
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

What This World Has To Offer

While Xelfia was reading her own book she had chosen trying to figure out what was worth points and what not, Xilo was finally getting to the useful information of his book as well but he was instantly able to count it as points seeing as he made the rules and knew the pool of knowledge that would count. Was it cheating? Probably. But it didn't stop him.

"Velkeran is a giant mass of land that spans a surprisingly small part of the planet they were on. The rest of the planet well unconfirmed is believed to be filled with endless water with no end in sight.Though it could very well be proven wrong one day. But no one has attempted to try such a thing because it simply is a tedious amount of effort and time that might end up with massive failures or unknown dangers. The continent we know today though is split up into 11 major countries with thousands of subservient places in them."

Reading that the world was otherwise filled with water was a shocker to Xilo. He hadn't even seen or heard any such bodies of water yet. Though to be fair he hadn't traveled much yet. "Who knows, Maybe one day my goal could be searching unknown places for new land. Sounds fun discovering new things. Although with the way the book worded it, it may be something impossible or pointless even." with that he ended his thoughts and moved on to continue learning. If one day such an option ever came though he would think about it then but until then it was just a what if.

"The foremost and central continent otherwise known as the strongest powerhouse's related to the Astral Path is known as the Dracal country. It is said that in this country the highest peak of the Astral Path swarm there for one reason or another but the biggest compelling reason for most of them and the Dracal Royal Family's strength is the famous Astral Zone located in their capital city known as The Glacial Plains. This Astral Zone is known to the world and everyone as the biggest and most useful place for any Astral Keeper across the world.

Well he did end up finding something slightly useful information with the knowledge of Dracal's Astral Zone in the end it was just mid-tier information and something he didn't really need or care about to the point where he could almost classify it as low-tier information. But he kept it at mid-tier for the competitions sake. "Maybe I might win by just one point, now that would be something, Haha." Laughing he slightly stretched out his body to take a short break from all the reading he had done. When he was younger he would always do something similar when his Healing ability wasn't as strong as it was now so in essence he was just enforcing a habit but it was nice for him regardless.

Turning to look next to him he watched Xelfia read her book for a couple of minutes before she looked up herself and locked eyes with him upon doing so.

"How's it going?"

"Good, you?"

"Just fine, just a little break that's all."

"Do you really have the confidence to be taking a break Xilo? or are you just asking me to beat you"

With a smile Xelfia began to talk with him as well also forgetting that it was a competition and joined him in his break. Xilo didn't care though it just made him happy to spend some fun time together as they talked and continued to grow closer. Even if his win was on the line. Xelfia wasn't of such thoughts though instead she really did forget about competition until after 20 minutes of speaking Xilo finally mentioned it to her again causing her to remember.

"Well back to reading I guess. Are you ready?"

"Huh? oh."


"Nothing, nothing yep I'm ready!"

With that she turned back to her book and started to read from where she had left off after Xilo began distracting her.

"One of the other perks of the Transformation Stage is that it finally unlocks your Elemental Energy. Element Energy is a different type of Astral Energy that is based on your personality. For example if you're a Hot-blooded type or quick to get angry you will generally have the Fire Element as your element or vice versa if you're a calmer person you'll have a Water Element type. Oh, so that's how it works, Though I have two Elements...is that normal?"

Reading more brought her the answer thankfully.

"There are also some people that have more than one Element depending on their personalities of course and how strong of a trait it is. While these types of people aren't exactly rare they aren't common either and even if you do have a couple strong personality tendencies it doesn't mean you'll get two Elemental Energy's nor does it give bonus strength to an individual directly for having two types. I see, so I got lucky then I guess."

She really was right in her decision to learn more information about the world from a Library. Well she may have learned quite a bit in her time and from experience it was nothing compared to a lot of the things she had read already and she was just getting started really. There was still a lot more to learn and figure out. But instead of getting scared of such a task she enjoyed it instead because this was going to be useful for her and Xilo in the near future and the far future as well hopefully and thinking that brought a beautiful smile to her face that unfortunately Xilo ended up missing because he was too immersed in the legends of Valkeran and the other countries of the world.

"Ahaha, ahh...The days I've spent with you so far Xilo have truly been exhilarating. I hope they never stop."

With a dreamy look in her eyes she went back to reading so she could hopefully win the competition he had set up and reach her goal of such a bet.


Thank you for reading...

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