
Realm of Nightmares

*** The red moon was shining down upon the Dreamscape also known as Nightmare Realm. Everywhere the light fell, a creature, seeming to stem from the deepest pits of hell lingered. All were fighting. Each trying to consume the existence of the other. Reality breaking in the process. Now this cruel world, intent on satiating its endless hunger had set its eyes on earth. While two worlds Clash, one the pray and the other the predator, Kalvin alongside humanity is caught in between. This new world like many others had in the past, now stood before its ultimate fate. The reason that the universe was quiet and devoid of life had now come to earth. *** Everything shall be assimilated and the deck is to be reshuffled. The only question is if where you end up. At the top or the bottom of the food chain ? *** When neither society nor the earth itself remain, what remains for Kalvin who had lived a quiet and peaceful life until now. How will he fare in a world where death is the norm and morality a suggestion. What will the decent into hell drive humanity to? In this hell, only the strongest survive.

MasteroNothing · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Like a moth to the flame

The trap was set, he was prepared, at least as prepared as he could be considering his situation.

"It is time to place the bait."

Slowly, but without wavering Kal approached an expensive looking car stood about twenty meters away from the gas station. If he was to kill the moth then fighting on his own turf was of upmost importance. If he finished his plan, then there would be no way back. He felt his heart beat faster. A mix of anticipation and fear was welling up inside of him.

Thinking back on his plan and reviewing it one last time,he resolved himself.

He took one step back from the car... and gave it a hefty kick.Instantly the cars alarm started blaring.

Through the quiet city, the sound of the car seemed to envelop everything. If the moth did not hear such a loud sound, it meant that it was deaf.



From far away in the sky, Kalvin heard a loud screeching. It seemed the moth had taken the bait.

Ten seconds later, he saw the moth hovering in the sky.

Having the Molotovs prepared the moment he kicked the car, he did not need to light them anymore, as they were already set ablaze.

Slowly, like a god descending from heaven, the moth lowered its gigantic body to the height of the street,right between where Kalvin stood and the gas station.

The creatures wing had already healed,leaving nothing but a slight scar where the gigantic hole had been previously. The regenerative capability's of the creature had clearly surpassed anything natural. Seeing the properties that this world seemed to hold however, Kalvin was not as surprised as he perhaps should be.

For a few seconds the moth, being about 15 meters away from him was simply staring at him. Slowly, Kalvin picked up two bottles. The moth seemed confused at this moment. It had expected the human to run away, knowing the sound would attract it here. Yet the human was standing before it, holding two flaming bottles. This made the moth curious. It would still rip that human apart, slowly and painfully, but the reaction the human showed was baffling to it. It was not even using its hypnotic powers at the moment, not that those seemed to particularly affect this human for an extended duration.

Lifting both his arms, he first threw one bottle and then the other.

The moth, watching his actions with interest instantly raised its guard to the maximum. It did not know what this thing the human threw at it was. Since that human had managed to hurt it once, maybe it would manage to do so once again.

None of the bottles managed to hit the creature however.

No, the bottles seemed to stop before hitting it, bursting and causing the liquid inside to ignite and seemingly stick to the air.

The moth had apparently somehow stopped the burning liquid in mid air.

The fire formed some kind of sphere in the air. It seemed like the moth had used the same power, that had almost destroyed his apartment and what probably allowed it to fly despite its enormous size and weight.

The moth just looked at him with its eyes filled with dissatisfaction. Kal however did not mind the creatures gaze. Instead he just continued throwing more and more bottles. The creature was already approaching. Some of the bottles flew past the creature and some impacted its shield.

Not minding his attacks, the thing kept getting closer and Kal was already out of ammunition.

The closer it approached, the more Kalvin felt a certain pressure increase on his body. At first it was almost unnoticeable. But with each moment and each centimeter the creature neared, it grew stronger.

Soon he was forced on the ground.

The burning liquid was still partially dripping down the moths psychic shield, impacting the ground.

The moth was looking at him with distain and hatred. How he knew that from the expressionless eyes of the moth was still unknown to Kalvin. Its emotions did not surprise him however.

The moth however was surprised by what it saw on Kelvin's face. On Kalvins face, was plastered a big smile.

Why would the human smile, if they both knew that it would come and slice the human apart bit by bit?

It simply did not make sense, unless.

Sensing danger, the moth turned around but it saw nothing that could harm it, no hidden enemy, no second human that would try and attack it from behind.

