have fought against Voldemort, the Death Eaters, the Dementors, and many other dark forces. You have sacrificed your parents, your godfather, your mentor, and many other friends. You have yet to defeat the Dark Lord, but it was not your duty, Harry Potter. It was a burden that was forced upon you by others."

Harry felt a surge of pain and anger as he heard Death's words. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"Why?" he asked in a hoarse voice. "Why did they do this to me? Why did they make me their pawn?"

Death lowered its voice and leaned closer to Harry.

"Because they were afraid of you, Harry Potter," it said softly. "Because they were jealous of you. Because they wanted to control you. Because they wanted to use your power for their own purposes."

Death paused and looked at Harry with a hint of sadness.

"But you were also betrayed and manipulated, Harry Potter," it said softly. "You were lied to and used by Dumbledore, by Snape, by the Order of the Phoenix. You were hurt and broken by Ron, by Ginny,by Hermione but she had no choice but to betray you. You were denied your happiness and freedom by the Ministry of Magic, by the media, by the public."

Harry felt a wave of shock and disbelief as he heard Death's words. He shook his head and blinked his eyes.

"No," he said in a weak voice. "No, that's not true. They were my friends. They were my family. They cared for me. They helped me."

Death sighed and looked at Harry with a hint of pity.

"You have been deceived, Harry Potter," it said gently. "You have been blinded by your trust and love. You have been fooled by their lies and schemes. You have been robbed of your life and soul."

Death lowered its scythe and looked at Harry with a faint smile.

"You have suffered enough, Harry Potter," it said kindly."You deserve a reward for your courage and loyalty."

Harry felt a lump in his throat as he listened to Death's words. He felt a mix of gratitude and resentment.

"What kind of reward?" he asked in a quiet voice.

Death reached into its cloak and pulled out a small crystal ball. It held it in its palm and showed it to Harry.

"This is your reward, Harry Potter," it said. "This is your chance to start anew."

He felt a spark of curiosity and hope.

He looked at the crystal ball with curiosity and awe. He saw a swirl of colors and shapes inside it.

He saw a glimpse of another world.

He saw a world that was full of magic and beauty. A world that was rich and diverse. A world that was peaceful and harmonious.

He saw a world that was unlike any he had ever seen before.

He saw Mythosia.

He felt a strange attraction and longing for this world. He felt like it was calling him. He felt like it was his true home.

He looked at Death with interest and hope.

"What is this?" he asked, his voice soft.

Death smiled and nodded. "This is Mythosia, Harry Potter," it said. "This is your reward. This is your chance to start anew."

Harry felt his heart skip a beat as he heard Death's words. He felt a surge of excitement and fear.

He wondered what Death meant by starting anew.

He wondered what he would find in Mythosia.

Death continued to speak in its calm and gentle voice.

"Mythosia is a world where you can be free, Harry Potter," it said. "A world where you can be happy. A world where you can be yourself."

Death paused and looked at Harry with sincerity and kindness.

"A world where you can be reborn, Harry Potter," it said softly. "A world where you can have a new life. A new family. A new destiny."

Harry felt his eyes widen as he heard Death's words. He felt a wave of shock and disbelief.

He wondered what Death meant by being reborn.

He wondered what kind of new life he would have.

Death reached out and touched Harry's forehead with its finger. Harry felt a jolt of energy run through his body. He saw images flash in his mind.

He saw his new life in Mythosia.

He saw himself as a young boy with silver hair, emerald green eyes, and pointed ears. An elf.He saw himself surrounded by friends and companions, creatures of various forms and origins. He saw the city's spires reaching toward the sky, each one adorned with intricate patterns resembling constellations. He saw magical creatures coexisting in harmony, their presence weaving a tapestry of enchantment throughout Mythosia.

He saw himself walking through lush forests, exploring hidden caves, and venturing into vast landscapes filled with wonders he had never imagined. He saw himself mastering the magical arts, his powers flourishing and evolving in this new realm. He saw himself embraced by a sense of belonging he had never experienced before.

