
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

Not On Time's Side

Jumping back and forth Xelfia was absolutely lost on what to do now. "She's not letting me get close." She had tried a couple times now but her attacks always got more intense whenever she made any progress "Xilo...no I can't just rely on him." Stopping herself from needing Xilo, she decided to try and find a way to get out of this situation herself. "I don't have anymore vines in the ground but they might work however I think she's prepared for them now..." Going through the list she created in her head she struggled to find her best option.

One by one she flicked a lightning bolt towards Xelifa, keeping her at bay. "I need to keep an eye on the boy and the ground." If she failed to do either of those things she might end up the loser in this match so after getting a feeling for Xelfia's movements she slightly decreased the power again to help let her concentrate. Fighting while keeping up a giant wall of lightning wasn't easy for her to do and with multiple distractions or unknowns one mistake could cost her life. "I still need to beat the living hell out of them after all." Dying wasn't on her list of things to do just yet. She needed to get stronger.

"And yet even with how strong I've gotten now, those bastards still seem unreachable." Feeling her lightning lose control a bit she dropped her thoughts and refocused again. "Right, more important things to do now.....wait." Looking around she felt something was slightly off but she didn't know what. "Water should be useless here mostly but if she doesn't know about it." Slowing down her dodges she felt water building up slowly around her while she let it soak into the ground small drips at a time. "So much harder than my vines." Seeing the differences between the two she was slightly shocked by the changes that happened and how much more of a struggle it caused her to use Water.

"Weird.....well just a little longer." Slowly a ball of water formed underground that grew bigger with time. "I'm no good with tricks or stealth soo....this is my answer, for now at least." Maybe it wasn't that creative but that was never her forte in the first place. So taking some advice she learned from Xilo a while ago she used the environment to her advantage and now all she needed was just a tad bit more time before she could use it.

Her plan was simple, move the water under that woman's feet and expand it rapidly causing the ground to shift under her. It wasn't something many people used due to how difficult it was to control your Astral Energy inside of objects so most at her level wouldn't watch out for such things but with her vines and after spectating Xilo's fight against the Astral Spirit in the Myriad woods and listening to his advice she had started practicing this quite a bit. "I would have ripped off one of its arms if Xilo didn't back then...Damn thing." Remembering that fight still gave her slight anxiety even if she was always there to protect him.

"This should be enough..."

Whispering under her slightly rugged breath she made sure to dodge when she could as felt the water levels finally reach a good point. "Now to just..." Silently grasping her fingers she moved it forwards, towards her opponent while jumping. Avoiding a bolt of lightning she crushed her hand in the next second as the ground began to rumble slightly before breaking apart. "The boy"s doing?" Feeling the ground beneath her, her thoughts jumped straight to the boy again as she saw cracks starting to spread below her. "Not good." She was too close to the cliff currently so she needed to move instantly or else she might be the one to end up falling into that sea of beasts below them. Stepping aside at the last second she stopped firing attacks as she backed away from the cliff side trying to gain distance from it.

"Of course." Not longer after that she felt Xelfia begin to charge at her after she stopped. She readied another blade of lightning as fast as she could but it was getting harder to control lightning at this point. "Dammit, This fight is going on too long." Now she was starting to feel a slight panic set in herself. "Looks like I can't risk this anymore, If I get hit so be it. I'll just have to hit back harder." She knew Xelfia's attacks weren't normal for someone of her strength but now she was at the point she couldn't avoid it. If she lost control of her Lightning it would be some serious damage to her in the long run, prolonging her goals. She was an impatient woman when it came to her goal.. It had already been years and was still going to take even more years so she didn't want to add anymore to that if possible.

"Maybe I shouldn't have accepted this job." Feeling a little bit of regret she created a blade the size of a sword that sparked somewhat uncontrollably as she lowered the strength on her Lightning wall and slashed at Xelfia again slower this time around. Watching her attack, Xelfia didn't care as plants crawled alongside her left arm that she used to help block the attack while she moved in close for her own attack. "Not this time." Feeling pain cut into her, she ignored it as she punched towards the woman's stomach as a wall of lightning formed in front of her body to protect her. "Of course she can do this." Seeing that wall she ignored it as she decided to smash through it to see if she could.

"Worth a try." Feeling her fist tingle, it ran up her arm quickly before disappearing as the wall smashed into pieces. Smiling at the result she continued on with a little less power as she watched the world slow down in front of her right before her attack happened, while the woman smoothly side stepped it suddenly. "Huh...?" Confusion overcame Xelfia who was a little baffled by the what just happened but she didn't have too much time to think about it as she felt a blade dig into her back along with a bunch of Lightning energy. "Dammit, I had to use it." With some sweat dripping down her forehead she felt her body become exhausted for a second as she slashed down for a second time onto Xelfia's defenseless back. "I hate using that." Her Ability was an incredibly exhausting thing that drained her of energy but in return slowed things down around her for a quick second, so besides its few niche uses like there she refused to use it unless necessary.

"Crazy woman, Actually trying to break through that.."

"At least this should be it." Looking at Xelfia on the ground she wiped the sweat starting to build up on her face while she raised her Lightning Blade up and stabbed down onto the ground where Xelfia was. "Sorry about this..." Feeling some guilt like always she pushed down as hard as she could while her body flinched.


A bit late cuz i got busy, sorry :c


Thank you for reading...

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