
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

One By One

After being lowered to the ground by the Platform all of them jumped off as the arena below them changed into an open space filled with patches of trees for cover and a few small mountains. There was enough cover to hide yourself for a small amount of time if needed, just not enough to hide forever. It also allowed the audience that was above them to see everything with nothing getting in the way. Touching the ground with their feet the crowd cheered as the event began. None of them rushed out as they scouted the couple thousand people that filled this area with them. "All of them are our opponents." Xilo really felt overwhelmed by such numbers as everyone got into position.

"Do not go out on your own trying to attack people, I assume you all know this but attacking anyone right now is suicide. Let the others widdle down the numbers first. After that we can make our move and no matter what keep an out for Laven's groups."

After Xilo told everyone that he received a nod in return from each of them. Right now there were too many people to make any kind of first moves. "No one else has moved yet." He could hear the announcer starting the competition from up above but no one down below listened. This was a game of patience, they were just waiting for someone to lose now. It didn't take long as one person got cocky and walked up to a group nearest to him. Everyone watched the lone man take them all on as Lightning burst around his body. Filled with energy he jolted towards the group of five people as he dashed through each one. Punching each in the stomach he knocked them all out at once as his lightning bounced between their bodies.

"That's an out folks, looks like it's begun!"

The only way to be eliminated in this event was to be knocked out or give up. The two big rules were to not kill your opponents on purpose or use outside resources that weren't your own strength to win. Apparently they had used another system in the past using badges to help with outs but it was soon stopped. People wanted this to feel like a real fight and with badges in place it never did which is why it was like this now. "A real experience." Not many people here would have that so they were the first to get hunted. After that man finished his attack he didn't go to any other groups instead he just sat there calmly as chaos started all around him.

Someone from the Queen's staff swooped down to pick up the unconscious people as swords clashed and Astral Energy flew everywhere. With over a couple thousand people to take down and a limited time to do it everyone didn't bother wasting time anymore. Watching someone get stabbed in the leg and knocked out a little bit away, Xilo felt pain for him. If not treated right that person might not walk ever again. Looking behind him at Tearia's arm he let that worry pass as an almost equal sized group finally approached them.

"People are coming, get ready."

Everyone tensed up as Xilo called out to them. "They have a couple more than us, don't seem to be from Laven's side either." Silence filled their group for once as the other group fired off an attack without saying a word. A large water ball the size of a person flew towards them from their backline. It wasn't just that though, next came fire and then earth. Quickly Sarin Threw up a wall tall enough to block their attacks with the help of his brother. The two of them stopped all of their ranged attacks with ease as a couple of the men in the front rushed forward. Xelfia placed herself in front of two of them to stop them with her fists alone while Relia and Marie helped her out.

"Ready Xilo?"

"Right behind you."

Running around to the left and right side of each group Xilo and Zilan flanked their side after making sure the girls would be alright. Tearia watched them disappear as she created a spear in her hands. Testing it's weight she felt it crackle in her hands as she aimed it at one of the people trying to attack them. Raising it up she hurled it directly at the man. He blocked it instinctively only to be flanked by Xilo and stabbed in the shoulder. Tearing through his body Xilo quickly knocked him out before he moved on to his next target. Tearia created one more spear and did the same for Zilan as they broke through their backline like it was nothing.

"Easier than I thought it'd be."

Smashing the two men's skulls together with her bare hands she made them take a nap. With them out of the way she made her way to a strong woman nearby as water travelled along her body. Sharpening it like a blade she grabbed it and slashed at the woman who did her best to fight back. Her Astral Energy cut right through her opponents sword and armour without much challenge. Defenseless now ,She casually knocked her out as this group fell into chaos. They thought they had found easy prey with smaller numbers, but they were wrong. With so many people passed out Xilo and Zilan's groups made quick work of the rest of them and backed away for their bodies to be collected.

"Good job everyone, one group down and we did it pretty fast."

"Yeah, just remember those people were weak even with large numbers. Do not let your guard down because of that, the longer we last the more tough it'll be."

Hearing everyone's agreement, Xilo and Zilan still didn't rush out recklessly. They stayed and waited for the next group to try and attack them. Meanwhile hundreds of people were being knocked out by the minute. Everyone that looked weak or had small numbers was immediately ganged up on. Except for a few people in the arena that no one approached even though they were alone. In total there seemed to be around twenty or so of them who stood all by themselves without caring about everything going on around them. Xilo almost thought they might have been referees for a moment if not for the fact they knocked out the brave ones who decided to get close in seconds.

"Who are they?"

"Probably some of the strongest people here today."

Looking where Xilo was looking, Zilan saw quite a few people he recognized.


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