He saw Queen Elinor Aetheria Aelarion, his soon-to-be mother, standing tall and radiant. Her eyes held the same warmth and kindness he had witnessed moments ago. He saw her offering her hand, a gesture of acceptance and guidance, an invitation to step into a world of limitless possibilities.

As the images faded, Harry felt a mixture of emotions welling up within him. He felt excitement for the new life that awaited him, curiosity about the world of Mythosia, and a lingering ache for the people and experiences he was leaving behind. He turned to his parents, their presence as a source of comfort and reassurance.

His parents smiled at him, their expressions filled with pride and love. "We're so happy for you, Harry," his mother said.

"You're not alone," his father added. "You have a family that loves you, no matter where you are."

Harry nodded, his heart full of gratitude and hope. With one last glance at his parents, he stepped into the vortex, embracing the unknown journey that lay ahead.

As the colors swirled around him, he felt a rush of sensations. He felt as if he were being pulled and stretched, as if his very being was transforming. He closed his eyes, surrendering to the currents of magic and destiny.

And then, he felt himself landing on solid ground. He opened his eyes, and his breath caught in his throat.

He was standing on the outskirts of a magnificent city, its spires reaching toward the sky like beacons of light. The air was filled with a sense of wonder and enchantment, and he could feel the pulse of magic flowing through everything around him.

He looked down at himself and realized that he had indeed been reborn as an elf. His silver hair shimmered in the sunlight, and his pointed ears confirmed his new identity. He looked at his hands, feeling the surge of power that came with his magical abilities.

He smiled, feeling a new joy and freedom in his soul.

He was ready to begin his new life in Mythosia.

He was ready to be reborn as an Elf .

And then, he felt a presence behind him. He turned around and saw her: Ethereal Stellar Archmage and Elven Queen Elinor Aetheria Aelarion, his new mother. She was just as radiant and beautiful as he had seen in the crystal ball, her voice kind and joyful, her eyes warm and welcoming. Beside her stood Guardian of Cosmic Balance and Elven King Valmorin Aricen Aelarion, his father in this enchanting world. His presence exuded wisdom and strength, and his eyes held a twinkle of happiness as he looked at Harry.

"Welcome to Mythosia, to our family," she said to Harry.

His eyes widen in surprise as he what language they were speaking it definitely wasn't English, So he didn't know know how could understand, Maybe death give the abil- He didn't get to think about it more as an adult male cut his thoughts off

"We have been waiting for you, my son," Valmorin said, his voice carrying pride and affection.

Beside them were his new siblings: Valenar Ondros Aelarion, whose name meant "Brave Heart" and who had an air of determination and strength; and Eleria Luminara Aelarion, the starlight of the family, radiant and graceful.

"Allow me to introduce ourselves to you, Harry".

I'm Elinor Aetheria Aelarion, your mother in this world. I'm the Ethereal Stellar Archmage and the Elven Queen of Celestrialis. I'm so glad you're here with us." she said,

"Hello, Harry. I'm Valmorin Aricen Aelarion, your father in this world. I'm the Guardian of Cosmic Balance and the Elven King of Celestrialis. I'm very proud of you, my son."

"Hello, Harry. I'm Valenar Ondros Aelarion, your older brother. I'm the Prince of Celestrialis and Cosmic Herald of Unity . I'm happy to have you on our team."

"Hello, Harry. I'm Eleria Luminara Aelarion, your older sister. I'm the Princess of Celestrialis and Cosmic Herald of Hope. I've always wanted another little brother ".

Harry smiled as he looked around the magical realm, feeling a sense of belonging. He hugged his new family, who embraced him back with love and joy.

"You'll have a new name," Elinor said with a gentle smile. "A name that reflects your journey and your spirit."

As Harry looked at her, intrigued and curious, she continued.

