
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Power Of Influence

Walking down the streets Xilo looked at the buildings that lined the streets while walking down the street. He thought they may have been overwhelmed by the amount of people, however Xelfia seemed to do quite a good job keeping most at a distance. "She's a lot stronger than the last time I saw her." No matter how many times Xilo tried to scan her energy he couldn't get a read on it like before. "She hasn't told me either." It was something he would have to ask her when they had a little more free time. Until then he did his best to navigate the streets looking for the place Zilan told him about.

"This is what I was looking for before."

The Dracal sent out requests around the world looking for materials since they were too busy to do it themselves. For the most part this place could be used by anyone as long as it was for material collecting but on rare occasions other things slipped in but usually went ignored. It was also a massive trading area that anyone could use. "Simply put it's a hub for business." He already knew that though so he wondered why Zilan thought so highly of it and even recommended it to him.

"Guess I'll find out."

Seeing the building described in the guide for it coming up, Xilo felt a tap on his shoulder as he stopped, Tearia was standing behind him with a slightly tense look while she tried to get his attention.


"What's up Tearia?"

"I know you probably want us to come with you but do you mind if I take these two here somewhere else?"

"That's fine with me, any particular reason why or just don't feel it."

"I realized something this morning and I kind of want to change it. It won't take too long."

"Alright but you know you don't gotta ask me for these kinds of things right, just do what you want."


Not even bothering to say anything else Tearia grabbed Relia's hand as she tried to get Xelfia to follow her. "It's time to try on clothes." Smiling to herself she had a whole world of fashion waiting for her and the girls. It was something she wanted to do for a while and after walking out of the inn in very similar clothing that was Tearia's breaking point. "I'm also worried about Xelfia." This country wasn't known for its greatest treatment of Astral Beasts that took on human form after all. Watching the girls walk off so quickly Xilo wondered where they were going as he rounded a corner while traffic began to converge on him again.

"Well no matter, better be quick though."

Not wanting to get lost in the sea of people he rushed towards the Dracal's Hall. It was a red stone building with patterns of Flames across the whole thing signifying a long lost bird Xilo had only heard of recently. "Turel." A fire bird long lost to this world nowadays and Dracal's Symbol that represented them no matter where they went. Entering the doors shaped like crossed wings Xilo was greeted with a big circular room filled with people wherever he looked. He thought he might have seen some fighting but for the most part everything looked fairly well ordered. "Can't mess around in this place too much." The consequences were too much for most to handle otherwise.

"Looks like I need to wait in line."

Seeing all of the counters full, Xilo stepped towards one of the lines at random as he felt multiple pairs of eyes converge on him for a couple seconds before retreating. "Being evaluated already, great." He wasn't even here for longer than a minute and people had already begun to judge him. It made him slightly sick to think about that as the line started to dwindle down. "It seems like someone has a little too much interest in me." Most eyes had left him once they had checked over him once but one set in particular refused to leave his body. No matter where he looked he couldn't find it either leaving him in the dark.

"No matter."

With the constant wave of people Xilo tried his best to keep his cool as he made it further down the line. There were only a couple more people in front of him until he was at the front. "Let's hope this goes well." With a few more passing only one more man was left in front of him. He wore slightly dirty clothes and he seemed quite impatient from Xilo's guess since he never stopped tapping his foot the whole time he was in line. "Wonder why he's so impatient." Listening in as he the man talked to the woman at the counter Xilo sighed.

"What do you mean it's not ready yet, this was the time I was told to come."

"I'm sorry, you'll need to give us more time sir. There's nothing else we can do to speed it up."

"Fucking useless."

Hearing the man swear at the poor woman, Xilo felt a little annoyed. "Mishaps happen, deal with them." Thankfully the woman did a good job handling the situation as she told him about all the details. "She knows what she's doing." Staring at her short black hair, XIlo admired the way she took control of the situation as the man stomped his foot in frustration before backing off not even caring about the scene he was creating. Spinning around Xilo wasn't paying enough attention as the man didn't even bother to move out of the way as he forcefully pushed Xilo aside venting his anger a bit.


A slight silence overcame their area as the people looked for a good show. Unfortunately for them they were left disappointed as Xilo dusted off his clothing and let the man walk away without saying a word. "A real nice guy eh." Staring at the man's back as he walked away Xilo stopped holding up the line as he walked to the counter and stared at the black haired girl behind the counter. "Decently pretty." Taking note of that he waited for her to say something.


"Hello, I'm guessing you're new here, or do you have previous experience?"

"Nope, brand new though I have this."

Looking at the new face up and down she was about to pull out a piece of paper before she got handed something. Noticing the silver haired man's action she grabbed the small letter as the words Zilan entered her ears. Pausing for a second at that name she grabbed the letter and opened it up as she looked up at Xilo again. "So that one sent someone our way." Closing the letter she rang a bell under her desk as she waited for someone else to show up. Zilan wasn't a name that just anybody threw around for fun around here and with his signature as proof it wasn't something they could ignore. This was still a first for them though from Zilan. They had received plenty of recommendations before but never one from Zilan.

"Right, wait here for a moment and someone will be here to take you to a private room. Sorry for the inconvenience Xilo."

"All good."

Hearing his name being said he was slightly surprised but he assumed it was probably on the letter.

"Seems Zilan's more popular than I thought...or powerful."

Got a little busy today, sorry, :c


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