
Realm of Glory

Realm of Glory, the most anticipated visual reality game has finally been launched. With a promise of 100% realistic environment and adventures, the game quickly gained thousands of players. Sasuke was at the lowest point of his life. After being given a deadline to pay up his school fees, he planned on going all out to make money and support his father. When news that in game currency could be withdrawn in the real world, Sasuke, like many others is tempted into playing the game. However, what started as a fun game soon becomes a budding nightmare when the first in game death occurred in the real world as well. A count down of ten years begins in the game. What happens when the countdown end? Will anyone survive at the end?

chronikles_content · Urbano
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11 Chs

Year 1 ~ {Soul Hostel ~ House 140}


Little Girl!!

Cute Little Girl!!!

Sasuke clinched his fist until they turned white. The longer these two people augured, the more his breathing became heavy and his anger rose. He couldn't understand why people always mix up his gender.

Sasuke face looked soft and spotless. He hadn't experienced puberty yet even at his age so he still had soft flesh. He stood at 5'3" feet and weight about 47.7 kg. He had a small body structure but was slightly curvy at his hips.

Because of his fast hair growth, Sasuke straight black hair reached above his waist with a few bangs hanging from the sides of his face. His eye was wide and a striking shade of blue which stood out against his pale skin. A few freckles dotted the area around his nose and a black dot sat on his right cheek.

As for his latches and eye brows, they were enough to make any woman feel envious.

Sasuke never pays much attention to his face but according to what his dad says, he looked like a copy of his mother. For this reason, Sasuke didn't fancy his looks, especially his face.

However, he was constantly reminded of how feminine he looked by everyone he came across. So far, only Haruki and Alisha never commented on it.

These two people in front of him however, they were having a full blown argument about him like he wasn't even here. It could have been worse if Sasuke hadn't taken an English course at school.

When he finally wasn't able to listen any further, he threw his clinched fists in the air and exclaimed with all his might;

"I'm a boy!"

This brought the argument between Vic and fatty Chan to an abrupt end as they both turned to him with confused expression on their faces.

Sasuke managed to calm his breathing and slowly spoke like he didn't want to have to repeat himself: "I'm a boy. My name is Sasuke okay?"

He was meet with a long silence and suddenly the fatty reached out his hand and poked him on his chest. Sasuke harshly slapped his hand away with a glare fixed on his face.

"Woow, there isn't anything there" Fatty Chan said, eyes blow wide and voice filled with bewilderment.

Sasuke huffed and made his way past the two and further into the living room. He took a closer look at everything there.

"You really are a guy?" Vic asked walking into the living room as well, his eyes following Sasuke's figure.

Sasuke spared him a glance.

"I won't be here if i wasn't" he replied "People of opposite gender aren't allowed to stay in the same house here"

Vic nodded in understanding. Still a little doubtful but otherwise convinced, he held out a hand to Sasuke who's back was turned at him.

"I'm Vincent from Africa, Nigeria." he introduced himself

Sasuke turned to him, his frown finally replaced by a small smile. He took Vic's hand in a handshake and introduced himself as well.

"Sasuke from China. Nice to meet you"

"My name if Bang Chan from Austrian" the loud thick voice belonging to the fatty called immediately after.

Sasuke mentally clinched. If this fatty voice is always this loud, they weren't going to get along at all. Yet, he managed a smile at the boy and let go of Vic's hand.

"So, are there only two of you here?" he asked


The room Sasuke was assigned to was of decent size. It had a medium size bed opposite the door next to the window and a reading desk close by and a white wardrobe was also available. Luckily, he got a room on the top floor and a balcony too.

Saskue smiled in satisfaction at the color in which the wall was painted with. Blue.

After familiarizing with the setting of the room, Sasuke returned downstairs. Earlier, he had found out that apart from Vic and fatty Chan, there were also two more people already leaving in the house.

They had both left to see sight around the hostel a few hours before he arrived and had yet to arrived. When he arrived downstairs, he saw Fatty Chan sitting on the couch with a bowl of noddles and engrossed in the movie he was watching.

"Where is Vincent?" Sasuke asked from the stairs.

Chan turned around only for a second before he glued his eyes back on the tv. "He went to check out the temple. If you hurry, you can still caught up to him"

Sasuke nodded and quickly left the house. He also wanted to go see around the temple but didn't want to go alone since he got lost easily. He ran all the way to the gate where he saw Vincent about to go out.

"Wait up" he yelled, quickly catching up to the boy.

Vincent looked at him, surprised. He held the gate opened with one hand and asked; "What's up?"

Sasuke stopped in front of him. Thanks to his low stamina, he was completely out of breath. After catching his breath for a few seconds, he stood up straight and replied

"Chan told me you're going to the temple. Can i come with you? I also want to check it out but have a terrible scene of direction" he explained in one breath.

Vincent looked at him for a few seconds before busting into laughter.

"How long did you run? You're sweating like a drowned chick" he said between laughter

Sasuke could only scowl at him. The was the second time some commented on his stamina. He really need to work on that in the future. For now, they headed to the temple first.