"Ardalion," she pronounced, "which means 'lionheart.' A name that signifies your bravery and strength, the very qualities that define you."

Harry felt a mixture of surprise and warmth at the new name. It resonated with his experiences and the challenges he had faced throughout his life. Lionheart - a name that encapsulated his courage.

"Elionar," she continued, "meaning 'Sunlit Path.' A name that symbolizes the radiant path you are embarking upon, illuminated by the choices you make and the love you share."

The imagery of a sunlit path spoke to him. It represented a journey filled with hope and optimism, a path where his actions would shape his destiny.

"And, of course, Aelarion," she concluded, "our family name that means 'Guiding Light.' A name that unites us all and signifies the light that guides us forward."

Harry felt a profound connection to the family name, Aelarion. It represented not only his own guiding light but also the collective strength and support of his newfound family.

He looked at Queen Elinor, his new mother, with gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you," he said softly. "These names... they mean a lot to me."

She smiled warmly. "They are a reflection of who you are and who you will become in this world, Ardalion Elionar Aelarion. "Valar Astri lyrianos mi irahos",she whispered, holding him close. "You are finally here, where you truly belong."

As Hadrian, now Ardalion Elionar Aelarion, observed his family's appearance, he felt a surge of wonder and admiration. He had never seen such extraordinary beauty and grace in his life.

His mother, Queen Elinor Aetheria Aelarion, stood before him with an ethereal grace. Her silky silver hair cascaded like streams of stardust, sparkling in the sunlight. Her eyes were like galaxies, with shades of violet that held the mysteries of the universe. Her presence was otherworldly, a true embodiment of the celestial magic that Mythosia held.

Beside her, his father King Valmorin Aricen Aelarion exuded a regal aura. His sweeping golden hair flowed like sunlight, matching the brilliance of his eyes. There was a strength and wisdom in his gaze that conveyed the experiences of a life well-lived, a leader who had faced challenges and emerged victorious.

Princess Eleria Luminara Aelarion, his sister, possessed a unique beauty of her own. Her white-gold hair shone like a constellation of stars, framing her face in a delicate halo. Her violet eyes held a spark of curiosity and wonder, mirroring her enchanting name, Luminara. She exuded a gentle radiance, much like the starlight she was named after.

Prince Valenar Ondros Aelarion, his brother, shared their father's resemblance. With his father's golden hair and blue eyes, Valenar carried the lineage of courage and bravery in his very appearance. His blue eyes, however, added a touch of distinction, reflecting the depths of his own character.

As Ardalion looked at his family, he saw not just their physical features, but the essence of who they were. Each member possessed a unique blend of beauty and strength, a testament to their shared heritage and the unity that bound them together.

He felt a deep sense of connection to his family, as if he had finally found the missing pieces of his identity. His appearance, now aligned with theirs, symbolized the bond they shared and the journey they were embarking upon.

With a heart full of gratitude and wonder, Ardalion knew that he was not only a part of this extraordinary world, but a part of a family that would guide him, love him, and stand by his side through every adventure and challenge that lay ahead in Mythosia.

Ardalion,couldn't help but notice the changes in his own appearance. His silver hair shone like a moonlit night. It added to the ethereal quality of his new world. His emerald green eyes, like precious gemstones, held a depth of wisdom and curiosity that mirrored his journey.

He was told about his grandfather Valerian Aricen Tivalith, his mother's father and from whom features he seemed to have inherited. From his mother's lineage he bore the striking emerald eyes that glistened with a hint of mischief. These eyes held the promise of adventure, just as his grandfather's own life had been filled with valor and excitement back in the age.

Ardalion's hair, a radiant silver, carried echoes of his mother's stardust-like tresses. It was as if the celestial magic that flowed through their family had intertwined with his very essence. He felt a connection to the cosmos, a connection that was both grounding and enlightening.

