
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs


He always knew his teeth were sharper than normal and even experimented with them a couple of times in his childhood but he never expected them to be this sharp. As soon as he bit into the wolf's neck his teeth surprisingly met no resistance at all. It was like he bit into nothing at all, which of course resulted in the Wolf instantly dying afterwards due to the major loss of blood and the ability to breath properly.

Looking down and watching all the blood seeping out of the wolf with its flesh in his mouth he finally felt all the tension and adrenaline leave his body. What he felt at the moment wasn't just exhaustion though. He felt excitement and a wild hunger for what was in front of him and that scared him a lot more than the thought process of killing a living thing. you could say he even felt numbed to the death of it and he had no idea why. He really thought he'd definitely feel something besides just a small sense of disgust towards himself for killing it but for the most part it left him unaffected which based on things he had read before and few times he'd even mustered up the strength to talk to people about it.

He knew it wasn't normal to be like this but rather then delve into it, he thought it was probably better, as this way he didn't have to worry about feeling too discouraged or grossed out from killing for creatures anyway.

What he was scared of the most though was the intense feeling of excitement and hunger he felt when looking at the Wolf's corpse. Maybe he was a lot more hungry and exhausted then he thought he was after that encounter but something was telling him that wasn't the case here.

"What to do, What to do."

His voice echoed throughout the evening forest where it was slowly getting dimmer and dimmer as time went by. It was slowly getting late so he knew he had to decide what to do about this feeling fast or else he wouldn't arrive back at the Fiery Clan at a suitable time which could get him potentially punished for not being there.

"My body feels like it's screaming at me to eat it though should I just listen and do it? it shouldn't bring anything negative with how i'm reacting I hope...."

After a couple more minutes of thinking he decided that he might as well try and see what happens even if it might not be the smartest thing to do. The worst that could happen to him was that he might get sick and that was pretty easy to deal with.

Though the best that could happen is something that wasn't a negative but he'd just have to wait and see. Paired with the hunger ,exhaustion and slightly being out of his normal state of mind after his first experience with fighting and struggling to survive led to him not being 100% which also affected his decision.

Taking the wolf by the head he started moving the Wolf's body out of the Myriad Forests zone so the smell of blood wouldn't attract anything too dangerous to his location because at least outside of the area if anything came attacking it would be a lot easier to deal with compared to the things in the Myriad Locked Forest

"Haaa huuuu hhaaaa"

Getting his breathing in check he walked as fast as possible. Along the way he started to look around in the forest and noticed the night starting to seep in through the leaves as the remaining light danced across the ground shocking him. The forest was beautifully coloured at day with a rainbow of colours swirling through a wide spanned area and sunshine peeking through it. Making it hard not to be seen as a beautiful place but at night it was truly a breathtaking scene to behold.

The leaves grew brighter the darker it got and started to be illuminated by the darkness. Unable to be held back, the darker the light shone through persistently as if not wanting to give up. The patterns on the ground became more vivid with the shadows.

With the slight wind and the shaking of the trees they started to feel alive. Most of all though this place was a solitude and there was no one ever around giving it a calming atmosphere that matched perfectly with the environment and scenery. it was a calming and serene sight that made you want to blend into the background and forget about your troubles.

Relaxing and peaceful were truly the best ways to describe it.


Unconsciously without Himself realizing it. A gentle warm and pleasant voice that was like a warming fire on a cold night leaked from his mouth. Upon Hearing his own voice though it shocked even himself because even he didn't know he could sound so gentle. The little amounts of time he did talk his voice was always cold and unfeeling like a thick ice wall that would never waver or crack. He had tried to not sound cold like that before but maybe he just didn't practice enough or maybe he was heartless because he could never get it to sound as gentle and natural as he just did.

After his voice sounded out he woke up from his daze from staring at the vibrant forest around him and continued walking out of the forest to get to a safe area even if it was slightly regretful to leave this luxurious sight behind at least but at least it created a very deep and impactful memory that would never leave him again.

Its impact was just that strong whether it was his gentle voice or the things he saw packed with everything that happened today it was bound to be an unforgettable moment whether he liked it or not.


A small chuckle escaped his lips as he thought about the events of today and how he would reminisce about them in the future and all the feelings they brought along with them. But what He didn't know was when he was leaving this forest and basking in the sight of his surroundings. A small lizard like creature was slowly stalking and observing everything he did and every way he acted small or big. But of course he couldn't ever possibly notice that now or even later he was just simply to weak and imperceptive to realize it.

Finally reaching the exit of the Myriad Locked Forest he took one last deep breath and took a foot outside once again after his long long day of work....

Well here it is, I'm such a Spoiler. Though this helps fit

with my plan of released chapters which is the bigger reason why.

Sometimes it's nice to just bask in memories.


Thank you for reading....

NoNamesLeftcreators' thoughts