

hello im Minerva. and im going to be talking about my life. well to start with I'm an average high school girl that loves a boy only one. ok I know you might call me stupid for loving only one boy and how love is a strong word but he is the only boy I will ever love I can't stop but want him to hurt my self for wanting to give up on him. but he is like a shot that you cant not drink .a candy that has been poisoned. a whisper in my ear. the tik to my tok .the key to my lock the ammo in my gun. the shovel to my rose . I can't live without him. he has a girlfriend Im to nice I can't help but feel that my heart is going to explode and be devoured by sadness as it has before I only want to love him is that so bad.

if you are wondering who in the world is the boy that I call him it is my beloved nick u he is very slim tallish and he wears glasses hair slicked back hair and is of a Spanish regen. I love his Iooks but love his personality is what I love most and when he smiles the whole world stops and I begin to cry because the smiles are not for me there for her the kisses the hugs the I love you's the nickname all hers not mine his girlfriend Lori's makes me feel dumb for loving him all's he does is leave me with nothing leaving me with scars marking my body that I hide on my legs. im i ugly im iIself-fish.

ok so please like and leave a comment I will reply no matter what I need to know what I need to change for you to like me.

Nisagamicreators' thoughts