However, he had been reborn or transferred into the realm of Mythosia as a two-year-old. As a result, this change carried a touch of innocence and vulnerability. It was a fresh start, a chance to experience the world anew, to learn and grow with the guidance of those who cared for him.

Ardalion embraced his new appearance and the age he had been given. He saw it as an opportunity to explore Mythosia with childlike wonder, to bond with his family in a different way, and to forge his own path while carrying the essence of those who had shaped his life.

With his silver hair, emerald eyes, and youthful spirit, Ardalion was ready to embark on his next adventure. He smiled and hugged his new family, feeling a sense of belonging that he had never experienced before. These people, his new family, were offering him something he had longed for – unconditional love and acceptance.

As they stood together, surrounded by the magic and wonder of Mythosia, he realized that he was not just starting a new chapter, but an entirely new story. With his family by his side, he could embrace the opportunities that lay ahead and discover the depths of this enchanting world.

Looking at Queen Elinor, his new mother, he couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the twists of fate that had brought him here. The warmth of her presence and the affection in her eyes filled him with a renewed sense of hope.

Under the sparkling Mythosian sky, as their journey together began, Ardalion felt a surge of joy and gratitude. He knew that his new family was his true home, a source of light and love that would guide him through every challenge and adventure. And as he gazed at the sky above, he marvelled at the wonder of being in a new world, a world that awaited his discovery and exploration.


The news spread like wildfire.

Harry Potter was dead.

The Boy Who Lived had died.

The Chosen One had fallen.

The Wizarding World was in shock and grief.

Some people refused to believe it.

Some people blamed themselves for it.

Some people celebrated it.

But no one knew the truth behind it.

No one knew that Harry Potter had not really died.

No one knew that he had been reborn in another world.

No one knew that he had become an elf prince in Celestrialis.

No one knew that he had a new name: Ardalion Elionar Aelarion.

No one knew that he had a new destiny: to save both worlds from a dark threat.

No one knew that he would return one day: as the Starborn Savior.

And no one knew that Hermione Granger had betrayed him: under the threats of Dumbledore.

The funeral was over.

The mourners had left.

The grave was covered with flowers.

Only one person remained.

Hermione Granger stood by Harry Potter's tombstone, tears streaming down her face. She clutched a photo album in her hands, filled with memories of their friendship.

She opened it and flipped through the pages, smiling and sobbing at the same time.

There was Harry on his first day at Hogwarts, wearing his oversized robes and glasses.

There was Harry in his first Quidditch match, catching the golden snitch.

There was Harry on his first date with Ginny, holding her hand and kissing her cheek.

There was Harry in his last battle with Voldemort, in the Department of Mysteries,raising his wand and shouting "Expelliarmus!"

There was Harry falling through the veil, with a sad expression on his face, after Sirius's "supposed"death .

Hermione closed the album and hugged it to her chest.

She whispered softly, "I'm sorry, Harry. I'm so sorry."

She looked up at the sky and saw a shooting star.

She closed her eyes and made a wish.

She wished that Harry was still alive.

She wished that he was happy.

She wished that he was somewhere better than here.

She wished that he could forgive her for what she had done,for betraying him

Little did she know that her wish had come true.

Little did she know that Harry was still alive.

Little did she know that he was happy.

Little did she know that he was somewhere better than here.

Little did she know that he had forgiven her for what she had done.

Little did she know that he would come back one day.

Little did she know that he would come back as Ardalion Elionar Aelarion.

In Hogwarts few a days later after the funeral:-




The voice echoed through the corridors of Hogwarts, attracting the attention of students and teachers alike. They followed the source of the noise, until they reached the entrance hall, where they saw a furious figure standing in front of the headmaster's office.

It was Professor McGonagall.

She had returned from her summer break, only to find out that her favorite student had died in a mysterious accident. She had rushed to Hogwarts, hoping to find some answers, some comfort, some closure.

But what she found was something else.

She found betrayal.

