

Gilbert_Umukoro · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


It's about time we took a deep breath, cleared our minds of distractions and faced the truth concerning who we are and aren't, what we can and can't do offline, and what we pass through in the actually and factual sense and not just some kind of heroes or stars that we claim to be online.

Online you are everybody's favorite, and everyone sees you as their idol. You wake up in the morning, wash yourself up and get dressed for the day's activities appearing smart, strong and sound, then putting on a smiling face before the world to see, and everyone thinks life is just perfect with you. Many say, "I wish I could be like this person." This is simply because they don't really know you, or know about you in the closet, and they've got no idea what you've been going through; they only assume that with the nature of your great social status, which they see on social media, you must then be at the top of the world. Ah! I wish they understood! Should they get to know what you're facing or what you are in need of, they would understand that reality isn't a role you play in a movie.

For a moment, take your mind off social media, or movies and the world of entertainment in general. Let's talk you, let's talk me, let's talk us. Let's have a reasoning together concerning this very life, your life in the secret, when you're alone, the challenges that you're trying to deal with in which the public is unware of. Are you happy with this life? Let's be honest with ourselves, are things going the very way we plan? Sometimes, when you sleep, you dream of big things, of how you find yourself living the life you always want, a life void of awkward circumstances and divers issues bringing heartaches and heartbreaks. Then when you wake up, opening your eyes, it only reminds you of how stuck you are in the real world of trauma and unbearable situations.

Someone said, "The greatest lies we always tell is, AM FINE." Technically, don't you think you have always been passing such false information to people and to yourself? When you are asked, "How are you?" Hardly do you answer, "Am not fine." What you do is smile and reply, "Am fine." But deep down inside of you, you know you are definitely not fine. Things are absolutely going contrary to what you hope, yet for the sake of people, for them not to ask you, "What's wrong?" And this they ask not with the intention of offering a solution. So, what's the essence of telling them about the fact of me not being fine when they won't even do anything about it?