
real or fake love

Lotus_2002 · Urbano
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real or fake love

One girl love with famous band boy and she is scared this love and she want get that love but she is love whole heart and she is never lose the boy maybe this not fate but she is make duo by Alloh every day . So this love become her fate from Alloh . Yes Alloh know we are love we arw heart and we have chance love or money . She is understand everything and she is select love and that love store begin her pray .

She was born large family she has four elder brothers and dady and moms . They are living poor cause her dady work teacher and always true person become to be penniless . But her family very beautiful she loves elder brothers and parents . She is growing friendly and some interovert so she has not more friend she always hide humans she did not want to be friend anybody but one day she met her first and only friend .again she is try more simle and she is feel life and school memorize she was became more friendly and cute she want extrovert and optimis chacarter . Acutally she has one dream she want be fashion deisgner . But her family oppose her dream and she lose her all dream and she become without dream but she was always stroger and she found new dreams she want treat people and she want more travel . She try learn medicine she want medicine student finially she is graude school but she do not enter univeristy and she cry more more she afraid cause she lose all dream . And she was gone her only freind home and she want smile for who her freind cause she is had won a grand to university . So she is stand and begin cry and her friend huge and say do not cry you are yet young and you try again you get the best also she is try again she try whole power but her dad say you need work I have no money your study and she was do not understant aynthing . Once month after she start work what work cleaned the market and she must clean toilet she was very sad she want cry but she do not want to fall and all day she stand feed she was very tired always she do not say about her work who familiy and friend. So she left work few month after and she gone course and she get best the course and now she do not want medicine university she just want get her world she want new life new world she try get far univerusty which city univeristeis also she was entered the university and her family do not able to study he she again must lose her dream . this time there is nothing left in him, neither a dream nor a goal, he is just alone and hopeless . She stayed one year at home she do not want go out . Again she try from the beginning aslo she won grand for univeristy which city univeristy suddenly she found new hope and she get her village her dark life but that not enter her dark life but one day she saw the person he loved all his life as her love famous artist handsome and most famous every girl to be dream she do not know about that she found herself from this love cause she want this true love she want will famous fashion designer and she want take back herall dream and she get more clever and beautiful all boy when watch her say ooh how cute how beautiful but she is not watch antybody that not her arrogance , cause there was no room in her heart for another man. She always ask Alloh this love is mine or not true or fake. days passed like this and Alloh give answer when she is see her love from telephone or anybody she feel his her whole love and their one day love each other she try go his county cause they are live different county not only county , different feeling, different character some day she understand their are not different their like some feeling and more similarities between. They are more and more like born for both ... I know this store what end this love from alloh alloh give the love at the girl and alloh want they are together this live and paradise that love not begining one day but continue until their go to paradise they go holding hands and say that this is true love

the store not end you are follow my love store this store about my real life

sorry maybe there is a mistake in my writing because it's my first time to write my story here, next time I'll try to work without mistakes

Lotus_2002creators' thoughts