
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

To His Surprise

Finally after what felts hours or days had passed by he had finally started to feel his consciousness return though he was still extremely groggy and pain rain through him all over still. Slowly over time he became more and more awake while more sensations came back to him until he finally started to be able to feel again. Though he couldn't exactly open his eyes just yet. The thought that came to his mind with this realization was.

"I'm not..dead?"

He was absolutely sure he was going to do this time around when the beast he had never seen before showed up and sneak attacked him while being way stronger than him. With his mind racing he tried his best to recall the events that happened just before he passed out and suddenly remembered at the end just before he was going to die a women showed up and attempted to save him even.

"Looks like she saved me in the end."

That being said, he still wasn't too keen on the idea of being saved but he was still thankful because if not his stubbornness would of got him killed this time around.

"Damn it, what was that thing?"

He really had no idea what the thing that attacked him was or where it could have of possibly come from. From all the books he had read and all the times he explored the Myriad Locked Forest he never once seen or read about any kind of creature like that living in that area. Let alone how strong it actually was.

"That thing had to be at least Transformation Stage or above."

He knew there was stronger stages then Transformation out there but he didn't know how much or what they were even called. Hell that Bear like beast was definitely the strongest thing he'd ever seen in his lifetime. Even the Fiery Clan leader wasn't as strong as that beast was and he was almost positive the Clan leader was somewhere in the third stage of the Astral Keepers. Though the truly strongest person he'd seen now though was that mysterious women who helped him.

She stopped that beast in its tracks with her Astral Energy alone and didn't even look like she was trying to either.

"Brrrr...if she was my enemy I'd be screwed."

The only reason he lived was because the Beast that attacked him was playing around with him and enjoying tormenting him but he had a strong feeling that women wouldn't do something similar and would of just ended it in an instance if the positions were reversed for them.

"I wonder if I'll ever get to see her again?"

While he didn't want her help it didn't mean he didn't want to try and repay her and thank her for what she'd done. But without evening knowing her name and her appearance at the time because he was sitting on the edge of passing out it would be incredibly hard to find her again and that's not even considering her strength compared to him. If she was some prominent figure he had absolutely zero chance of finding her again and with her strength she most likely was unfortunately.

With him in his state of barely conscious now and still fully recovering his senses it had probably been over an hour since he first became aware that he'd woken up. Though the pain definitely wasn't going down anytime soon. Thankfully his body helped massively with the process of healing him and waking him up or else he might've ended up in this state for months easily. With him gaining Astral Energy his body had gotten more and more abnormal over time as well and started to even improve his healing ability and making it slightly tougher over the course of his training. Which in turn was a huge gain for him because he needed every little advantage he could get.

Though it felt like hours to him though. In reality it was a whole entire week of being unconscious and staying in one place the entire time. Finally, with his sense of touch being the first to completely return compared to the beginning where it was there but not there he finally felt something strange touching him. it was something soft and squishy but he had no idea what it could possibly be.

"What even feels like this?"

He didn't know if he was still in the Myriad Forest or not but if he was he would of probably died already from being undefended so his most likely guess was that he was brought to a shelter for safety and to heal. With that thought in mind, it was probably a bed he was lying on. Since he never experienced a real bed before he had never known how soft and mendable they could be which ended up confusing him a little bit especially with his sense of touch out of whack after not feeling things for a long time.

With that in mind he decided to move his head around the little bit he could to find a more comfortable position. That is until he heard something above him.


A Woman's voice echoed softly and faintly directly above him and the second he heard that he little jumped in surprise in his head and mustered all the energy he could and flew his eyes open only to end up staring at one of the most Beautiful faces he had ever seen.

She had long bright vermilion red hair with a few streaks of golden dirty blonde peeking out here and there that went down past her shoulders and slightly got in her face at the moment because she was looking down. Her eyes were similar to his except they were golden in colour and had less sharpness to them with more coldness. With more thin eyebrows currently arched up slightly along with a small dainty nose. Coupled with her thin lips that were curved into a smile that was 100 times better then his or any other he had seen he was stunned. though the way the curved upwards on both sides looked slightly mischievous like she was enjoying this moment a lot with him and also blatantly countered her more cold features, along with her white skin that looked like she had never seen the sun. She was the most attractive person or thing he had ever seen even if he compared her to the first time he had seen the sight of the Myriad Forest at night. It really couldn't compare and although he couldn't see the rest of her body he knew it was probably just as perfect.

While he never gotten a good look at her when she appeared for the first time. She had to be without a doubt the women that saved him but that brings up the other question of why was she still here and why'd she do it. Though he didn't have much time to think about it because as soon as he opened his eyes and stared at her for a couple of seconds she finally began to speak.

"So you're finally awake boy, I've been waiting you know and it isn't polite to make someone wait."

Here she is in all her glory.


Thank you for reading...

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