Why then would the human...


A bright flash of light blinded the creatures eyes, followed by a gigantic fireball approaching towards its direction like an unstoppable wave of flames.

Putting all its strength into the front of its barrier, where the flame was approaching, the moth tried to stop it.

First the wave of pressure hit the barrier.


The explosion had made the barrier entirely visible. It shone with a flickering blue light, looking like it was about to break. Then came the debris.

They lodged themselves into the barrier, causing cracks to form.

The barrier still held however.

Until the fire came.

When the fire hit the barrier, it completely shattered. The scorching flames approached the moth with untold speed. First were the fine hairs located atop its carapace. Then came the eyes and limbs of the creature. Thereafter its wings caught fire. For a moment the creature stood still in the air, burning like a star in the sky.

The next moment however, it fell to the ground, twitching like a fish out of water or an insect, whose limbs would not stop twitching after having been crushed.

It was not dead though. Even if death would have been a preferable alternative to what it was currently experiencing.

Its wings were burning slowly. Turning to a charred black color. If the spear attack previously had hurt, now it was experiencing hell.

The liquid inside its veins was starting to boil. Its eyes started cracking. It knew it was not mot going to survive, it did not get to die yet either though. If only it had not again fallen victim to its pride. It could have killed that human, if only if only...


The surroundings were scorching hot everything before him was on fire.Including the creature.

"I guess *cough * fire really is super effective against bugs"

Kal's plan had worked.

He had taken a few roles of toilet paper and put them into the Gas tankers tank, that was delivering fresh gas to the gas station. When the moth arrived, to distract it, he had thrown the Molotov's against it causing the fire to wander into the tank. He had, in fact, expected its use of shield for protection. The reason for that was, that he would have done the exact same thing had he been in the moths position. After he knew that it possessed this kind of power, the same that it used to fly, he knew that should the creature come after him, it would do so while flying, or in other words capable of using the psychic power it possessed once more.

Seeing how its powers destroyed the building, it was clear, that when using simple fire arms or other weapons, they could never penetrate the shield.

So the only option available would be to break the shield or avoid it somehow. Since avoiding something like this was not something he knew how to do, the only option was brute forcing the problem. Like his father used to say, 'if you can't unlock the door, break it.' and break it he did.

Had he not been able to, in the moment the moth turned around to realize something was going on, jumped behind it for cover and taken a fetal position because the moth let go of him with his power, he himself would probably also have suffered a similar if not worse fate than the moth.

Speaking of the moth, it was currently still twitching the fire not quite having gone out.

"You're quite the resilient little bug aren't you?"

The joints that connected the sharp blade it called limbs to its body, had been broken. Its wings, the thing that Kal had guessed it used to control, or at least amplify its psychic ability's. Its mouth, previously looking like a black abyss, now released faint wisps of smoke or steam released from its boiled bodily fluids. Now, without the wings and broken body, it seemed a lot less powerful.

This time approaching the creature was without danger. It could not really move anymore. Taking out the knife he had with him until now, he tried ending the creature by stabbing it in its eye. Though yet again, he failed to penetrate this spot.

"Still though as heck"

Getting an idea, he approached one of the limply hanging limbs and cut it of by the base.

Since its joints had been broken by the fire, breaking of a limb was quite easy with the help of his knife.

Taking a look at the limb and its sharp edge, glistening under the red sky, he jammed it inside the eye of the creature, cutting through its skull like cutting butter.

"I win"

were the last words the pridefull moth had heard before everything went dark fo it forever.

What Kalvin saw the moment the moth died however surprised him. Like it was decaying at an incredible rate, the moth seemed to be dissolving. It looked similar to when one would slowly lower cotton candy into water. From outside to inside, all that was left of the creature was a thin red mist.

For a second he just starred at it. Floating there, without purpose, without direction.

The next second however, Kalvin felt something from the mist. It was like a primal attraction he felt for it.

His body was telling him to eat it. He did not know how he would eat that mist, yet he knew he had to. It was something going beyond the instincts that evolution had developed. It was beyond a craving like hunger or thirst, for he knew that even when he was starving or dehydrated to the point of death, he would prefer that mist over water and bread.

The feeling came from much deeper. Like his very existence was craving it, like without it, he may as well not exist. It was his purpose, his destination and his start. It was his everything.

He approached the mist without further hesitation, like a moth drawn to a flame. He touched it and the mist went into his body like it had always belonged there. It was his now.

Then, everything went dark.