Days after, I assumed Yash had forgotten about the incident because he started talking to me, we fought too but everything was back to normal, I guess a little revenge plan can't disturb a good foundation. I was secretly happy, I had a new friend, for some friends one little mishap could destroy their bond, though ours wasn't pronounced it was clear, our bond was solid.
Having Yash as a friend had it peaks; when his mum asked him questions at home during exams, we were sure they would come out, so she started revising with us all, I guess she wasn't all that wicked after all, also teachers were always being nice to him for some unknown reasons and Yash never made us(his friends) feel left out. That was my road to bonding with teachers since I was among the best.
I started to feel lucky for having Yash, but suddenly all those emotions were cut short. One morning on getting to school, we met a letter on Kara's table from...😫 YASH! although the writings were wobbly and weird, I knew clearly it was a love letter. It read:
" Hey Kara, I've been noticing you for a while now and I want you to know you are special and are dear to me, I hope we become closer as time goes on"
Yours Only
The colour of my face drained off as soon as I saw it. I didn't want to get involved with Kara at least not yet, besides even though I knew it wasn't Yash's writing, what it meant was that someone wants Kara and Yash together. No one could know all of this from my face, I only exclaimed and laughed it off, though deep down I was mad at both writer and the letter. The letter was later destroyed by Ahji as she did not want this same calamity as the last.
I felt relaxed as I saw this, at least someone was still sane around me.😅
At the end of the first term, one of my Sophester; Fromeo( the one that liked Kara then) came to meet me, he asked if I had feelings for Yash and I replied 'why?', I couldn't just reply, I once wrote to Yash I liked his attitude but does it mean I like him?, I mean "Do I like him?" I thought. This moment was caught short when he told me that Yash liked me, I didn't believe it at first, I wondered if he really liked me, how come he didn't tell me, it definitely wasn't true.
I only said, "Okay, thanks for letting me know" before leaving, I needed to confirm, if Yash truly likes me he'll tell me by himself.
As soon as I saw him, I asked him " Was what Fromeo said true, do you actually....." I used my movements to complete the rest of the sentence, I wasn't bold enough to say it yet, but Yash just looked at me, thought for a while, and said "Later", then he left. I stood there wondering when later was going to come, I mean, what is stopping him from telling me now?🙄
Deep down I knew there was only one answer to that, he didn't like me, at least not enough to admit it to himself, he never showed it at the least.
This didn't stop me from enjoying my break, I went camping and I had fun I even decided to try my Help- strategy-love-plan there. There was this guy who attracted me there; Azy, though not emotionally or anything just err🤔 physically? whatever.
He was gorgeous, the plain-type gorgeous, he was also fair-skinned like Yash, but he was downright opposite, He had Dark blue eyes covered with long lashes, his lips were those of a baby's; so pure and attractive, he had the voice of a girl; very gentle and soothing and quite refreshing, when I first heard it, I looked at him immediately, and was like," who could that be?".
I didn't talk to him first instead he came to my aid when I needed him, and that was when the idea struck," If I could make him fall for me then I could melt the ice on Yash's heart." I smiled to myself after thinking of this, I know I wasn't being fair, but then again, who falls in love in three weeks?😏 It was just a game of chance it probably wasn't going to work.
Once we were asked to go fetch sticks and make fire, after setting up mine, an idea struck as soon as I saw him struggling; I decided to help him, I did this quickly and I returned to my position. While going back I heard him mention my name to his friend.
" This was a good sign," I thought, I once heard that if a guy mentions your name to his guy friends when they are both alone, it could mean three things" Either he just likes your name or he's talking bad about you or he wants to be known with you" any of which could lead to actually falling for you, depending on what you do next. So, I decided to take the next step, " try to be seen near him, but NOT with him"
For the last task at the camp, I decided to work alone, it was a task in which we could either work alone or with a group, we were meant to go to a selected part of the camp, identify a flower and see if we could draw them, when we did we could either classify alone or share with the class, the group who cracked the most plant were the winner. I wasn't really interested in this; agriculture was never my strong suit, so I just followed Azy's group and drew whatever flower caught my eye.
Luckily, I was not the only girl there, one other girl's group was right behind me, to me they just followed because of Azy, which is also why I followed but the intention for them was probably for Azy to like one of them or maybe even all, yuck!😖 I on the other hand was the exact opposite.
I went on drawing my flower but once or twice when I turned around I caught sharing gazes from the guys. Though my face was ripped off all emotions, I constantly bit my lip and blink my eyes, it made me look innocent, hehe. By the end of the exercise, some unknown group won the prize (a special dinner with the event planner) and I won mine too, one of his friends told me that Azy likes me, though it was the last day of camp it was a befitting gift, Azy did not come to me though, when we were leaving I overheard one of their talks;
" Go talk to her" "You might not see her again" and stuffs like that.
I only smiled at that, he was probably shy. Poor boy. If only I wasn't going to break his heart.
I left the camp happily with a renewed hope, "I can conquer Yash's heart .... and then break it."😝
Love ya,
See ya.
Is daisy going to see Azy again, well why don't we watch out for the next few chapters.
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.