
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Royal Family's Influence

Staying far back with the merchant, Seli was having a casual chat with her as she made sure she was safe. "Looks like it's over." Hearing the sounds of fighting calming down she brushed up her hair as she walked towards the group. The ground was covered in bodies and destruction from all the fighting. In the midst of it all stood four people, three of which huddled around one laying on the ground. Everyone else that was alive had already ran away from the area or died. All together there were only six of them left standing here now.

"So you really want to keep going with this even with everyone gone?"

Talking to the merchant beside her, Seli wanted to confirm something.

"Of course, those people need this and with you five I'll be fine."

"Even the man over there eh?"

"Wasn't his fault, we both know that. Our attacker was responsible for all the damage and death. I will not blame someone else for that and right now I don't have the luxury of choice. I'll take what I can get currently.

Not saying anything else Seli and the merchant arrived next to the girls. Standing over Xilo the three of them held their breaths as they waited for him to do something. His blades were slowly retracting but that didn't mean they had won quite yet. Waiting a minute they watched as his breathing calmed down as he opened his eyes. Blankly staring into the sky, Xilo didn't know what was happening as three faces entered his vision. Some sense returned to him as he registered each of their faces. Before he could say anything though he felt his body being tackled by all three of them.




"Oh so you don't remember, quite convenient if you ask me."

Standing over their huddle of hugs Seli cold voice broke through their atmosphere pulling all the girls back to reality. Scanning his body they made sure XIlo wasn't badly injured before checking their own injuries out. His blades were also gone now it seemed, once that was done they all picked Xilo up. For the most part he seemed okay however he was extremely tired. That could be fixed quite easily though. Once he was standing Xelfia took the chance to explain what happened to him. Spending a few minutes doing that, Xilo sat in silence as thoughts spiraled around in his head.

"The man called himself Zelfin I think but I'm not sure. Either way he should be dead now or crippled to the point of no return at the very least."

Hearing the name Zelfin again Xilo flinched as he spoke.

"He's not dead, far from it probably. That man is built like a wall that refuses to fall. This little defeat isn't going to break him..probably going to make him stronger instead. It's just the kind of man he is. However who's....Yilel?"

Trailing off towards the end, that name stuck in Xilo's head like a thorn.

"Hmmm, what'd you say?"

"Ehh nothing."

Looking at the four women in front of him Xilo didn't know what to say after that. His words got stuck in his throat as he stared at all of their smiles. "They know." It was hard to deny it anymore and now they had all figured it out. If they wanted answers though then they were out of luck. Xilo was just as lost as them when it came to that form besides a few things. Frozen in fear Xilo didn't say anything else and neither did they. It felt like a hurricane of emotions was swirling inside of his own head until one calm voice quickly dissipated it.

"Well let's get going, we don't have time to waste standing around. If we want to help make the delivery on time then we need to move fast. We can have a talk while we travel if that's what you want but this isn't doing anyone any good."

"Seli's right, I'd like to arrive somewhat on time if possible. Let's get moving now, oh and if you want you can just call me Felian."

Turning to see Seli with her back to him Xilo was shocked for a second before agreeing. Out of all the people who he thought would say something first he didn't think it would be her. Breaking out of all their trances they went back to the carts. This time they all stayed next to Felian as they all talked with each other. Watching the trees pass and move along with them Xilo was the first to speak up.Now that they were all relaxed it was a lot easier.


It was one of the few times he had said those words out loud.

"Sorry for what exactly?"

Again it was Seli who spoke up first.

"I lost control of myself and nearly killed a lot of people. Even scared off the ones were still alive. This situation is my fault."

"You're an idiot."

Hearing such a sudden reply from Seli, Xilo was taken aback.


"I kinda agree with her there Xilo."

"I also agree with Xelfia and Seli."


Hearing everyone call him an idiot Xilo felt his body deflate.

"You can't control other people's actions, no matter who you are."

"But he came here for me!"

"So what, that might have been his primary reason but it wasn't his only reason either. I happened to have noticed an interesting badge on his chest as he was fighting."


"It was the symbol from the Royal Family. Whether or not you were here, that man was coming to stop us all. I don't know how he knew you were here but at most you just influenced his decision of where to attack at best."

"That doesn't make any sense though..He isn't a part of that clan."

"People change as you very clearly know. I don't know how he got ahold of information about this but no use complaining about it now. Quit feeling sorry for yourself and talk with the women who are worried to death about you instead."

Hearing those harsh words Xilo couldn't disagree as he turned to Xelfia, Relia and Tearia right beside him. These were the people he needed to talk to. No matter how scared he was, things had to be said and it was fair they knew.

"The person he called a monster as you all know is me, I don't quite know why but every once in a while I turn into that….thing. It all started when I was younger back in my home clan."

Starting his explanation he talked about all he knew about it as he poured his heart out to the three of them as Felian and Seli silently listened. With time passing they were soon entering the second night of traveling and had almost arrived. Doing his best Xilo tried to get everything off his chest that he could. It was quite a long ride for all of them and this helped at least pass the time.


Thank you for reading...

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