
Realm of Nightmares

*** The red moon was shining down upon the Dreamscape also known as Nightmare Realm. Everywhere the light fell, a creature, seeming to stem from the deepest pits of hell lingered. All were fighting. Each trying to consume the existence of the other. Reality breaking in the process. Now this cruel world, intent on satiating its endless hunger had set its eyes on earth. While two worlds Clash, one the pray and the other the predator, Kalvin alongside humanity is caught in between. This new world like many others had in the past, now stood before its ultimate fate. The reason that the universe was quiet and devoid of life had now come to earth. *** Everything shall be assimilated and the deck is to be reshuffled. The only question is if where you end up. At the top or the bottom of the food chain ? *** When neither society nor the earth itself remain, what remains for Kalvin who had lived a quiet and peaceful life until now. How will he fare in a world where death is the norm and morality a suggestion. What will the decent into hell drive humanity to? In this hell, only the strongest survive.

MasteroNothing · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

The ultimate heist

With the emergence of the star, something incredible happened. The rate at which he absorbed the energy went up drastically. If his energy absorption speed could be considered to be like a slow trickle, then now it was a whole stream of energy that converged on his mind.

In general it felt like his mind had gotten more potent. His calculation ability and concentration increasing alongside the absorption rate of his existence space.

Having Left that space and observing his body, he noticed that at the moment it was absorbing energy like normally, the thing that surprised him, was that even the parts that he had not yet trained this session were taking in energy, just at a lesser speed.

Not wanting to disrupt the process, he stopped his training and instead opted to intensifying the speed at which he brought the energy in his direction.

"Wow, this is way easier now. It seems like my energy condensing has caused my psychic capability to take a leap."

Attempting to lift a weight he had previously used when testing the limits he found that it came easy to him. More and mor weights were lifted, until when he hit the number of 5 half a kilo weights, he knew that he had hit his limits. Instead of what would normally happen though, the headache that came was a lot milder, allowing him to slowly let down the weights instead of like normally instantly dropping them.

"Both my Strength and Endurance have grown in terms of psychic power use."

"It looks like I can move my plan to an earlier date than expected. If I am lucky I may even manage it right now."

Kal said, a foreboding smile plastered on his face.

Not wanting to waste time on anything else, he grabbed his spear and changed into a different pair of clothes he had brought along in case his would tear or were completely covered in sweat.

Making his way to the headquarter of a bank that was located in his city. He had done some research and found out that this bank actually offered to store various valuables inside its Vault. For a certain price of course. The lockers could hold anything, from gold to jewelry to money. He however was looking specifically for gold, as money had numbers that could be traced back to him. Since paying people with money that was already on the market could end with him being arrested, he would instead choose to take gold.

Jewelry was also not an option, since people may recognize it and ask questions. If he sold gold meanwhile, he would at most gain some attention, since no one could prove he had done something illegal to get it though, he would not get in trouble. All he had to do was remove the marks that were engraved upon the gold identifying where it came from.


Currently he stood before the vault door. Towering above him, the steel construct looked as if nothing could make it move from its place.

With a quick stare, Klavin manifested his telekinesis inside it and began his search for the unlocking mechanism.

After half an hour of searching he found a place, where if he were to pull, the Bolts keeping the door closed would be able to retract, allowing the door to open.

"Done. I guess breaking into a bank Vault has never been that easy. Since nobody is here to interrupt I can take all the time I need to get to that sweet Gold."

And get to the Gold he did.

In fact, Opening the lockers was easy when compared to the big Vault door.

His first locker had taken around 5 minutes, but after knowing the general procedure to opening them, it took him only 20 seconds each the last one he wanted to open today took a mere 10 seconds.

In total he had gotten right around 30 kilos of Gold and 50 kilos of Silver.

If he sold all of it at a good price, he would easily earn about one and a half million.

"Now I only need to get that stuff out of here and somehow sell it off to somebody. Actually, if I recall it correctly, this bank actually buys gold."

Not wanting to have to carry all that gold outside and to the gym, he simply decided to wake up from here and instantly get the gold he decided to sell this time into his apartment this way.

With a thought, a barrier started forming around him. This time instead of looking like it could break at any moment, the barrier looked slightly more stable.

Forming that barrier around him, he was in a dream once more. From here he could wake up easily, bit decided to not do so at the moment. First, he decided to put a silver bar(the only one he had taken with him) out of his bag, that was already looking ready to break and put it on the ground. He wanted to see whether next time he entered the dream, it would still be here. Something else he wanted to test as well was to try and take something from the normal dream with him.

Concentrating, he made a little rock appear in his hands right before waking up.

Sadly, when he found himself in his bed, there was no rock in his hand.

