
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

The Final Test

Yawning Xilo opened his eyes as he looked around the room. "Must have fell asleep again." Rubbing his eyes he looked down at Xelfia who was peacefully lying on his lap awake.

"Enjoying yourself?"

"You could say that yes, I just didn't want to disturb you. I hope you don't mind."

"It's fine but we should get moving now."

"ha...I understand"

With a bit of reluctance Xelfia pushed herself off of Xilo at a slow pace almost teasing him while Xilo watched on shaking his head. "Last room then we are out of this place finally." He still felt worried to leave but at the same time his mind and body were also screaming at him to finally get out of this place. "Well whatever comes, comes." Thinking that he followed Xelfia and got up himself. Getting up herself Xelfia felt something jiggle in her pocket. Reaching down to see what it was she pulled out a small crystal that was in there.

"Oh yeah I picked this up didn't I. Well you can keep it for now Xilo."

Saying that she handed it to Xilo to keep for now. They would figure out what they were after they got out.

"Ahh, thanks."

Grabbing the crystal he shoved it into his pocket where the rest were being kept for safekeeping. "I wonder if the last test will give us anything or not." With that thought lingering in his mind he walked towards the exit along with Xelfia right beside him. They both were still a little tired but at least now they could keep going for a little bit longer and thankfully the injuries they had would heal after leaving this room. He didn't exactly know how these rooms worked but at least they both didn't have to worry about injuries to a certain extent.

Traveling down the corridor they walked in silence until they eventually reached the end. Pushing through to the main room they were greeted with the familiar sight as the flames above the final path changed before their eyes indicating they had finished the requirements. Turning to Xelfia he stopped walking.

"Are you ready?"

"Are you worried?"

"...Whatever is on the other side of that path won't be easy. I just want to make sure you are prepared."

"I'm fine Xilo, But if you really want to know I'm more worried about you than anything else."

"I'm fine as well. Let's get going."


She wanted to say something else but Xilo didn't hear her as her voice silently cut off as she started at his back. "Are you really okay?" They had both been through a lot so far and even she was barely hanging on so could Xilo possibly be doing any better then herself. "Doubtful." But if he said he was fine then she couldn't do anything but watch over him and make sure everything was okay to the best of her ability. Following along she checked over his body multiple times while she caught sight of the icicles still sticking out of his wrist. "Idiot...." Whether she was talking to Xilo or herself though she didn't really know.

Arriving in front of the door Xilo held his hand out while Xelfia followed as they entered the pathway. Eventually making it to the end Xilo tensed up as they saw the exit. "We passed all the others so we can do this one too. No need to be worried." Trying to push his worries away he held up his hand and pushed it onto the door. Seeing Xilo so tense Xelfia stealthy slipped her hand onto his and smiled while she pushed forward for him and before Xilo could react or say anything they were sent to the other side.

As the room lit up around them they stared and took in the sight before them before anything could happen. With 8 pillars surrounding the room it was probably the size of the other two main rooms. Each pillar was lined across the walls with two on each side and a little bit of room to hide behind while the floor beneath them was separated into six different chunks that were aligned with 3 on the left and right side with small holes in each line. Lastly there was a giant statue almost half as tall as the room sitting at the very end as if it guarding something.

"Look there."


Looking to where Xelfia was pointing Xilo also saw a small spirit silently hovering in the air near one of the corners that seemed familiar.

"What is that doing here...."

"I don't know but stay on guard."

Just as she finished saying that the room around them began to rumble as things began to change. Looking at the statue at the very end they both watched as it started to become alive. The stature was similar to the human except it had horns on its head with two large spiked teeth that dropped out of its mouth. If he didn't look at its head though it was practically human with nothing else different about it even it's clothes but that didn't matter as it grabbed two blades out of the sheaths on its sides and walked towards them.

"I guess this is what we're fighting."

"So It seems."

But Just as he was thinking it was slow he blinked for a second and opened his eyes to see two blades almost directly in their faces. "Dammit." Panicking he jumped to the left side while Xeflia jumped to the right. However when the attack landed The lights flickered as Xilo and Xelfia went blind for a second before the light became back as the statue was right in front of Xilo again.

"What the."

Taking of guard Xilo was forced to block instead of dodging but even that was enough as he was sent flying back towards a pillar unable to protect himself in time. Not Just watching from the side as soon as she could see again Xelfia rushed up to the statue to grab its attention the best she could.

"Are you alright Xilo?"

"Yeah just taken by surprise a little."

Grabbing his chest he stabilized himself as he got on his feet while pain coursed through his body. "I didn't expect to have that happen again." Shaking it off he approached from the side while Xelfia distracted it and tried an attack of his own.

"This is going to be rough."

Seeing how little damage he did he could only let out a long sigh as his fist struck its back.