She found out that Hermione Granger, one of her brightest and most loyal students, had betrayed Harry under the threats of Dumbledore. She had given him a cursed necklace that had caused him to fall through the veil in the Department of Mysteries. She had done it to protect her parents from Dumbledore's wrath, who had threatened to kill them if she didn't cooperate.

She had done it to save her own skin.

McGonagall couldn't believe it.

She couldn't accept it.

She couldn't forgive it.

She wanted to confront them.

She wanted to make them pay.

She wanted to make them suffer.

She banged on the door of the headmaster's office, shouting and cursing at Dumbledore. She ignored the pleas and warnings of the other teachers, who tried to calm her down and reason with her. She ignored the stares and whispers of the other students, who watched her with shock and pity. She ignored everything but her own rage and grief.

She wanted answers.

She wanted justice.

She wanted revenge.

The door opened with a loud creak, revealing an old man with a long white beard and half-moon glasses. He looked at McGonagall with a calm and sad expression, as if he had expected her arrival.

He was Albus Dumbledore.

He was the headmaster of Hogwarts.

He was the leader of the Order of the Phoenix.

He was the mastermind behind Harry's death.

He was the one who had changed everything.

He said in a soft voice:

"Hello, Minerva. Please come in. I've been expecting you."

After that when they went inside the office:

Dumbledore closed the door behind them, locking it with a flick of his wand. He gestured for McGonagall to sit down on one of the chairs in front of his desk, while he took his own seat behind it. He looked at her with a calm and sad expression, as if he had expected her arrival.

He said in a soft voice:

"Hello, Minerva. Please sit down. I've been expecting you."

McGonagall glared at him with a furious and hurt expression, as if she had never seen him before.

She said in a loud voice:

"Don't you dare act like nothing has happened, Albus! Don't you dare pretend that you care about me or Harry! Don't you dare try to manipulate me with your lies and excuses!"

She refused to sit down, preferring to stand up and face him with her full height.

She said in an angry voice:

"You killed him, Albus! You killed Harry Potter! The boy who lived! The chosen one! The best student I ever had! The closest thing I ever had to a son! You killed him!"

Dumbledore sighed and shook his head.

He said in a gentle voice:

"No, Minerva. I didn't kill him. I saved him."

McGonagall snorted and rolled her eyes.

She said in a sarcastic voice:

"Saved him? Is that what you call sending him to his death? Is that what you call forcing Hermione to betray him? Is that what you call playing with his life like a chess piece?"

Dumbledore nodded and smiled sadly.

He said in a sincere voice:

"Yes, Minerva. That is exactly what I call saving him. Because that is exactly what I did."

He paused and looked at her with a serious expression.

He said in a solemn voice:

"Minerva, there is something you need to know. Something that only I know. Something that changes everything."

He leaned forward and lowered his voice.

He said in a mysterious voice:

"Harry Potter is not dead."

McGonagall gasped and stared at him with disbelief. She said in a shocked voice: "What do you mean he's not dead? How can he not be dead? Where is he then? What have you done with him?"

Dumbledore sighed and shook his head. He said in a gentle voice: "Minerva, please calm down. I know this is hard to believe, but it's true. Harry Potter is not dead. He is alive and well in another world. A world called Arda - Middle-earth."

McGonagall felt a surge of hope and fear in her chest. She said in a hesitant voice: "Arda - Middle-earth? What is that? Some kind of fairy tale? Some kind of trick?"

Dumbledore smiled sadly and nodded. He said in a sincere voice: "No, Minerva. Arda - Middle-earth is not a fairy tale. It's not a trick. It's the real world. A world of magic and wonder. A world of different magical races. A world where Harry has found a new home. A new family. A new name."

He paused and looked at her with a serious expression. He said in a solemn voice: "Minerva, there is something you need to know. Something that only I know. Something that changes everything."

He leaned forward and lowered his voice. He said in a mysterious voice: "Harry Potter is not dead. His new name is Elionar ".

