
Realm of Nightmares

*** The red moon was shining down upon the Dreamscape also known as Nightmare Realm. Everywhere the light fell, a creature, seeming to stem from the deepest pits of hell lingered. All were fighting. Each trying to consume the existence of the other. Reality breaking in the process. Now this cruel world, intent on satiating its endless hunger had set its eyes on earth. While two worlds Clash, one the pray and the other the predator, Kalvin alongside humanity is caught in between. This new world like many others had in the past, now stood before its ultimate fate. The reason that the universe was quiet and devoid of life had now come to earth. *** Everything shall be assimilated and the deck is to be reshuffled. The only question is if where you end up. At the top or the bottom of the food chain ? *** When neither society nor the earth itself remain, what remains for Kalvin who had lived a quiet and peaceful life until now. How will he fare in a world where death is the norm and morality a suggestion. What will the decent into hell drive humanity to? In this hell, only the strongest survive.

MasteroNothing · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Incoming Crises

Days continued to pass. There was a palpable increase in the energy levels in the real world. It still differed from what was available in the other world normally. This was worrying. Some change was clearly occurring, but he was not knowledgeable enough to make any conjectures on why. The only thing he could do was to prepare.

There was nothing he could do against it. At the same time, the pressure that came from the hospital and the graveyard still made him feel like he would die if he risked going there.

But with time, he noticed that that pressure was slowly decreasing. Either he was slowly outgrowing whatever lurked in both these places, or whatever was going to spawn there was losing its strength. He highly doubted the second option.

He was not that far away from forming his second star. It would probably make him advance even further, possibly making it an option for him to try and kill the creatures that would soon spawn from both places.

If he was adequately prepared that is. Otherwise all that would face him was death.

Before the monsters would emerge, there was still some time left. He felt it from deep within, as if his existence itself held that knowledge.

As an experiment he had left one of the dark energy blobs alive, giving it the ability to hatch. He wanted to know, whether it could pose any danger to him if it did manage to hatch.

To his expectation, when that creature did manage to hatch, it looked a bit bigger than the ones before it, and its skin had turned an ominous blue color. This helped it blend with the darkness of the surroundings, and when Kalvin arrived at the location where the ball was previously located, had he not noticed the disappearance of the floating ball, he would likely have been ambushed, because the creature decided to attack him the very next moment.

With its sharp claws stretched outwards towards him, it almost managed to reach his body. Luckily, the moment before, Kalvin could bring the spear he held in his hands down upon it, before wrapping his nano fiber threads around its limbs and with a full powered pull severing its limbs from its body.

"Fucking piece of shit, you scared the soul out of me."

With his adrenalin going back to normal levels, he looked at the creature twitching on the ground, trying to reach his leg and bite him like some sort of a deranged maggot.

Black blood that looked like the condensed mist that usually dripped from the floating balls flowed from the creatures limbs before evaporating.

The creatures open wounds closed within mere seconds, though its limbs did not seem to regenerate in any way at the moment, if ever.

For now the creature did not bleed out.

The dark blue goblin did not seem to care for the pain though as it kept wiggling its way towards him.

"Better restrain you before you actually bite me little goblin."

Fitting to his words, the thread enveloped the monster in a thin cocoon of black.

"It looks like you have finally grown up. Now I can't see through your skin as easily as before."

Kalvin walked from side to side, looking at the creature from different angles.

While before he finished all the monsters of the moment he could out of pity, this creature actively wanted to kill him, so he showed no mercy, just like the creature would not have shown any.

Lifting the severed limbs from the ground and before his face, he investigated it carefully, while also keeping taps on the creature and his surroundings with a fraction of his powers. It would not do to be attacked by one of the sneaky beasts he had maybe missed.

From the sharp claws of the monsters limbs, both the legs and arms, dripped a liquid he could identify as not being the things blood, since it did not evaporate.

"Maybe thats some sort of poison. Maybe I should test it out someway. Just not on myself obviously.

Too bad I have not been able to find any lifeforms in here except the monsters."

Thinking about lifeforms reminded Kalvin of something.

"Wait, since the food here can rott, doesn't that mean there exist bacteria here? If thats the case, how come I have not gotten sick yet? Or even better, doesn't that mean that I carried some of them over from this world?"

Fearing that he may have lead some alien diseases into his original world, he panicked.

