
ch. 7 wave 2 and uzu

(AN: I'm going to be flashing through the rest of the training arc as to get into the better parts of the fic.)

Sitting on the couch Naruto was reading a book on seals as he waited for Omari and tazuna to get back, while tsunami was sitting on the other couch with a distant look and a large blush on her cheeks.. After waiting for a while he heard the door opening.

"Mom we're home!" Came the ecited shout of a kid knocking tsunami out of her trance while Naruto just stored his fuinjutsu book.

"We're in here!" Tsunami called back

"We're?" Came a questioning old voice.

Naruto and tsunami stood as they looked at the direction the voices came from. Watching inari and tazuna walk in a freeze Naruto grinned and greeted "yo, how's it been inari, tazuna?"

"Big bro that you?" Inari asked while tazuna just smiled and waved at Naruto

"Yup the one and only Naruto uzumaki." Naruto replied as he gave inari a hug.

"What you doing here brat you on a mission?" Tazuna asked while sharing a hug with Naruto

"Hmm oh no just stopped on my way, I'm on a training trip." Naruto replied

"I see so how long you saying." Tazuna asked.

"Not long just stopped bye to say hello then I'm going." Naruto replied

"So you can't stay for dinner?" Asked inari dejectedly

"Sorry inari but I only got a limited time, I got to get stronger fast." Naruto replied while ruffling inari's hair.

"Inari why don't you go tell your mom about school." Tazuna spoke while shooing him away

"But.." inari stated but was shooed away by the old man

After inari left tazuna asked "so what's the rush?"

Hesitating for a few seconds Naruto answered "there are some powerful people after me, I only got another year and a half to become an S-ranked shinobi." After speaking Naruto heard a snort within his head.

'Brat your a solid jonin at your base and you have techniques that can boost you to elite jonin. You also have access to as much of my chakra as you can handle, which I might add is 6 tails due to your masochistic training with my chakra that puts you on par with S-ranked shinobi.' Kurama stated

'Ya but whoever is the leader of a bunch of S-ranked rouge shinobi has to be as strong if not stronger than dad.' Naruto replied mentally while remembering the masked man his father mentioned in his fairwell letter. 'I wonder if it's him.' Naruto thought (AN: didn't write about that letter part I'll do a flashback later.)

'Growl, yes that cursed Uchiha who controlled me in my weakened state. If I was at full power than I'd have been able to shrug off his genjutsu but kushina tired me out with her seal before giving birth.' Kurama growled out.

"Don't worry I know you'll win your the hero of wave after all." Tazuna spoke while putting a hand on Naruto's shoulder and giving him a reassuring smile.

Nodding back Naruto just returned the smile before spending an hour with the family before leaving. Ariving at the beach Naruto looked off into the distance. "Uzu here I come." Naruto spoke with a smirk before taking off.

*a few days later*

Looking down at a map Naruto connected another small island with a line. "Let's see that giant island should be uzu." Naruto muttered while looking into the distance at a large island than back at his map. Getting up Naruto raced across the ocean before stopping before a bunch of large whirlpools that surrounded the island. "Yup this is uzu alright." He spoke while dropping some blood into the whirlpool. After a few seconds the whirlpool calmed down and Naruto ran through the path and landed on the main island. As a glint caught his eyes he looked down to see a few old kumo, Kori, and iwa forehead protectors along with a lot of bones.

Sighing Naruto just walked further into the island coming across more signs of battles long past. Discarded kunai, swords, old vests belonging to chunin and jonin lay scattered around. Every now and then Naruto would find a forehead protector with the uzumaki spiral on it.

After a few minutes of walking he walked into a clearing with a large stone wall blocking his path. Walking up to it his keen eyes spotted the remains of barrier seals along with a few trap seals that were already activated. There were hundreds craters and thousands of skeletons scattered around the walls. Seeing only one uzu headband for around every 75 headbands a small sad smile crossed Naruto's face as he thought 'I knew uzu had only around a thousand active shinobi while a total of 20 thousand shinobi participated in this attack. In the records it's stated that only 30% of the attacking force returned, but seeing this makes any thoughts of that being propaganda go away.'

'Ya your clan were monsters.' Kurama replied

Nodding Naruto followed the wall as he took in the sights of the environment. After a while he reached a large open gates. The gate doors open wide making Naruto narrow his eyes. 'Why are the gates open and only have minimal damage on them.' Naruto thought as he entered the village. Looking around he noted the destroyed buildings and roads. There were skeletons scattered around. Some were shinobi identified by their attire while others had civilian clothing. Sighing Naruto looked towards the center of the village. He saw a tall building reminiscent of the homage tower but a large part of it was gone. Getting closer he noticed a large and deep gash down on the ground while the tower looked as it was cut clean in half.

'This looks like it was done by a sword slash but this is way to big.' Naruto thought while the kyuubi just narrowed its eyes while looking at the damage.

Shrugging Naruto noticed that the door to the tower was closed. Raising an eyebrow Naruto went over to open it. As he placed his hand on the metal door a seal lit up. Before he could move his hand he felt a prick while the seal absorbed his blood. 'Huh a blood seal.' Naruto thought looking confused

After a second the door opened up revealing a pitch dark room. After a second of deliberation Naruto shrugged "eh fuck it." He mumbled before going in. After entering the door slammed shut behind him. "Oh shit fuck." He yelped before pulling out a tanto and looking around. Seeing nothing he let a bit of kyuubi chakra into his eyes as he looked around. Seeing a normal greeting room he slowly entered deeper in.

"Hello there descendent." A male voice echoed throughout the room causing Naruto to throw kunai out in every direction on instinct.

Only getting an amused chuckle in response naruto Narrowed his eyes "who's there?"

"Don't be so on guard young uzumaki I'm not the enemy." Sounded a voice from behind him.

Turning around Naruto was faced with the ethereal form of a man in his late 30's with long red hair. "I'm Arashi uzumaki the uzukage."