
Realm of Nightmares

*** The red moon was shining down upon the Dreamscape also known as Nightmare Realm. Everywhere the light fell, a creature, seeming to stem from the deepest pits of hell lingered. All were fighting. Each trying to consume the existence of the other. Reality breaking in the process. Now this cruel world, intent on satiating its endless hunger had set its eyes on earth. While two worlds Clash, one the pray and the other the predator, Kalvin alongside humanity is caught in between. This new world like many others had in the past, now stood before its ultimate fate. The reason that the universe was quiet and devoid of life had now come to earth. *** Everything shall be assimilated and the deck is to be reshuffled. The only question is if where you end up. At the top or the bottom of the food chain ? *** When neither society nor the earth itself remain, what remains for Kalvin who had lived a quiet and peaceful life until now. How will he fare in a world where death is the norm and morality a suggestion. What will the decent into hell drive humanity to? In this hell, only the strongest survive.

MasteroNothing · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Icy cold Hospital

He now stood before the hospital. The mist that surrounded the building appeared to pulse like a heart. What was lurking inside waiting to hatch from its cocoon, Kalvin did not like to imagine. He would rather deal with it now, while it was still incomplete, than later when it would gain the ability to fight back properly.

The worst thing was that no matter what he did, the fear he was feeling did not go away.

By now he was not sure whether it was instinctual or some mental attack caused by the creature within, some sort of survival strategy to keep predators at bay while it was still in its development.

Whatever be the case, while his instincts had oftentimes helped him, he would not be stopped by them when it came to matters such as this.

Even if whatever was growing here was dangerous to the current him, its danger would likely increase exponentially once it came alive.

Before entering, Kalvin checked the contents of his backpack once more just to see if everything was in order. Unsurprisingly, it was. It had taken him some time to get all the stuff together, but it was time for the pay off.

With this, whatever was in there would get quite the beating.

The challenge now, was to get in there and locate the monster. With how the hospital had been distorted, it would be quite the challenge to get to anywhere in there.

Resolved to end the creature that very night, Kalvin took the first step, entering the space covered in the mist.

Instantly he felt a drop in temperature. The freezing cold crept up his limbs and spread along his body. It was quite incredible really. It almost felt like that time Kalvin had been in a walk in freezer once. Just before that cold feeling managed to reach his head though, it stopped.

Instead, a warm energy was pushing it back slowly but surly.

'The dark and the red mist seem to be clashing. How interesting. This did not happen before.'

Kalvin did not know why now of all times he could feel the clash of the two types of energy or mist.

'Maybe it is because of the insane density of the energy'

Looking around, Kalvin vision was weirdly not obscured by the dark mist. The air actually seemed clean and free from any pollution. From outside it could clearly be seen that the mist had not suddenly disappeared, but that besides Kalvin now standing inside the cloud, nothing had really changed.

For a moment, he just stood still while the two types of energy duked it out inside his body.

In the end, the fight had reached an equilibrium and neither side could get the other to succumb to its pressure.

This resulted in the cold he was feeling to have been reduced to only a slight chill.

He was glad though, that he had such a large amount of energy though. Otherwise his stay might become very uncomfortable and exhausting.

With that, his gaze fell to the entrance to the hospital. Or rather an opening in the side of the building that was located around ground level.

There certainly were no doors to cover the hole or any kind of hints that would suggest it to be anything else than a perfectly rectangular hole in the wall.

On the contrary, the place did not look all that inviting, with the ground that was covered in box-shaped ceiling lights. At the same time, the section of the 'ceiling' that Kalvin could see from where he stood, was tiled in a rectangular pattern with the odd chair lining the corridor beyond the hole.

Pulling himself up the hole and into the building, which was quite easy considering his recent gains in strength, even while carrying a loaded backpack.

Careful not to drop onto any of the lights below him in case he would break them and create a lot of noise, he reached the ground.

Weirdly, even while the power outside had been of for quite some time, in here, the lights shone in a pale white light hat seemed as cold as ice.

The cold light coupled with the white sterile walls and the cold caused by the dark mist made the hospital appear colder than it already was. It felt utterly lifeless. Like a concrete maze inside a tundra.

Those were the vines the place was giving him.

The smells did not remind him of those of a hospital at all either. Unlike the usual smell of disinfectant that would usually permeate the halls, all he smelt was that of meat that had been in the freezer for too long and had been frozen solid.

The smell alone made a shiver creep down his back. The reason was that he had immediately thought of the image of a solidly frozen human corps in a hospital gown the moment he had smelled it.

