
Wanna find Na-gil?

The school blog had already been updated and the buzz has increased greatly that even some of the teachers already started gossiping the new hot topic.

Was it that there was no male idol in the whole school?.To Yo-han, it was almost like embarrassing him. He never wanted to be popular neither did he crave for fame, because he knew he certainly doesn't need people paying him their attention.

He had his issues already, he wasn't the social type although fame is not something he can't handle, but he had his plans, and it's not to be in the spotlight, he had to make people forget about him, but his face would certainly betray him.

' What else do I have to do‽'

He had only entered the school premises twenty minutes earlier, and now every one knew about him. They even gave him a name already, ' Icehunk' . He is strangely cold and handsome at the same time.

The name travelled far to the ears of the school's self-proclaimed Queen bee, No other person but Choi Dan-bi.

She looked at the picture of the godlike Yo-han on her screen, she was really captivated but she looked smug.

"What's so special about this guy, he doesn't look so ethereal to me, he is just like other average models... So what?", The people around believed to have heard her being indifferent but it sounded ironically.

"Dan-bi what do you mean... Are you saying he isn't so handsome, ....like not worth drooling over?" Dae No-Eul her sidekick asked, and that was the question every one wanted to ask her.

"He is just an ordinary guy, I really don't have anything to like about him." Dan-bi replied as a-matter-of-factly.

Somehow those people could see that she is just pretending, but they were convinced anyway, at least she had travelled all over the world so she would have met more people. They decided to continue drooling on there own.

Dan-bi only wanted to stay calm, she believed she had seen more handsome men and will not drool over this new guy, deep down she knew she was lying to herself, and she was actually anxious to meet him.


It was time for lessons to officially start for the day. The teachers had gone to take their classes.

Homeroom was over and the Accounting teacher was already in class. After two minutes of lectures, The principal, a middle age man with protruding stomach, walked into the year 2C classroom after he barely knocked on the door. Behind him was the godlike Yo-han.

After excusing himself, The Principal introduced him to the class.

"You all will be having a new classmate" Turning to Yo-han, "Introduce yourself".

"Hello, my name is Yo-han, Park Yo-han, it's nice meeting you all."

The girls were grinning ear to ear after finally getting his name, they all knew him already, he was the popular 'Ice hunk'.

Throughout the lecture period, he was thinking about how to make people to loose interest in him.

However, the year 2B class that contains students in the art department had not been convenient for Dan-bi, for a reason known to her alone she felt Yo-han would be classmates with her, she even dreamt of sitting beside him all the time, she waited for his arrival throughout the lecture period giving herself false hope, and unfortunately for her, he never appeared.

She could not concentrate in class and thus immediately lunch break arrived, she anxiously went to the other classes to find him.


Yo-han was about to leave for lunch when the class monitor Gye Sae-rom came over, by just taking a glance, it was clear that she had summoned all the courage she had in the world to approach the cold devil.

"H....hi... I am Gye.... Gye Sae-rom, the class monitor "

She passed him a folded sheet of paper that had all the necessary information he needed in school and her phone number in it.

"The teachers details and Contact information and a small time table draft for our class is contained in this slip, you can also find information about several extra curricular activities, If you need any help, please don't hesitate to contact me." Sae-rom forced the words out of her mouth.

"Okay, thanks " he replied.

She turned around and hesitated before walking to her seat, before taking the first step she heard him call.

"Well, I do need your help, Sae-rom." She felt really happy that he talked back to her. The cold air around him had warmed up a bit.

"Anything, I will be glad to help". She tried very hard to hide her joy.

"I need to find a friend called Sung Na-gil, but since I am new here, i don't know which class to look for so I had to ask." Yo-han said while standing up from his seat.

Sae-rom was stunned, disbelief filled her eyes, why will this angel like creature be friends with Na-gil?, Of all the guys in the school he was a crook, and also the ugliest of all, why will Yo-han be friends with someone of that Calibre.

Seeing her expression, Yo-han was greatly relieved, He had never met Na-gil but he needed his help to accomplish a task.

Well it wasn't really a task, it's a grand Mission, to Yo-han, it was something greater than saving the country's president from world class terrorists.

It was Yo-han's only reason for living, he would rather die than fail, he most succeed. After all he had been through in the past, it was finally time for him to kickstart the mission he had planned all his life. It was time to let the ball rolling.

Seeing the expression on Sae-rom's face he knew immediately that Na-gil is the right one for the job.

"Sae-rom..., Sae-rom" . He called knowing that she was lost in thought.

Sae-rom was still finding it hard to believe his words, 'Na-gil, Na-gil the gambler, he has no good features, he was dealt with after crossing a small mafia group recently, they even nearly chopped of his hands, he was lucky that somehow he could return what he stole from them, if not he would be maimed by now. That Na-gil is friends with Yo-han?'

"Are you willing to help me find him or not!?" He asked in his normal tone.

Before she could open her mouth, a voice called out.

"You wanna find Na-gil, I will help you".

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