"Whatever, now it's too late anyway. If I can bring lifeforms over from either world to the next, that means its already to late. I may be unaffected by it since my body is even immune against poison and should be able to handle diseases without problem. Nut what about other people? Did I just doom humanity?"

Kalvin was a bit disappointed in himself. If he had just caused a pandemic or doomed the world to a plague from a different world, it would truly be extremely sad.

"There is a way to confirm if I can carry living things over from this world to my original."

He looked in the direction of the tied up goblin, that stared at him with a mixture of hate and hunger.

"How about we take a little trip little goblin? I am sure you will like it."

Walking over to the goblin, he tied it more securely and put it to his side.

Slowly but surely a crystalline wall seemed to cover the two of them. This wall was the mental barrier, that had grown back to the strength it once had, maybe even a bit stronger.

Both the goblin and him appeared in his dreamworld. They were currently on a big field with black clouds hanging in the sky. Probably a reflection of his current mood.

Without hesitating, he wanted to wake up and see if the goblin would be capable of leaving the world alongside him, before he noticed the goblin expanding and devolving into red most, only that remaining where it had been before. Obviously he absorbed the mist, but it seemed like that was the only thing left of the creature.

"Did that goblin just dematerialize?"(It totally just did)

Whatever had happened, it had caused the goblin to disappear entirely.

"Maybe it just can't stand the environment? Does it have a corn allergy and me dreaming of a cornfield caused it to go into anaphylactic shock and have a stroke?"

Kalvin joked to alleviate his confusion. From all the things he had expected, this was not one of the things. But after briefly considering, he had an idea on why this had happened.

"Maybe, since the life in that world is made out of just this mist, the lower energy pressure causes them to disperse. If this is the case, then I should have not let an alien pandemic lose on earth."

Kalvin sighed in relive, before his thoughts caught up with him again.

"If the difference in energy density determines if these things can survive in a place, doesn't that mean that with the rising energy density on earth..."

Kalvins eyes shot open wide and a look of horror showed on his face.

"These thinks will come to earth won't they?"

Until now he could be relatively relaxed. Unlike when he had to fight the moth, if he would come upon a threat he could not defeat, he would simply go to earth and just not sleep for some time.

Since he had the support of his enhanced body, staying awake indefinitely should not be a problem.

His body would heal fast enough even without rest, and his mind was strengthened by the energy as well, so there was not much use for sleep beside visiting the nightmare world for him. So while a deadly enemy might be able to keep him from going to the other world, but it would not mean his death.

But with his current conjecture, even. ack hime on earth, his life could be in danger.

And not just his life, the whole of humanity would be at risk of what he thought was correct.

An example would be the moth. If it went all out and constantly kept its shield up instead of taking him lightly and playing with him, he would be dead right now.

Normal bullets did not stand any chance against the thing.

He had needed a massive explosion to defeat it while it was already injured and even then, this was only because of its arrogance.

If a monster like the moth, that could shatter reinforced concrete like twigs and could tank a gigantic explosion without dying would come to earth with the intention to kill humans while not being stupid about it, it would decimate the local police force and require a whole military operation to kill, which would be difficult, since it could just fly away from them if it was in danger.

But one moth was still manageable. With the might of the military it should be possible to kill it, even under heavy casualties, both civilian and military.

The problem however lay somewhere else.

Earth was a big place. If his assumptions of the nightmare realm being a reflection of the real world were correct, then that meant that all of earth had a corresponding location within the real world.

Just within the whole city, there were already two locations which housed threats he felt to be on a similar level of the moth.

If this was similar for the rest of earth, then it would spell death for humanity.

hundreds of thousands of creatures that were on the level of the moth or higher descending upon earth coupled with millions of other monsters keen on ending humans as a whole.

The thought alone send a shive down his back.

He needed to prepare for this eventuality. With how it stood now, he did not believe that he was guaranteed to survive.

All this only served to strengthen his dedication to his task of gaining more strength.

"At the rate at which the energy density is currently changing I have approximately a month left to prepare." Kalvin clapped his hand together, trying to clear these dark thoughts away.

"If I want to ensure my survival I need more power and for power I need that energy.

And for that energy..."

His thoughts fell to the hospital and the graveyard.

"It seems like its time to pay a visit to those places. But for that I need to prepare."

"Seems like I am doing a lot of preparation for things nowadays."

With this, Kalvin turned on his computer and went onto the dark-net. Maybe this would be fun.