A pale blue body, its arms covering the thin figure maybe in order to keep itself from succumbing to the cold for just that little bit longer.

The face covered with a terrified expression that told of the last desperate moments.

The worst was, that the body he had seen in his mind for a flash had had his face.

Cautiously, Kavin walked down the corridor further in search of his prey. The further in he got, the weirder the whole place became. The ceiling floor and walls were riddled with holes. Some leading outside, some leading to further inside.

Each hole however seemed the be symmetrical, being either a square of a rectangle.

Weirder was, that some of the holes had actual windows or doors installed in them. As such, he had to be very careful when walking, as one simple misstep could allow him to fall down any one of the holes in the ground.

The further he walked, the colder the air seemed to get. He knew that he was getting closer to where the creature was likely located. With his psychic powers at play, he scanned the enviroment while also taking out the string.

He did not intend to get caught off guard.

*Tak tak tak*

With each of his steps down the long corridors completely devoid of life, the air grew ever colder. The pictures that appeared within his mind became more frequent.

Even after the first vision he had thought that something was up.

He had guessed that it probably had something to do with the monster putting these in his head to discourage him from staying. With him getting closer though, the creature wheter it was done subconsciously or on purpose, sending him those visions had become easier for the creature. That, or it was trying harder.

For a moment, the world seemed to halt. All he saw was white. But inside the whiteness, that he recognized to stem from a blizzard, he saw a dark silhouette moving about, rushing past him like a fleeting shadow.

The same moment however, Kalvin turned around with it, not intending to show the creature his back.

The shadow did not seem to have any features. All there was to it appeared to be the shadow cloaked by the many snowflakes falling from the sky.

The moment Kalvin saw the creature, he had the feeling that it was out to hunt him.

And then, just as quickly as it had appeared, the vision or illusion ended and he was back to walking.

Another step and then another.

In the blizzard he saw two yellow shining eyes. This time they looked more threatening than before.

Without hesitation, he used his powers to propel the string in the creatures direction, yet the moment before he hit it, the vision ended.

Klavin was not some fearful idiot who would just stand there in fear. No, he had trained a lot just to be able to hold his own against the creatures he may face in the near future. Whatever this was, that he was currently facing, he would not relent easily.

Besides, those were all nothing more than illusions. There was no way in which those could truly harm him. While if he had been engaged in a fight, this my have been detrimental and left him wide open, since he was currently alone, those visions could only cause him a slight scare at best.

Another few steps. The light began to flicker. Those that were located before him turned off entirely.

By now, he was quite deep within the hospital. As such, there was basically no outside light.

The corridor before him was pitch black.

He actually reached for the flashlight with his powers, that he had bought with him.

Yet when he tried turning it on, it flickered and then failed entirely.

He was quite surprised by this. He had only recently changed the things battery, so it should still work.

So instead, he just used his powers to scan the way ahead.

Suddenly he was back in the snow storm.Before him stood the silhouette, towering anove him like a giant.

It approached him, which caused the ground to tremble with each of its steps.

Faster and faster, its steps echoed through the snow.

Any sane person would have run away. The steps came closer yet. But Kalvin only walked forward.

Just before the shadow would run him over, the vision ended.

"Tsk only illusion. Nothing that can truly harm me."

With his senses supported by the psychic powers, and him taking in the world only through his scans, it was easy to recognize that none of the things he saw had any real matter in them.

The only thing they could affect was his mind.

From the distance, he heard a dripping sound. He had become familiar with it. The short drips and then a slight hiss, like a drop of water falling onto a hot pan. The hiss of something liquid turning into steam.

It was the sound he had heard from the monster eggs when they were developing. He was not late.

The visions came barreling down upon him like a never ending storm. Monsters shadows corpses and much more.

Until finally, he stood in fron of the opaque egg.

The visions had stopped and the light around him was on again. It seems the light being out was part of the illusion too.

Inside the giant egg, at least twice as tall as he was, he saw some kind of monster floating around. It looked like a ball with many small tendrils floating around it, each one covered in ice crystals that were as tough as steel. It looked to be light blue in color from what he could see.

The tentacles though were tipped with razor sharp blades, that threatened to cut anything they would touch. Apparently this was some kind of theme among the nightmare creatures he had met until now.

From the creature, a kind of aura, that reminded Kalvin of snow winter and death radiated.

From what he saw, he believed that going here at this time might have saved his life.

If the creature was awake, it would probably be able to completely entrap Kalvin inside on of the visions, fooling all his senses while slowly cutting him into pieces.