
Realm Of Deaths

Mated by fate to a snow wolf as a mermaid, it a rare occurance. A mixture not supposed to be linked, Being the ever first merman blessed with one from my realm. someone striped me from that golden opportunity I've been gifted with, for greed, selfishness and lust for power. who ever dares to touch or hurt my mate have to settle it with me. Because no one is born a hero or a villain, they're made by those around them and the world is about to turn me into a villain, then I'll be the villains lord.

Ivoryaseems · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Moonrise Kingdom

" Am sorry princess Houda, but the alpha said not to let anyone in." A maid said her voice quivering from fear. 

" Do I look like anyone to you dimwit." The princess voiced proudly. 

The maid cast her eyes downward, her body trembling afraid of what the princess might do to her. But to her surprise, the princess push open the door to the Alpha's room and went in swiftly without sparing her a second glance. 

" Who ever it is should know when I said, I need some space alone." The alpha snarled without sparing the intruder a glance.

The alpha was facing a wall at the extreme end, behind a corner in his room, the wall was decorated with shiny crystals showing different illustration, it was also covered in different runes and magnificent paintings of different creatures. Palm sized mirrors were placed at most side of the paintings where runes can be clearly seen.

The runes varies indicating different types of creatures, ranging from Fox, mermaid, phoenix, orge, serpent, chimera, satyr's and centaur. The creatures where drawn at the center of each rune which was crafted with dark magic, then sealed with the blessing magic preventing the runes from fading or altering when attack with any form of magic other than dark magic. The palm sized mirrors were placed at the top of each creatures heart at the center of each rune a small ball of light from the crystals illuminates the mirror showing a reflection of what going on in all the kingdoms.

" Dad," A soft voice from behind him called. 

" What are you doing here Houda, I told you to stay in your quarters not to let anyone see you, no one should know you're in the palace yet." He kept looking at the runed wall while he speak to his daughter. 

" But dad, am tired of staying indoor alone, you know I don't have that type of patient dad," she responds moving closer to her father. 

They both stare at the mirrors on the wall which shows different kingdoms of the creatures runed on the walls, different activities were carried out in those kingdoms, but one of the reflection of a certain kingdom captured his attention, he stare at the mirror intently without uttering a word. 

" Guard." He barked out loudly startling Lucy who was close to him. 

A young boy rushed into the room bowing his head, the alpha watched the young guard intently whose body was radiating a confident aura. 

" You're new," the alpha said raising one of his brows.

The boy raised his head matching his gaze to the alpha's before bowing again.

" Yes alpha." He answered shortly 

" Where are the other guard assign for me?" The alpha asked anger flaring in his eyes. His dominant alpha aura swirling around him, he stare at the young guard who showed no remorse for the aura weighing him down. 

The alpha nods his head, his lips coiling at the side, who ever the young guard is have a high tolerance and stronged willed, he withstand his dominant aura without shaking or his will breaking down. He must be very strong and well trained his mind. 

" I want a meeting with the oracles now." His tune a bit softer than earlier when speaking to the guard. He moves around the room so fast his image blurry.

The guard bow again before stepping out of the room, the minute he exit the room, he cough out a mouthful of blood his legs wriggling, he almost lost it, if he had spent another minute in there, only the moon goddess knows what could have happens to his mind.

The heavy aura directed at him by the alpha almost crushed his will, he was lucky his mind was not distrupt due to the domineering command of the alpha. He place his hand softly on his chest rubbing circles through his guard uniform feeling his heart beating faster than normal for a werewolf. He touched the necklace pendant he wore and let out a light exhale, how he wish he can change the past. 

He walks slowly down a hallway leading him to the palace temple, he said something to the guard staying guard of the temple, the guard quickly nods his head and knocked on the door a bit loudly, he opened the door and went in, he bow to the man inside the temple before delivering the message the alpha sent the young guard. The man inside the room was wearing a black robe embroidered with the palace sigil. He nods his head lightly to the guard before ushering him out. He quickly takes out a mirror hidden at the hem of his robe.