"Tsk. I expected nothing less, but it would have been very nice either way."

"Well anyway, time to get rich."

It was currently early in the morning around 4am, meaning that he had plenty of time to remove the marking of the gold.Because the Gold he had taken with him this time was only the unmarked, he did not need to remove the markings this time.

He was not quite sure honestly, if removing it was really necessary, but doing so would certainly be safer than not. While he had not technically stolen anything, since the gold he took came from a different world altogether, it might arouse more suspicion. More than he already would by selling copious amounts of gold.

The bank would open at around six, so he had two hours in which he had nothing to do.

So he used this time efficiently and went looking for a mansion on the outskirts of the city with enough space and in a price range that fit him. Especially ones that were available immediately. He also quickly searched online for a place that would sell him Gym equipment he could use, that also delivered the stuff straight to his desired location. Not wanting to waste a lot of his time waiting for the equipment he already ordered a whole batch to the house he would soon call his own.

Finishing up his research and quickly calling his boss up about quitting the job, he had been quite sad, since Kalvin was very well educated and would have helped a lot working there, (he was told that he would receive the necessary documents later) he made his way to the bank. Hopefully to get rich.


(Bank employe Pov)

Today was one of those days where I had to work early. It was Monday morning and quite early, meaning there was not a very good chance of anybody really coming in for the next few hours.

So instead of wasting too time and staring around in the air I decide that I could probably read some stuff in the newspaper.

Again, on the front page was Stuff about the mysterious killings, that had recently happened somewhere near here. The police had yet to find any traces of the culprit, that seemed to have vanished without a trace.

Same stuff as always.

It was a shame that these people died. But having the same story appear in the newspaper over and over is truly overblown.

"Sigh maybe tomorrow there will be something more interesting going on."

The city was just too damn quiet. There was little crime or any other things going on, that usually happened around such a big city.

Perfect for anybody who likes going out of the way of trouble, but for a women like me who likes a bit of action,

"Sigh, at least the job pays well."

Indeed, exitement and action are great and all, but they wont pay the bills.

Suddenly standing before her was a 180 cm tall young man with bronze colored hair and a body that could only be described as handsome.

This early in the morning somebody is here and not just that, its a hot guy as well!

I wonder what he wants here.

Suddenly, the person smiled at her making her heart flutter and pulled his backpack open.

"Do you guys buy gold?"

She was stunned for a second. Inside this bag, there seemed to be at least 10, no twenty gold baars, all in varying sizes and shapes.

For a few seconds she just said nothing.

"Eh? Sorry, do you sell Gold here or am I in the wrong place?"

Snapping out of it due to the handsome man speaking to her, she quickly responded.

"Eh, of course, but for that amount I would have to call an expert to judge it, as is custom when selling gold."

What the actual fuck that guy had like a whole bag of gold with him. Did he dig up some pirate chest or something?

And the way he was holding it. I feel as if he does not notice this weight at all.

Thats like... so heavy.

I quickly rushed to inform my manager, that some weirdo, some handsome weirdo though I did not mention that part aloud, wanted to sell a whole bag of gold.

It did not take all that much time before my manager and that man left into a side room on the upper floors.

Really, what was up with that guy?


~Original pov~

The manager arrived quite quickly after that girl informed him.

"So you can help me appraise that gold?"

Kalvin asked the manager

"Well, appraising will take some time and the person we usually have to appraise materials is not here yet. So if you want we can take the gold for the moment and buy it from you at the usual market value, deducing tax and costs for the appraisal. Before transferring the amount to your account." The Manager offered.

Kalvin honestly did not care about whether he would make slightly less profit of the gold. The main reason for that being, that he could get more gold anytime he wanted. So agreeing to that proposal would save him time and make everything much easier.

"Of course, we can do it that way."

Kalvin agreed.

After quickly singing some small contracts that stated stuff about the gold not being stolen and such and giving the manager his bank details, he left. Not before handing his backpack to the manager though, who upon receiving the Bag almost fell over due to its heavy weight.

"Ups, Sorry about that, umm, you can keep the backpack if you want. Also, how fast would you reckon I would receive the money?"he asked the poor manager who had almost fallen just now with an apologetic look on his face.

Huffing, the manager slowly sat the bag down. "It should be done by around 1pm to 2pm"

Hearing this, Kalvin left a goodbye, before leaving the bank to get in contact with the company that could sell him his targeted house.

The manager however stood stunned with only two thoughts in his mind.

The first about how odd his encounter had been(you would not see someone just casually selling 30 kilos of Gold everyday)

and second about how he should probably start working out more, seeing how easily that guy had carried a whole bag of Gold.