
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

Prove Your Worth

Felli's mind went blank as she processed what Lexia asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Felli was extremely afraid of the answer she might receive but she had to ask. This wasn't some casual conversation where she could make mistakes. If complete understanding and proper communication wasn't established, then this could get tricky. One wrong thing said with a slip of the tongue and this could get really ugly fast. Calming her heart rate, Felli gave each word Lexia said her full attention. Seeing the shock Felli received Lexia bit her lip. "Figures." It was the most reasonable response for this kind of situation. She couldn't blame her entirely even considering her position.

"What if I asked you to help fight in the...war this Country might face soon. Would you be prepared? Would your friends that are sleeping right now be ready? I'm not going to say it's guaranteed or anything but it's not completely out of question. Cestrin is getting much more aggressive and at some point they will attack. My....hus..the King loves to claim he has everything under control, sadly I know that's not the case. We're waiting to be slaughtered at this point… and all of the people here are just pawns."

Felli gulped down a lot of saliva with difficulty.

"...Can't we just run?"

Tilting her head Lexia wasn't offended by her reply at all.

"Of course you could, there's nothing here that's forcing you to stay. You have zero obligation or attachment to this place. It's just some place you'll eventually forget. Everyone's deaths and lives, what do they concern you about? They don't. It's simple, it really is....it must be nice. For the rest of us here though, that isn't an option. Border control has been upped and people are being forced into recruitment everyday. This world hasn't seen a war this big in a very long time and it's about to experience a nasty wake up call."

Lexia knew the continued effect this would have on the world regardless of the victor. Power balance would shift, more routes would open up and the schemeres would come out to play. Once the war happened this world would never be the same as it was before. You had to be kidding yourself if you believed that it wouldn't affect you by not being a part of it. "Ignorance is bliss..or so they say." The power to know things was what could potentially stop further damage, Lexia refused to fall into that trapful mindset. "I won't stand by and do nothing." That was something she was doing for her own sake, not anyone else's.

"Like vultures every other Country surrounding this place is currently waiting to see the results. Then they'll come swooping in picking up any scraps they can get. Potentially causing even more fighting....and all for what? Because human's and Astral Beasts are to stupid to set aside their differences? That they'd let their long lasting grudge destroy this world from the inside out? It's so unbelievably frustrating and I feel powerless. There's only so much I can do by myself. Which is why when I went to see Katrin I asked for help. Without it, I think I would drown all alone."

Felli fell completely silent, she didn't know what to say. Thinking that hard about something, worrying so much about others. Wasn't something she was really accustomed to. She may have been the Daughter of the Queen but she was never forced to take care of the Country. "One day though...I'll also be the Queen." Her Mother would force it onto her one way or another and what then? Would she be able to handle all of this responsibility like Lexia? Will the world even be the same when that time comes....Will she be all alone when that time comes? Before either of them could say anything the sound of footsteps entered their ears as a figure came into view.

"So this is where you've been, I was worried about you, Felli. I couldn't sense you inside the house at all."

"Oh..Xilo, hello."

"Hello Xilo."

Swapping glances between the two ladies Xilo shook his head as he tried to sort his thoughts out. He had just happened to overhear their conversation and with how serious it was he didn't want to butt in. Once Felli hid in her shell though he didn't really have a choice in the matter. "So Lexia thinks this war is that serious." Xilo was sure Katrin felt the exact same, that was probably why she sent the strongest people she trusted that could help here. "If we're the strongest she trusts...this place is screwed." A devilish smile crossed his face as he sat next to Felli and stared and the water crashed against the grass.

"So you think the world will change drastically because of this war and want our help eh?"

"So you were eavesdropping on us Xilo."

A bit of scorn leaked into Lexia's voice when she heard Xilo bring up what they were talking about.

"Not intentionally, no. However this kind of stuff also involves me you know, so you should talk about it with me and not just Felli. Feels kind of scummy to go about it that way, don't you think?"


"Meh, either way. I don't care. Every decision that I make is something I'll decide for myself and to be blunt. I don't give a damn about this place, I'd kill if it came down to it but like you said. This place means nothing to me. I'm not going to just risk my own life and the lives of the people I care about for that. Even if Katrin tells me to, so don't go begging her for any favours."


"Let me finish."

Holding her tongue Lexia stayed silent, Xilo's tone got even colder as he spoke. If he didn't get this point across then it was pointless. He wouldn't be used as some killing machine for the hell of it. "Those visions can stay in my dreams." He had already dreamed about his slaughter more than enough, making it a reality wasn't his goal. "I also won't completely abandon them either." If he just ran and hid then what kind of person would he be? It was two very conflicting emotions and opinions. For most it probably didn't make any sense why he was like this but oh well.

"Just how it is."

Turning to Lexia his eyes lit up in flames.

"If you want any of our help, prove to me it's worth the trouble. You have until they attack, show me and everyone here why it's worth fighting. If you fail well, then so be it."

Lexia felt a shiver travel down her spine, it had been a very long time since she felt some form of emotion similar to this.


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