
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

Ravenous and Icebreaker

"What's wrong?"

He thought she would have been happy that he had found what she was looking for. Instead though she seemed upset about it almost like she was disappointed. Waiting a moment he let her examine it a little more until he heard the soft sighing of her voice as she tossed the ring back to him with little energy. Catching it he tried to see what was so seemingly bad about it but he was at a loss. Slipping it on his left index finger he heard Tearia's explanation.

"It wasn't what I thought it was but it should still be useful to you. From what I can tell it holds a bit of Astral Space in it that anyone can use however it looks like it only has enough for one or two uses depending on how much you use."

"What did you think it was at first?"

"Ah just something similar to my necklace. Let me show you"


Staring at her chest he wondered what she meant by that. "I wonder what it is." He had thought it was just something for show to wear however it seems it wasn't the case at all. Standing up he offered his hand to Tearia as he looked around the room at the assortment of weapons. He had largely ignored it before but now hearing what this ring could do from Tearia he was interested to see if anything else was similar in here and if possible maybe even get something for Tearia.

Walking up to one of the walls filled with swords she grabbed a sword and waved it in front of herself with Xilo watching before it disappeared into her necklace. Watching a bit of shock surface she smiled happily as she made it reappear. Summoning it back she put it back on the wall since it wasn't of any use to her being just a plain old sword. If she wanted anything from here it would have to be a little more unique. If not she would just continue with the way she had already.

"It's a storage device, pretty handy right?"

"Yes certainly...however"

Pointing to his bag he wondered why she never offered to carry anything before.

"Why did you never carry this stuff."

hearing that in response she froze for a second.

"Uh,uhm....I forgot?"


Leaving it at that, Xilo didn't care too much about having to carry his things as he looked around the room. "I could use one of these myself." even if they were weaker then the things he could use it was useful to have something he could instantly use and rely on that wouldn't hurt him in return. The idea of holding weapons like these had turned him off at first but now he had grown more attached to the idea.

"So if you got a lot of space can you carry everything in here?"

"If I really wanted to yeah but that's a lot of junk to have."

"True, let's pick some of them then and keep them before we check upstairs?"

"Sounds good to me."

Picking their own sides of the room Xilo stayed by most of the swords as he looked for a weapon while Tearia headed towards the more ranged options like bows before realizing that she wasn't really suited for them. "You need two hands for most of these weapons." Without much use of her right arm she couldn't do much. She wanted to copy her Grandmother's style a little bit but it looked like that wasn't possible. Scouting the walls she looked for anything that caught her eye that could be held by one hand before she saw a slight glow of a blade on another wall.


Shuffling over to it she heard the faint sound of Xilo humming in the background as she approached the weapon. It was a metal rod that was as tall as her almost and had a curved blade sticking out to the side of it. "A scythe is it?" Looking at the black Skulls that lined the top of it while a purple chain curled down the rod she took a hold of it as a flash of Yellow sizzled around the red metal blade. "Interesting." Taking it off the wall she felt her energy getting sapped from her a little bit as more yellow came to life in the form of familiar lightning on the edge of the blade.

"it's using my Astral Energy as a form of power. I didn't think many weapons like this existed."

Feeling the weight of it in her hand she looked at the red blade as a name appeared on it before her eyes. "The Ravenous, fitting name." Swinging it around with her arm she got a feel for the blade as more lightning was sucked out of her before blasting the ground it hit. "I could get used to this." Feeling quite pleased with the scythe she turned towards Xilo as she ignored the rest of the weapons only to see him staring at a long double bladed weapon with a gap in between that was entirely blue in colour besides the hilt that was red as well.

"Another one eh?"

Looking at the blade Xilo felt himself stuck to it like glue as he couldn't tear his eyes away from it for a second. It was the first time he had felt like this staring at a weapon but he just didn't want to put it down. It was different from his usual daggers he used but he liked it nonetheless. "It's a bit of a weird weapon but I can see some use from it especially if it's using my ice the way I think it is." Pumping some ice energy into it he felt the gap in the middle of it fill in as the blade expanded into something as thick as his body but he still didn't have trouble carrying it.


Looking at the name that appeared on the blade Xilo read it as his attachment for it grew. "The Icebreaker. Ha something I'm terrible at." it wasn't a fancy name or even a fancy looking blade besides its oddities but he liked it. It was simple and sharp looking with a calming aura that could send chills down someone's spine just from looking at it. To him it was a perfect match compared to everything else in this room.

"Find something you like as well Xilo?"

"Yeah, yeah I think I did."


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