
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Real Terror.

This time around since he didn't have to worry about any sneak attacks anymore for good he charged full throttle without a care in the world. Running past branches and leaves scattered on the ground as he dashed into her range. Raising his fist up he punched it down on her vulnerable shoulder where she had some damage near from before.


He ended up hitting her again near the same spot but he ended up also getting hit in return in his own shoulder because he ended up failing to block while attacking her. Over the course of his training and fights he never really blocked any Astral Beasts attacks except on a few occasions because after a certain point most things in the Myriad Forest stopped being a challenge to him anymore. So in favour of honing his attack he started slacking on defense and just relied on his more sturdy body instead.

"What a mistake."

Due to that he ended up failing to block the counter of the Nature spirit and ended up getting rammed in the shoulder himself.


A Sharp pain ran down his right shoulder where he got hit all the way down to his hand making it slightly numb. It was still usable of course but it definitely wasn't gonna react the way he wanted it to.

After exchanging blows he quickly backed off once again and distanced himself from her. The Nature Spirit was completely different from all the fights he had experienced before. Compared to this, those fights were child's play. He needed to throw her off guard slightly and aim for her shoulder again. It was a weak point for her now after taking so much damage there a moment ago and if he hit her again just right he could probably get an opportunity to rip her arm off and give him the edge he needed. Having said that landing a hit he would need a slight distraction to gain the time to do that.

"Hmm..guess I'll kick her and knock her off balance."

Stepping forward he got in range once again.

This time around he started of with his opposite hand and tried to kick her to distract and knock her off balance. Bringing his right arm forward he went straight for her gut but this time around she was slightly more wary of him and attempted a full guard against him this time. His fist traveled towards her stomach but he quickly side swept her legs with his leg and quickly changed his punch to a grab so he could punch more easily before throwing her. Thankfully he caught her off guard this time and slightly swayed her giving him the perfect chance.


Snarling he brought his left arm forward and hit her once again.


A miserable shriek echoed once again through the vacant territory in response to her getting injured even further. But this time he didn't bring back his fist after hitting her. Instead of that he opened up his palm and coated it in Astral Energy and grabbed the top of her shoulder and pulled with every last ounce of strength he had in his arms and body.


Her arm struggled to stay connected as it slightly stretched out and tearing sounds began to come from it.


Coupled with her groaning and wiggling in pain. All it sounded to anybody that could hear it would be hell on earth. The Nature Spirit Was suffering immensely under the pressure of her arm slowly being ripped off from her. But she couldn't do anything about it unfortunately. She was the King Of The Forest for her whole life and never experienced losing or suffering this amount of pain. So in return, feeling something like this for the first time completely caught her off guard and threw her into a complete state of panic and while lacking a response to such a thing.

In her eyes all she saw was a boy with the scariest face she'd ever seen smiling happily with his fangs slightly gutted out while glaring at her with his sharp eyes filled with darkness and excitement as he slowly enjoyed the sounds of her suffering while pulling her arm off.


With one last shout he mustered all he could and pulled at her arm once last time. Luckily for him that was the Nature Spirits last straw. Her arm completely got torn off her body while her insides that were surprisingly green and plant like splatted everywhere on his arm and face.



Though after finally ripping her arm off he became slightly unguarded and weak. While the Nature Spirit finally caught up with the situation after wailing in pain and pushed him off her with whatever strength she could muster. Thankfully for her he was off guard so it ended up succeeding but at this point she didn't have much energy herself either.


Catching himself after being pushed back, he turned to look at the now absolutely despairing Nature Spirit and slightly caught himself. It wasn't because she looked upset or angry at him that he did or the fact that he hurt her so much unlike his usual cleaner kills. What made him stop and take a breather was the fact that he had actually enjoyed ripping her arm off.

"This isn't me.."

Even though he enjoyed it for a quick second it definitely wasn't something he really enjoyed or wanted to do in the first place. Some other part of him was relishing in that feeling. Not him. Coupled with the times he had felt like this before and the other things that had happened to him. It was beginning to scare him more and more.

"What exactly am I and how much will it make me feel sick just even thinking about it?"

He was starting to feel scared of himself even and that definitely wasn't a good sign. He always knew he was different yes and he had experienced things before but now it was happening more often and become slightly stronger in certain scenarios like now and it was scaring him more and more then ever before.

"Don't run From it."

While he was thinking this he heard a slightly old and faded charming voice in his head that slightly calmed him down and even slightly helped bring him out of his daze slightly. But as soon as it appeared it disappeared. He had no idea where it came from or who it was. Shaking it off he quickly got himself out of his whirling thoughts of self destruction

"Though this isn't really the time to be worried about something like that right now really."

Bringing himself back on track he turned to look at the furious Nature Spirit that was still slightly scared of him. Now was the time to finish her off and finally beat the king. Afterwards he could explore the world more and learn more about everything he needed to know but that wouldn't happen until he beat the king.

"I'm sorry, though I don't ask for your forgiveness.

Who he exactly said the speaking to though whether the Nature Spirit or himself he didn't exactly know.

Something a bit different. I really liked this fight hoped you have all so far. Title is on purpose also I ain't forgetting. same words different meanings c:


Thank you for reading...

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