
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

One More Time

Her arms transformed into a beautiful set of silky wings that were created entirely out of rose coloured flames. Their scorching heat raised the temperature of the room as her legs morphed into a set of razor sharp talons that threatened to crush anything she could get her feet on. A beak extended out of her face while her eyes turned deep blue with flaming eyebrows. Completing her transformation Azalu let loose a wild cry into the air that ruptured the entire City's ear drums. "Finally, freedom." Absorbing all of the memories from all the other lives stored in Relia's body Azalu relished in the feeling. In essence all the voices in her body were the same. At one point in time they were also people just like her and Relia.

They had lived their lives at one point until they eventually died. "They were reincarnations." The souls of one person stacking infinitely with Azalu's being the original. Each soul after that was carrying a small portion of her own soul with them and handed it to their next life. Passed down between hundreds of lives they constantly reincarnated and fought for supremacy. Most of those takes overs would end up killing the original owner and the souls inside though with a few very rare cases where it would succeed. Each new life let Azalu's soul grow more stronger until they reached Relia eventually. "An oddity beyond any other soul I've seen." She unlocked powers that no one else did and was able to talk with Azalu, letting her soul grow at an accelerated rate.

"In that process though she also corrupted all those other souls causing them to become a "monster" A being full of vengeance that wanted nothing more to escape from the prison they were put in. With them all gone now Relia has finally achieved the silence she always wanted, haha....and I've finally taken control."

With a giant smirk the flaming bird looked down at the Queen as she talked to herself.

"Don't worry Relia, I'll use this life you gave me well."

A small part of her expected a reply from Relia to come any second before realizing that would never happen again. Letting out a cry of excitement Azalu shattered the entire roof above her with her voice alone as she dove down straight into the Queen. "I'll at least fulfil my promise...as compensation." Watching a giant winged beast flying straight at her the Queen tried to do something to defend herself. In front of Azalu there was nothing she could do, locking down the Queen's powers Azalu grabbed her by the wing and floated up into the sky. Holding her tight she blocked out the sun entirely with her body as flames spread everywhere. Way above the capital city Azalu looked at the Queen from above as she turned towards the place the cannon below was aiming.

"So people still know what those Astral Zones do even after all these years....It seems not everyone back then was a complete idiot after all. Sadly, it seems they didn't pass everything down properly. War machines created to destroy anything that opposes them at any moment, controlled by one person alone....that man. If I remember his name right he should be called Dusk. That name ring any bells, little girl?"

Oxygen barely reached the Queen's lungs as she tried to process what the giant bird was talking about. Searching through her memories of those stories she read she tried to recall if she heard any name being mentioned with Astral Zones. She didn't remember anything similar to that so Katrin just shook her head no. She couldn't use any of her power no matter how hard she tried nor could she speak. her head was constantly spinning being around such intense power, it was leagues above hers and no matter how much life she used she would never even reach close to that kind of strength. "What the hell is she?" Searching through her memories Katrin remembered one species that was awfully similar to the bird before her.

"...What was its name again?"

Given zero time to think about it, Katrin heard Azalu's powerful voice one more.

"If you know nothing about him then they probably tried to erase his existence entirely. No one wants to be remembered for creating such a being after all. Normally I really wouldn't care about stupid things like that but that man...Dusk."

Hatred and grief filled Azalu's voice as she remembered that man. He was the person who ended her life thousands of years ago. "The king of demons, the bringer of a new race. Dusk. such fancy titles for such a pitiful man..." The hatred he carried consumed everything no matter where he met. Even being near him could cause someone to instantly go insane if they weren't careful. "I wonder why he hasn't destroyed this world though..." Someone as powerful and full of hatred as Dusk was most likely to do whatever he wanted. "Oh well, just gives me another chance to defeat him." At one point in her life they were friends. Both unique species that were hated by most others and feared for their powers. They were the strongest people in the world.

"Until the day I tried to defeat him….."

Dusk was the first person she had ever let herself trust and she had paid a heavy price for it, her life. It was something she had regretted her entire time as a soul, trusting someone other than herself. All she knew now was that she wanted her revenge and another chance at being number one once more. Gripping the Queen tighter in her hands, Azalu relaxed her body before she accidentally killed the Queen. Deciding what to do about her inside her mind she let her flames fly around the city, landing anywhere they pleased. "I guess that could work." Injecting flames into the Queen's body she burned all the Astral Energy inside of her until she reached the core. Once she was there she placed a seed of flame inside of her that constantly burned the core in her body. She didn't quite cripple her but she stopped her from ever being able to generate Astral Energy ever again.

"Seems like a fitting punishment for you. If it wasn't for Relia though I'd have already killed you so be thankful."

After saying that Azalu dropped the Queen entirely as she disappeared into the distance, with her in control now there was no longer any reason to stay here after completing her promise.

"Goodbye everyone..."


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