At Riddle Mansion:-

"SILENCE" An order was heard throughout the mansion where the Riddles once resided. The voice belonged to Lord Voldemort, the most feared dark wizard of all time.

One might be wondering, what was this master so angered of? Well, if you had his testy temper, and viewed the earlier ruckus going on, you would be very irritated as well.

To the Death Eaters, it was supposed to feel like a glorious victory. At Bellatrix's news that the oh-so-famous Potter brat had fallen, they had been planning to celebrate the fall as the source of their previous woes.They had been planning to go to the Malfoy Manor and drink out the whole wine cellar, and perhaps run a raid on mudblood families or something for fun, but Peter had run in, and had to ruin all the fun. Lucius was the only one to be even slightly relieved at the news he gave.

At least, until Voldemort had come and overheard.

"It can't be… I saw him fall!" Bellatrix hissed, not nearly as cowed by her master's rage than the others when he exploded. "He ran right into it, trying to save my idiot relation. He is deceased!" she insisted, but stumbled a little as Voldemort stopped his pacing to whip around and turn on her.

"Dumbledore is a foolish old man, but he is a smart fool nonetheless." As much as he hated to admit it, "If he says there is a possibility of the boy being alive, then we cannot ignore the possibility!" he snarled, making his most loyal follower flinch back.

"If I may, my lord…" Lucius interjected slowly, bowing a little to avoid Voldemort's irritated gaze. "…Dead or alive, we cannot be sure anymore, but if the Potter boy is in fact not deceased, how do we know? You cannot simply follow the fool's move by running into the Veil itself-"

Lucius was silenced by a firm hand held up. Voldemort's expression "I can't" he turned to glare at Peter. "But you can."

"M-me?" Peter sputtered, "M-my lord I am bu-but a simple spy, I cannot do s-su-such a task – what if it kills me?"

"Then you die," Voldemort sneered, "But you are right about one thing, you cannot do such a task, and surely not alone. Therefore, someone else will go with you."

"Let me… 'assist' the rat, my lord," Bellatrix piped up again now that Voldemort's anger had abated. "I can keep him under control!"

"No," he growled. "As much as I trust your persistence to get the job done, Bellatrix…" he turned to her, "I'm afraid you lack the stealth to succeed. If Dumbledore's suspicions are correct, and if dear Pettigrew's news is accurate, then where that Veil leads is someplace foreign…"

Bellatrix nearly growled, irritated knowing that she had just been dismissed.

Lucius smirked at his sister-in-law. With her suffocating obsession with the Death Eater cause and obnoxious air, it was gratifying to see her put down by her own 'god'. Merlin knew if he would ever invite her for a personal party again. His ears would never be cured from her insane cackling in his study room.

"Then who do you suggest shall accompany the rat, my lord?" Malfoy Sr. enquired. Though he was glad his… dear relation was being denied, even he himself wouldn't want to take the mission. For various reasons, and even he could admit that Pettigrew's lack of hygiene was one of them.

Voldemort didn't answer right away as he turned to go down the hall. "Fetch me my double-crosser…"

"Snape?" Bellatrix suddenly spat, "He cannot be trusted! His loyalty has wavered, he's no doubt become a part of the light side now!"

"Then all the more reason for him to test the arch of death," said Voldemort, turning to give all of his followers a cold glare. "I expect no more objections…"

No one dared to speak out, fearing to provoke their master's wrath even further. After a few minutes of tense silence, the Dark Lord turned around and left the hall without giving any more orders. He was followed by his loyal Death Eaters, who did not question his decisions or actions.

Only one of them seemed oblivious to the danger they were in. Goyle, a burly and dim-witted man, stepped forward and asked in a loud voice:

"Does that mean we have to put away the ale?"

Lucius Malfoy mumbled "Idiot" under his breath. He thought that Goyle was either very foolish or very brave to question the already enraged Dark Lord Voldemort. He hoped that Voldemort would not hear him or punish him for his stupidity.