He said some incantations to the mirror, the surface of the mirror swirl in circles for a few seconds before stopping. An image emerge from the reflection of the mirror. The man looks at every event going on in the mirror before settling the mirror down. Fear envelopes his heart making him loose his stand, he quickly grab a hold of the nearest sit close to him to steady himself. 

After stabilizing himself, he focused his mind " The alpha called for an emergency meeting now." He said through the palace link. He can hear the panic in most of them but he ignored and break-off the link. 

Someone push open the temple door, he raised his head knowing who was at the door, he moves towards the alpha in a swift motion. " Alpha, you're here." He said his voice strained showing how he detest the sight the alpha. 

" Of course high priest, I sent a message, didn't I." He asked the priest examining his face, he can sense the fear masked by the self confidence of the priest. He stare at the priest for some time trying to invade his mind using the Mind Art he cultivated. The movement at the door interrupt the alpha while the priest exhaled softly, whoever is it, has save him from the somehow psychotic alpha.

A group of five men enters the room, they halt at the door gazing between the alpha and the high priest seeing them in an awkward position, the priest holding on to a chair like his life depends on it, and the alpha trapping him with his hands at both side of the chair, and the priest at the middle. Without uttering a word, they all went to their respective seats, the alpha cleared his throat moving away from the priest, the priest strengthen his robe dusting it even without any dirt staining the robe, he also cleared his throat averting his gaze from the people inside the room and sits at the chair farthest from the alpha. 

The alpha's lips twitch in a small smile seeing the priest action, he has been suspecting the priest for a while now, but that has to wait after the important things are done. 

 " The princess is at whitehaven, we need to get her before we loose track of her again." The alpha said looking at every member in the room, seeing the priest shows no sign of suprise, the alpha stare at him trying to read his expression, he seriously needs to know what the high priest of the palace is hidding, he most have known where the princess is or may have know what the alpha wants to talk about.

" But alpha..., Isn't it risky going after the princess like this," One of the man in the room interrupt the alpha. He was also wearing a black robe.

" Keep shut you imbecile, it takes me four good years tracking all the magical cities and the most luxurious kingdoms just to get a hold of her, and now you're trying to be a hindrance to me, you know quite well what happen to those who oppose me, and I choose you five for a reason, you know that right." The room was vibrating with how much the alpha pheromone was swirling around the room. 

All the men went quite knowing how their alpha's anger rises from zero to a hundred in a matter of seconds, " make an arrangement for the best warriors, ahhh yes, there's this young guard I met earlier, make him the leader of the group." The alpha said dismissing the men. The high priest gulped hearing the alpha's remark, the young guard he wants to lead the warriors group was like a son to him, he took him in when all he knows of his mother were the stories being told by the loyal families of the late alpha, he heard about her courage, loyalty and how trustworthy she was to the late crown. 

" Right away great Alpha." They all said in unison bowing to the alpha. The men stand walking towards the door, the high priest heart was beating twice as fast, he will be left alone with the alpha who shows no sign of leaving the temple yet.

When the five men leaves the room, the alpha stands up and walk towards the high priest. " Spill the bean young man." The alpha said trying to trap the priest like earlier, the priest moves away quickly avoiding the alpha. 

" You did a great mistake dismissing the former oracles," the priest said sitting on the chair the alpha was sitting earlier, the alpha raised his brows with an amused look, who dares to do this other than this man here. 

" Enlighten me my priest," the alpha said looking at the priest intently for his reaction. 

" The new oracle you appoint knows nothing about the communication with the moon goddess, they have no special powers, non of them cultivate a single Art or Specialises in any form of magic or Art." The priest said said matching his gaze with the alpha. 

" Should I tell you why I like you, or should I leave it to the fact that you're smart enough and knows everything." The alpha said his eyes bore at the high priest face. The high priest ears were a shade of pink the moment he heard the alpha's words. 

" About the young guard earlier, I knew you sent him, is there a special reason behind that?." The alpha said out of the blue changing what they were discussing on earlier. 

" Just someone I know, and it a long story."