
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Making Herself Known

The sword filled Lexia's vision everywhere she looked while the ground began to split apart. Cracks began to spread out from it wildly without stopping. Bodies began to fall into them as they vanished into the abyss. Lexia felt her panic grow as each body disappeared from her sight. If the cracks kept this up eventually she would be next. Trying to move once more Lexia wiggled her arms and legs just to try something. "Maybe Astral?" With her attempts to move still not working she created some energy that immediately fizzled out leaving her hopeless. She could only watch on as a spectator to her very own demise.

"Is it absorbing the blood in this place?"

She saw blood trails flow into the sword as it greedily sucked up any blood it could find, even her own. That was the last thing she saw as the cracks finally reached her. Forced to accept her fate she shut her eyes as she felt her body free itself and fall into the air. "I guess I'm dead." Once she hit the ground she would be completely crushed with zero hope of survival. She didn't even know how she got into this position or why it was happening. Just a moment ago she was beside Xilo and now she was about to die, it all felt surreal. In the dark cold cavern Lexia fell for what felt like an hour until finally she hit the ground.

A loud thump blasted in her ears as her back screamed in pain. Letting out her voice she could feel herself beginning to cry as she tried to endure the pain. "I'm...alive?" In disbelief that she managed to survive such an extreme fight Lexia opened her eyes with what little energy she had left. It didn't mean much but getting an idea of where she was for the best. At first pitch darkness was the only thing she saw as she looked around. "Darkness." Looking around she felt goosebumps run along her arms as the sword she spotted above ground was now directly in her face. Staring at the metal her eyes travelled up the blade to the hilt where something new appeared.

"What's that?"

A small circle was placed right above the hilt, staring hard at it Lexia felt like something was off about it. That circle didn't feel natural, it felt like it was pulsing with energy almost like it was alive. "Weird.." While she was thinking that she saw the circle open up and reveal an eyeball that stared directly at her. Its large white pupil was filled with a dark red flame highlighting in silver. Screaming at the sight Lexia felt her mind collapse as she heard shouting from afar. Looking upwards she saw her husband and Cestrin's King beginning to argue while Xilo held her tightly.

"Lexia, are you alright, finally awake?"

Noticing her eyes opening up and her fever going down, Xilo tried to make sure she was okay. It had been a few minutes since she had passed out and he was a bit worried. The two kings had begun to bicker back and forth after their little talk and Xilo was growing increasingly worried they would fight at any moment. If lexia wasn't able to move around then escaping might've been difficult. "This is who she wants me to fight for?" Seeing Landal lose his entire composure, Xilo had more and more doubts about helping this place. It seemed like it was already headed for destruction at this rate.

Looking around the area Lexia could feel that sword looking at her even though it was nowhere to be seen anymore. "Was that a dream?" She had no idea what she just saw or how she could even explain it. "It felt way too real though." It honestly felt like it was real and she was actually there. The sickness she was feeling just a moment ago and all the pain had vanished into nothingness though leaving her confused. Leaning her body onto Xilo she tried to steady her breathing and assure him she was fine. From the looks of it he was quite worried for someone who wasn't even a friend to him.

"I'm fine Xilo..thanks for helping me out."

"What just happened to you? Your body spiked in heat and you passed out. Has that ever happened before in the past?"

Lexia tried to think if something like that had happened before.

"A few times recently I've gotten random surges of sickness but nothing ever as bad as this time around. I'm probably just way too stressed out this time around with everything going on. I'm really sorry I worried you like that."

"No, it's fine. As long as you're alright that's what matters. Though it looks like the Kings have just started to fight each other. Cestrin's king mentioned Landal surrendering and then he broke out into rage, completely losing his earlier composure."

Stretching her body Lexia sighed as she looked at her husband. "I should step in." She knew that him figuring out she was here wouldn't be good but if Landal kept going then they might seriously start fighting right here. If that happened then they were guaranteed they would win. "A fool, losing your cool over something so small." Shaking her head she jumped the railing as she waved at Xilo to stay where he was. This was something she would handle on her own and she didn't need him getting involved. It would just make things more complicated in the end for everything.

Landing on the ground many eyes turned to the unexpected presence before quickly looking away. Most people tend to ignore the Queen nowadays because of Landal. Rolling her eyes at their actions she didn't care, she never became a queen to be respected or honoured. Walking right up her husband she made zero attempt at hiding herself now. Energy gathered in her hand as she shouted out loud at the idiot currently talking up a storm. Startling everyone there, even Cestrin's king himself, Lexia smiled as she made her presence known.

"Hello everybody, it's nice to see you all today."


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