The tension in Riddle Mansion was palpable as Lord Voldemort considered the next steps to confirm whether Harry Potter was truly dead or alive. The mention of Severus Snape, the Potions Master and a figure shrouded in ambiguity, seemed to unsettle some of the Death Eaters. However, Voldemort's authority was unquestioned at this moment.

As for Goyle's interruption, it highlighted the often bizarre and darkly comedic moments that could arise amidst the chaos of Voldemort's followers. Lucius Malfoy's muttered response reflected the exasperation many felt, yet no one dared to openly challenge the Dark Lord's decision.

The air was thick with tension as Lord Voldemort paced in the Riddle Mansion, pondering his next move. He had just learned that Harry Potter might not be dead after all, and he was determined to find out the truth. He had chosen two of his Death Eaters for a dangerous mission: Peter Pettigrew and Severus Snape.

Pettigrew was a cowardly traitor who had betrayed his friends to join Voldemort. He was terrified of facing the Veil, a mysterious archway that led to an unknown realm. He stuttered, "M-My Lord, are you sure about this? What if it's a trap or a certain death?"

Voldemort sneered at him with cold authority. "Wormtail, your loyalty to me will be tested. If you fail, you know the consequences."

Pettigrew nodded frantically, sweat dripping from his forehead. He had no choice but to obey Voldemort, or face a worse fate.

Snape was a cunning spy who had been playing both sides for years. He had hidden secrets in his dark eyes, and he was calm and resolute. He said, "As you wish, my Lord. I shall assist Pettigrew in this endeavour."

Voldemort gave him a final warning look before sending them off. He did not trust Snape completely, but he hoped he would serve his purpose.

The two Death Eaters left for their perilous mission, leaving behind a sense of foreboding. Voldemort's orders were clear, and the stakes were high. Pettigrew's fear was palpable, and he could not afford to fail. Snape's motives were obscure, and he had a chance to further his agenda.

As they approached the Veil, they felt a shadow of uncertainty looming over them.

Back at Riddle Mansion, the remaining Death Eaters were left with a lingering tension. Bellatrix, denied her chance to join the mission, seethed with frustration and disappointment. Voldemort's decision left her to ponder the enigmatic Snape's role in all of this.

She couldn't understand why her master had chosen Snape over her. She had always been loyal, devoted, and fanatical about serving him. She had endured torture, imprisonment, and ridicule for his sake. She had even killed her own cousin for him. And yet, he had preferred Snape, a traitor who had betrayed him twice.

She hated Snape with a passion. She hated his smugness, his intelligence, his skill. She hated his closeness to Voldemort, his influence over him, his secrets from him. She hated that he had survived when so many others had died. She hated that he had escaped her wrath when she had tried to kill him.

She wanted to expose him for what he was: a spy, a liar, a coward. She wanted to prove herself to Voldemort as his most faithful servant. She wanted to make Snape pay for everything he had done.

She decided to take matters into her own hands.

She sneaked out of the mansion, following the trail of Pettigrew and Snape. She was determined to find them and stop them from completing their mission. She was convinced that Snape was planning to betray Voldemort again, and she was eager to catch him in the act.

She didn't care about the risks or the consequences. She only cared about her obsession.

She was Bellatrix Lestrange.

And she was on a hunt.

Meanwhile back in The forest in Mythosia:-

Under the sparkling Mythosian sky, as their journey together began, Ardalion felt a surge of joy and gratitude. He knew that his new family was his true home, a source of light and love that would guide him through every challenge and adventure. And as he gazed at the sky above, he marvelled at the wonder of being in a new world, a world that awaited his discovery and exploration.

Ardalion and his new Mythosian family made their way back to the royal carriage under the rising moon, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of exhaustion and excitement. The enchanting world of Mythosia had captivated his young heart, and he longed to explore more of its mysteries.

His mother Elinor noticed his weariness and suggested it was time for rest, to which Ardalion, while still adjusting to the idea of calling her "Mother," agreed with a nod. He was grateful for her guidance and the sense of security her presence provided.

As they approached the carriage, Ardalion's father Valmorin, perhaps sensing his fatigue, scooped him up in his arms and carried him with tenderness. Ardalion found comfort in his father's strong embrace, a bond between them forming even in this new and unfamiliar world.

However, as they drew nearer to the carriage, Ardalion's keen eyes spotted some unusual creatures, unlike anything he had seen before. They appeared to be pulling the carriage, and other similar creatures guarded it alongside the Royal Guards. Ardalion's curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't help but wonder about the magical beings that inhabited Mythosia.

His new family, including his older siblings, also took notice of Ardalion's fascination and exchanged knowing glances. Mythosia was full of wonders and surprises, and it seemed that young Ardalion was on the brink of many more discoveries and adventures.

As Ardalion stepped into the Celestial Carriage with his new family, he was immediately captivated by its interior. The design of the carriage's interior was nothing short of breathtaking, a testament to the magical beauty of Mythosia.

The seats were upholstered with luxurious celestial-blue velvet, resembling the night sky itself. Tiny luminescent points adorned the fabric, mimicking stars that shimmered and twinkled. It was a visual spectacle, and Ardalion couldn't help but feel like he was sitting among the constellations.

Not only was the interior visually stunning, but the celestial-blue velvet also provided an unparalleled level of comfort. The softness of the fabric was a welcome contrast to the adventures of the day, offering a regal place for passengers to rest.

To complement the celestial elegance, delicate Ethereal Sapphires were embedded in the cushions. These gemstones added an extra layer of charm and luxury to the already magnificent interior. Ardalion couldn't help but reach out to touch one of the sapphires, feeling the ethereal energy emanating from it.

As the carriage began to move, Ardalion settled into the seat, surrounded by celestial beauty and comfort. He couldn't help but think that his journey in Mythosia was truly beginning, and the enchanting world around him held endless wonders and secrets waiting to be discovered.


Luminara language:-

"Valar" = Welcome

"Astri" = My

"lyrianos" = beloved

"mi irahos" = Child

Names of characters equivalent to Luminara language:-

Hadrian James Potter=Ardalion Elionar Aelarion (in Luminara)

Ardalion: "lionhearted"

Elionar: "Sunlit Path"

Aelarion: "Guiding Light" (Family Name)

Brother: Proud heart = Valenar Ondros Aelarion (in Luminara)

Valenar: "Brave Heart"

Ondros: "Resolute"

Aelarion: "Guiding Light" (Family Name)

Sister: Starlight=Eleria Luminara Aelarion( in Luminara)

Eleria: "Starlight Maiden"

Luminara: "Luminous" or "Illuminated"

Aelarion: "Guiding Light" (Family Name)

Mother: Princess Twilight sparkle=Elinor Aetheria Aelarion (in Luminara)

Elinor: "Light" or "Torch"

Aetheria: "Heavenly" or "Ethereal"

Aelarion: "Guiding Light" (Family Name)

Father: Prince Courageous heart=Valmorin Aricen Aelarion (in Luminara)

Valmorin: "Courageous" "heart "

Aricen: Name meaning "strength" and "wisdom"

Aelarion: "Guiding Light" (Family Name).

Uncle: Prince Shining Armor=Ardon Lumina Tivalith (in Luminara)

Ardon: "Shield"

Lumina: "Light"

Tivalith: The family name, meaning "Eternal Unity

The ones in the brackets are the names with their meanings,I created for mlp characters in Luminara language. You'll know More about these in next chapter . ch #1.

There is a reason why I put Harry new middle name instead of his first because I didn't want dumbbells to have any knowledge about his new life

Moonlight_Familiacreators' thoughts